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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
Chapter 13 How the Dwarfs Refused to Be Taken in第13章 小矮人的拒绝
Tirian had thought - or he would have thought if he had time to think at all - that they were inside a little thatched stable, about twelve feet long and six feet wide. In reality they stood on grass, the deep blue sky was overhead, and the air which blew gently on their faces was that of a day in early summer. Not far away from them rose a grove of trees, thickly leaved, but under every leaf there peeped out the gold or faint yellow or purple or glowing red of fruits such as no one has seen in our world. The fruit made Tirian feel that it must be autumn but there was something in the feel of the air that told him it could not be later than June. They all moved towards the trees.蒂莲曾经认为——或者是,如果他有工夫思考的话,他可能会认为——他们大家是在一个小小的茅草屋顶的马厩里,大概十二英尺长、六英尺宽的光景。事实上,他们是站在草地上,头顶上是深远的蔚蓝天空,温柔地吹拂他们的脸的风,乃是初夏一日的风。离他们不远处有一丛树木,枝繁叶茂,但在每一片叶子的下面,微微露出金色的、淡黄色的、紫色的和火红色的果实,在我们这个世界里,可从未见过这样的果实。果实使蒂莲觉得必定是秋天了:但空气里某种感觉得到的东西告诉他,时令是不会晚于六月的。他们大家都向果树走去。
Everyone raised his hand to pick the fruit he best liked the look of, and then everyone paused for a second. This fruit was so beautiful that each felt "It can't be meant for me... surely we're not allowed to pluck it."每个人都伸出手来摘他最喜欢的模样儿的果实,接下来每个人却都停顿了片刻。果实是那么美丽,使每个人都觉得:“这不可能是供我享受的……一定不会允许我们摘取的。”
"It's all right," said Peter. "I know what we're all thinking. But I'm sure, quite sure, we needn't. I've a feeling we've got to the country where everything is allowed."“没有关系的,”彼得说道,“我知道我们大家正在想什么。但我深信,我深信无疑,我们是无需顾虑的。我有一种感觉:我们到了一个一切都允许我们享用的国家了。”
"Here goes, then!" said Eustace. And they all began to eat.“那就吃吧!”尤斯塔斯说道。于是他们大家都开始吃苹果。
What was the fruit like? Unfortunately no one can describe a taste. All I can say is that, compared with those fruits, the freshest grapefruit you've ever eaten was dull, and the juiciest orange was dry, and the most melting pear was hard and woody, and the sweetest wild strawberry was sour. And there were no seeds or stones, and no wasps. If you had once eaten that fruit, all the nicest things in this world would taste like medicines after it. But I can't describe it. You can't find out what it is like unless you can get to that country and taste it for yourself.这是种什么样的果实?可惜得很,没有一个人能把它的味道描摹出来。我能说的只不过是:同这些果实比较起来,你所吃过的最新鲜的葡萄就显得单调乏味了,汁液最丰富的橘子就显得太干了,入口而化的梨就显得又硬又木了,最甜的野生草莓就显得酸了。这些果实没有籽,没有核,也没有黄蜂。你一旦吃过这些果实,从今以后,吃世界上一切最美妙的东西都会觉得味同吃药一样。但它的味道究竟如何,我还是描摹不出来。除非你能够到那个国家去亲口尝一尝,你是没法儿知道它的滋味的。
When they had eaten enough, Eustace said to King Peter, "You haven't yet told us how you got here. You were just going to, when King Tirian turned up."他们吃够了果实,尤斯塔斯对至尊王彼得说:“你还没有告诉我们,你是怎么到这儿来的。蒂莲国王出现时,你正要说下去。”
"There's not much to tell," said Peter. "Edmund and I were standing on the platform and we saw your train coming in. I remember thinking it was taking the bend far too fast. And I remember thinking how funny it was that our people were probably in the same train though Lucy didn't know about it -"“也没有多少可说的,”彼得说道,“爱德蒙和我正站在月台上,我们看见你乘的火车正在进站。我记得我心里正在想:火车拐弯拐得太快了。而且我记得我心里正在想:多么希奇古怪,我们的人可能都在同一辆火车上,尽管露茜对此一无所知——”
"Your people, High King?" said Tirian.“大国王,你们的人?”蒂莲问。
"I mean my Father and Mother - Edmund's and Lucy's and mine."“我的意思是指我的父亲和母亲——爱德蒙、露茜和我的父母。”
"Why were they?" asked Jill. "You don't mean to say they know about Narnia?"“为什么是他们呢?”吉尔问,“你的意思可是说他们认识纳尼亚?”
"Oh no, it had nothing to do with Narnia. They were on their way to Bristol. I'd only heard they were going that morning. But Edmund said they'd be bound to be going by that train." (Edmund was the sort of person who knows about railways.)“不,这和纳尼亚毫不相干。他们是在去布里斯托尔的途中。我在那天早晨才听说他们要去那儿。但爱德蒙说他们非得坐这班火车不可。”(爱德蒙是那种熟悉铁路运行情况的人。)
"And what happened then?" said Jill.“然后发生了什么事?”吉尔问。
"Well, it's not very easy to describe, is it, Edmund?" said the High King.“呀,这可不容易描写,爱德蒙,你说是吗?”
"Not very," said Edmund. "It wasn't at all like that other time when we were pulled out of our own world by Magic. There was a frightful roar and something hit me with a bang, but it didn't hurt. And I felt not so much scared as - well, excited. Oh - and this is one queer thing. I'd had a rather sore knee, from a hack at rugger. I noticed it had suddenly gone. And I felt very light. And then - here we were."“不大容易,”爱德蒙,“压根儿跟上回不同,上回我们是被魔法从我们的世界里拉出来的。但听得一阵可怕的喧哗,有个东西砰地打了我一下,但没有伤着我。我觉得大为吃惊——也觉得兴奋。噢——那是件希奇古怪的事情。我曾经膝头很疼,打橄榄球时给踢疼的。我发觉疼痛突然消失了。我感到十分轻松。接着——我们竟到了这儿啦。”

