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经济学人:菲亚特和意大利 再见,意大利?

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  • Business
  • 商业
  • Fiat and Italy
  • 菲亚特和意大利
  • Arrivederci, Italia?
  • 再见,意大利?
  • Italy worries that its biggest manufacturer may leave
  • 最大汽车制造商的离去意向使意大利忧心忡忡
  • DUTY, history, and responsibility are what keep Fiat, Italy's biggest private-sector employer, based at home.
  • 菲亚特公司是意大利最大的私营企业雇主,正是基于责任、历史和义务这些缘由,她才一直安家在意大利国内。
  • Running counter to such fine notions, said the carmaker's boss, Sergio Marchionne, earlier this year, is Fiat's need to make decisions "rationally".
  • 但是,今年早些时候菲亚特的老板Sergio Marchionne称,为了理性地的做出抉择,必要时菲亚特会违背这些美好的初衷。
  • It has lost money in Italy for years. It expects things to get worse as sales slump at home.
  • 近几年来,菲亚特在国内的经营一直处于亏损状态,随着国内销量的下滑,这一情况可能会变的更糟糕。
  • Small wonder that the country regularly goes into hysteria over whether Fiat will stay.
  • 因此,这个国家经常性的为菲亚特的去留问题而感到歇斯底里也就不足为奇了。
  • Its takeover of Chrysler, an American carmaker, is one reason to worry.
  • 菲亚特对美国汽车制造商克莱斯勒公司的收购是一个令人感到担忧的原因。
  • Fiat (whose chairman, John Elkann, is a director of The Economist's parent company) has not decided whether the combined group's headquarters will be in Turin or Detroit. That may involve little more than a plaque on the wall, as the company argues.
  • 菲亚特(现任总裁是John Elkann,此人同时还是《经济学人》杂志母公司的董事)尚未决定将合并后的集团总部落户在意大利的都灵还是美国的底特律。
  • But Fiat's manufacturing presence in Italy is under threat too.
  • 公司称,这个问题仅仅具有纪念意义而已。
  • Despite earning two-thirds of its revenues abroad, it still has almost half its employees and 40% of its plants in Italy. Mr Marchionne has repeatedly threatened to shutter Italian capacity if he cannot make it productive.
  • 菲亚特近一半以上的员工和40%的工厂在意大利国内;然而,2/3的收入却来自海外。
  • On October 20th Consob, Italy's stockmarket regulator, demanded details of a 2010 plan called Fabbrica Italia, in which Fiat promised to invest €16 billion ($22 billion) in its Italian plants over four years in return for new agreements on working conditions.
  • 10月20日,意大利市场监管机构Consob要求菲亚特提供2010年计划的详细信息,该计划被称为Fabbrica Italia。在该计划中菲亚特承诺在未来的四年中,向其位于国内的工厂共投资160亿欧元(合220亿美元);这一承诺作为就工作条件达成一致的回报。
  • As part of this plan, it is repatriating production of the Panda, a small car, from Poland.
  • 菲亚特正在根据该计划的部分内容将波兰小型汽车Panda的生产转移回国内。
  • But Fiat has also changed some elements: two prestigious models it was going to bring to its Mirafiori plant in Turin will be replaced with smaller cars.
  • 但是,菲亚同样也对这一商业计划做出了调整:用对小型汽车整车的生产代替了对两款饱受好评的车型的生产,这两款车型原本是计划在位于都灵的Mirafiori 工厂内生产。
  • Fiat rejected Consob's demands for more detail on the plan and attacked the regulator for asking for it publicly.
  • 菲亚特拒绝了市场监管机构Consob对该计划详细信息的要求,并公开抨击这种行为。
  • Maurizio Landini, secretary-general of Fiom-Cgil, a metalworkers' union which has fought hard against Fiat's new working conditions,
  • Fiom-Cgil是一个钢铁工人工会组织,一直以来都极力反对菲亚特提供的新工作条件。
  • says his main fear is that Fabbrica Italia only exists on paper.
  • 工会的秘书长Maurizio Landini称,他最担心的问题是Fabbrica Italia计划仅仅是表面上的文章。
  • He claims that Fiat is basing the development of its most innovative future projects, such as hybrid and electric cars, in America.
  • 他宣称,菲亚特正在将其最具创新性未来项目的研发转移到美国去,诸如混合动力汽车和电动车项目。
  • Fiat's Italian plants are 15-20% less efficient than those of competitors elsewhere in Europe.
  • 菲亚特在意大利的工厂的生产效率与其他欧洲同行比较起来要低15-20%。
  • Its Polish, Serbian and Turkish plants run at more than 70% of their capacity, whereas Italian ones run at 33%.
  • 菲亚特在波兰、塞尔维亚和土耳其的工厂并未全力生产,产量仅达到了生产能力的70%,而在意大利的工厂的产量只达到了生产能力的33%。
  • (Part of the gap comes from lower productivity, part from Fiat choosing to make cars elsewhere and part from varying levels of demand).
  • 产生这一差距的原因自于相对低下的生产力,汽车生产基地地域性的扩张和不同层次的需求。
  • Flexibility has been the firm's main problem.
  • 一直以来,灵活性都是这家公司的主要软肋。
  • For example, if a car on one production line sold badly and a model on another line sold well Fiat could not move workers across under the old rules.
  • 比如说,如果一条生产线上的汽车销路欠佳但另一条生产线上的一款车销量大增,在成规之下,菲亚特是不会通过调整工人到不同的生产线上来解决问题的。
  • The firm's employees proved this year that they are ready to compete.
  • 今年,菲亚特的员工证明了他们随时都会为自己的权益而都战斗。
  • A majority at three Italian plants voted to accept new working practices and, apart from Fiom-Cgil, all unions signed the deal.
  • 在三家位于意大利本土的工厂中,大多数员工投票决议同意接受新的工作实践计划;并且,几乎所有的工会都签订了协议,这其中当然不包括Fiom-Cgil工会。
  • At a long-shuttered plant near Turin that Fiat has bought from another carmaker, 89% of the idled workers voted for the changes despite Fiom-Cgil's strong presence.
  • 在一家长久以来一直关闭的工厂中,有89%的待业工人不顾Fiom-Cgil工会强大的影响力投票通过了Fabbrica Italia所带来的变革,这家工厂位于都灵附近是菲亚特从另一汽车制造商手中购买来的。
  • So it can bargain directly with workers at factory level, Fiat has also decided to quit Confindustria, Italy's main employers' lobby, after it offered the unions' national chiefs a final say on pay deals.
  • 因此,菲亚特得以直接在工厂的层面与工人们对话,菲亚特同时还决定退出意大利主要的雇主联盟协会"工业联盟",这一决定是菲亚特在就薪酬方案向联盟主要领导人发出最后通牒后做出的。
  • Fiat has thus made two big breaks with Italy's collective-bargaining tradition, says Roberto Pedersini, a labour-relations expert.
  • 劳工关系专家Roberto Pedersini 说,菲亚特在两个方面突破了意大利集体谈判的传统。
  • First, it has repudiated industry-wide, national labour standards.
  • 首先是,菲亚特拒绝了行业界和国家提出的劳动标准。
  • Second, it is taking away labour protections when company-level agreements usually give more rights to workers.
  • 其次是,当公司层面通常都同意给予工人更多的权益的时候,她却取消了劳动保护方案。
  • To be rational, Fiat's Italianità has to be less dutiful.
  • 理性的来说,菲亚特有点有悖于其"意大利精神"。


