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来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Answer the following questions about the video.

1) Christophe cuts his hair _______ .

a) once every two months

b) twice a year

2) Aiste ______ her hair short.

a) liked

b) dislked

3) What is important to both of them?

a) Getting cheap haircuts

b) Keeping their hair simple


Topic:Do you change your hair often?

Christophe: Hello, I am Christophe from Belgium and this is Aiste from Lithuania. And the question of the day on is do you change your hair often? Aiste, do you change your hair often?

Aiste: Not really. When I was back in my country I used to change my hair often because going to the hairdresser was very cheap and I just liked to experiment. But once I used to do it often, I had short hair. It really didn't fit me really well, so I started to back growing back long, and I just keep it simple and let it grow. What about you Christophe?

Christophe: Well, I just go to the hairdresser six months ... I'm very sorry ... I go to the hairdresser like every six months, and then he cuts my hair short. I let it grow for six months, and then he cuts it short again. Very simple.

Aiste: OK, I see, so we both keep our simple and easy to live with.


b b b

关键字: 爱说 英语