Chapter 13 How the Dwarfs Refused to Be Taken in

Tirian had thought - or he would have thought if he had time to think at all - that they were inside a little thatched stable, about twelve feet long and six feet wide. In reality they stood on grass, the deep blue sky was overhead, and the air which blew gently on their faces was that of a day in early summer. Not far away from them rose a grove of trees, thickly leaved, but under every leaf there peeped out the gold or faint yellow or purple or glowing red of fruits such as no one has seen in our world. The fruit made Tirian feel that it must be autumn but there was something in the feel of the air that told him it could not be later than June. They all moved towards the trees.

Everyone raised his hand to pick the fruit he best liked the look of, and then everyone paused for a second. This fruit was so beautiful that each felt "It can't be meant for me... surely we're not allowed to pluck it."

"It's all right," said Peter. "I know what we're all thinking. But I'm sure, quite sure, we needn't. I've a feeling we've got to the country where everything is allowed."

"Here goes, then!" said Eustace. And they all began to eat.

What was the fruit like? Unfortunately no one can describe a taste. All I can say is that, compared with those fruits, the freshest grapefruit you've ever eaten was dull, and the juiciest orange was dry, and the most melting pear was hard and woody, and the sweetest wild strawberry was sour. And there were no seeds or stones, and no wasps. If you had once eaten that fruit, all the nicest things in this world would taste like medicines after it. But I can't describe it. You can't find out what it is like unless you can get to that country and taste it for yourself.

When they had eaten enough, Eustace said to King Peter, "You haven't yet told us how you got here. You were just going to, when King Tirian turned up."

"There's not much to tell," said Peter. "Edmund and I were standing on the platform and we saw your train coming in. I remember thinking it was taking the bend far too fast. And I remember thinking how funny it was that our people were probably in the same train though Lucy didn't know about it -"

"Your people, High King?" said Tirian.

"I mean my Father and Mother - Edmund's and Lucy's and mine."

"Why were they?" asked Jill. "You don't mean to say they know about Narnia?"

"Oh no, it had nothing to do with Narnia. They were on their way to Bristol. I'd only heard they were going that morning. But Edmund said they'd be bound to be going by that train." (Edmund was the sort of person who knows about railways.)

"And what happened then?" said Jill.

"Well, it's not very easy to describe, is it, Edmund?" said the High King.

"Not very," said Edmund. "It wasn't at all like that other time when we were pulled out of our own world by Magic. There was a frightful roar and something hit me with a bang, but it didn't hurt. And I felt not so much scared as - well, excited. Oh - and this is one queer thing. I'd had a rather sore knee, from a hack at rugger. I noticed it had suddenly gone. And I felt very light. And then - here we were."

第13章 小矮人的拒绝















重点单词   查看全部解释    
faint [feint]


n. 昏厥,昏倒
adj. 微弱的,无力的,模

haven ['heivn]


n. 港口,避难所,安息所 v. 安置 ... 于港中,

platform ['plætfɔ:m]


n. 平台,站台,月台,讲台,(政党的)政纲

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

bend [bend]


v. 弯曲,使弯曲,屈服,屈从
n. 弯曲,弯

grove [grəuv]


n. 小树林,果树园

dull [dʌl]


adj. 呆滞的,迟钝的,无趣的,钝的,暗的

pluck [plʌk]


n. 勇气,猛拉,动物内脏 v. 摘,猛拉,拔

glowing ['gləuiŋ]


adj. 灼热的,热情的,强烈的 动词glow的现在分词

describe [dis'kraib]


vt. 描述,画(尤指几何图形),说成