Business Fiat and Italy Arrivederci, Italia?

商业 菲亚特和意大利 再见,意大利?
Italy worries that its biggest manufacturer may leave
DUTY, history, and responsibility are what keep Fiat, Italy's biggest private-sector employer, based at home.
Running counter to such fine notions, said the carmaker's boss, Sergio Marchionne, earlier this year, is Fiat's need to make decisions "rationally".
但是,今年早些时候菲亚特的老板Sergio Marchionne称,为了理性地的做出抉择,必要时菲亚特会违背这些美好的初衷。
It has lost money in Italy for years. It expects things to get worse as sales slump at home.
Small wonder that the country regularly goes into hysteria over whether Fiat will stay.
Its takeover of Chrysler, an American carmaker, is one reason to worry.
Fiat (whose chairman, John Elkann, is a director of The Economist's parent company) has not decided whether the combined group's headquarters will be in Turin or Detroit. That may involve little more than a plaque on the wall, as the company argues.
菲亚特(现任总裁是John Elkann,此人同时还是《经济学人》杂志母公司的董事)尚未决定将合并后的集团总部落户在意大利的都灵还是美国的底特律。
But Fiat's manufacturing presence in Italy is under threat too.
Despite earning two-thirds of its revenues abroad, it still has almost half its employees and 40% of its plants in Italy. Mr Marchionne has repeatedly threatened to shutter Italian capacity if he cannot make it productive.
On October 20th Consob, Italy's stockmarket regulator, demanded details of a 2010 plan called Fabbrica Italia, in which Fiat promised to invest
重点单词   查看全部解释    
fiat ['faiæt, ət]


n. 由(政府)授权而具有特别意义的,如fiat-mon

plaque [plɑ:k]


n. 匾,饰板,名牌,徽章,[医]齿菌斑

hysteria [his'tiəriə]


n. 歇斯特里症,不正常的兴奋

capacity [kə'pæsiti]


n. 能力,容量,容积; 资格,职位

director [di'rektə, dai'rektə]


n. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演

counter ['kauntə]


n. 计算器,计算者,柜台
[计算机] 计数器

productive [prə'dʌktiv]


adj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的

threat [θret]


n. 威胁,凶兆
vt. 威胁, 恐吓

involve [in'vɔlv]


vt. 包含,使陷入,使忙于,使卷入,牵涉

presence ['prezns]


n. 出席,到场,存在
n. 仪态,风度





