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EEC English 五年级 上册3-4

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EEC English 五年级 上册
Lesson 3 I'm Getting Dressed Now 第3课 我正在穿衣服
Let's Join the Chant! Listen and chant along 让我们一起唱圣歌 听并跟着一起唱
late 晚了 bathroom 浴室 brush
What time,what time! What time do you go to school? 你几点上学?
O'clock,o'clock! At nine o'clock. 九点钟
Late,late! Oh,no!I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.
bathroom,bathroom! Who's in the bathroom? 谁在浴室里?
It's me.It's me, Sandy. 是我,桑迪.
Brush,brush! I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢.
What time,what time! What time do you go to school? 你几点上学?
O'clock,o'clock! At nine o'clock. 九点钟
Late,late! Oh,no!I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.
bathroom,bathroom! Who's in the bathroom? 谁,谁在浴室里?
It's me.It's me, Sandy. 是我,桑迪.
Brush,brush! I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢.
get dressed 穿衣服 downstairs 楼下 make the bed收拾床铺 hurry up 快点
Doing,doing! What are you doing? 你正在做什么?
Get dressed! Get dressed! I'm getting dressed now. 现在我正在穿衣服.
Downstairs,downstairs! Is Sandy waiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗?
No,she's not. No,she's not. 不,她没有.
Make the bed,make the bed!She's making the bed in her room. 她在她的房间收拾床铺
Matter,matter! What's the matter? 怎么了?
Hurry up!Hurry up! Let's hurry up to school. 我们快点上学去吧.
Doing,doing! What are you doing? 你正在做什么?
Get dressed! Get dressed!I'm getting dressed now. 现在我正在穿衣服.
Downstairs,downstairs! Is Sandy waiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗?
No,she's not. No,she's not. 不,她没有.
Make the bed,make the bed!She's making the bed in her room. 她在她的房间收拾床铺
Matter,matter! What's the matter? 怎么了?
Hurry up!Hurry up! Let's hurry up to school. 我们快点上学去吧.
Let's Have Fun 1 Look and listen. 游戏1 看和听
Tino:What time do you go to school? 你几点上学去呀?
Billy:At nine o'clock. 九点钟
Tino: It's already eight forty. 已经8:40了.
Billy: Oh,no! I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.
Billy:Who's in the bathroom? 谁,谁在浴室呢?
Sandy: It's me,Sandy. 是我,桑迪 I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢.
Billy: Can I come in? 我可以进去吗?
Sandy: Yes,you can. 是的,你可以进来. I'm finished now. 我现在刷完牙了.
Tino:What time do you go to school? 你几点上学去呀?
Billy:At nine o'clock. 九点钟
Tino: It's already eight forty. 已经8:40了.
Billy: Oh,no! I'm late. 哦,不!我迟到了.
Billy:Who's in the bathroom? 谁,谁在浴室呢?
Sandy: It's me,Sandy. 是我,桑迪 I'm brushing my teeth. 我正在刷牙呢.
Billy: Can I come in? 我可以进去吗?
Sandy: Yes, you can. 是的,你可以进来. I'm finished now. 我现在刷完牙了.
Listen and write What time do you go to school? At nine o'clock.
听和写 你几点上学去呀? 九点钟.
It's already eight forty.Oh,no!I'm late. It's me,Sandy. I'm brushing my teeth.
已经八点四十了. 哦,不!我迟到了. 是我,桑迪. 我正在刷牙.
Let's Practice 1 A. Listen and learn some more. Then chant along.
练习1 听并多学点. 听并跟着一起唱
What time do you get up? I get up at 7:30.
你几点起床? 我7:30起床.
What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at 8:20.
你几点吃早餐? 我8:20吃早餐.
What time do you go to school? I go to school at 9 o'clock.
你几点去上学呀? 我9点去上学.
What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
你几点睡觉呀? 我10点睡觉.
What time do you get up? I get up at 7:30.
你几点起床? 我7:30起床.
What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at 8:20.
你几点吃早餐? 我8:20吃早餐.
What time do you go to school? I go to school at 9 o'clock.
你几点去上学呀? 我9点去上学.
What time do you go to bed? I go to bed at 10 o'clock.
你几点睡觉呀? 我10点睡觉.
B.Listen and draw a line. 听并画线.
What time do you get up,Sandy? I get up at six forty.
桑迪,你几点起床呀? 我6:40起床.
What time do you go to school,Jane? I go to school at eight twenty.
简,你几点去上学? 我8:20去上学.
What time do you have breakfast,Cody? I have breakfast at eight o'clock.
科迪,你几点吃早餐? 我8点吃早餐.
What time do you go to bed,Dongdong? I go to bed at eleven o'clock.
东东,你几点睡觉呀? 我11点睡觉.
Let's Have Fun 2 Look and listen. 游戏2 看和听
Tino: What are you doing? 你在做什么?
Billy: I'm getting dressed now. 我在穿衣服.
Billy:Tino,Is Sandy waiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗?
Tino: No,she's not. 不,她没有.
She's making the bed in her room. 她正在房间收拾床铺呢
Sandy: What's the matter? 什么事呀?
Billy:Let's hurry up to school.We're late. 我们快去上学吧, 我们迟到了.
Sandy: We don't have any class on Saturday. 星期六咱们不上学.
Billy: Phew! It's Saturday today. 哟!今天是星期六呀.
Tino: What are you doing? 你在做什么?
Billy: I'm getting dressed now. 我在穿衣服.
Billy:Tino,Is Sandy waiting downstairs? 桑迪在楼下等着吗?
Tino: No,she's not. 不,她没有.
She's making the bed in her room. 她正在房间整理床铺呢
Sandy: What's the matter? 什么事呀?
Billy:Let's hurry up to school.We're late. 我们快去上学吧, 我们迟到了.
Sandy: We don't have any class on Saturday. 星期六咱们不上学.
Billy: Phew! It's Saturday today. 哟!今天是星期六呀.
Listen and write. What are you doing? I'm getting dressed now.
听和写 你在做什么? 我在穿衣服.
Let's hurry up to school.We're late. We don't have any class on Saturday.
我们快去上学吧, 我们迟到了. 星期六我们不上课.
Let's Practice 2 A.Listen and learn some more. Then chant along.
练习2 听并多学点 听并跟着一起唱
What are you doing? I'm doing my homework in my room.
你在做什么? 我在房间里做作业.
What is he doing? He's reading newspapers in the living room.
他在做什么? 他在客厅看报纸.
What is she doing? She's cooking in the kitchen.
她在做什么? 她在厨房烹饪.
What are they doing? They're making the bed in the bedroom.
他们在做什么? 他们在卧室里收拾床铺
What are you doing? I'm doing my homework in my room.
你在做什么? 我在房间里做作业.
What is he doing? He's reading newspapers in the living room.
他在做什么? 他在客厅看报纸.
What is she doing? She's cooking in the kitchen.
她在做什么? 她在厨房烹饪.
What are they doing? They're making the bed in the bedroom.
他们在做什么? 他们在卧室里收拾床铺
Do It Yourself! Time to Listen Listen and circle the correct picture.
自己做! 听力时间 听并圈出正确的图片
What time do you go to school? I go to school at eight thirty.
你几点去上学? 我8:30去上学.
Who's in the kitchen? My mom.She is cooking in the kitchen.
谁在厨房? 我妈妈, 她在厨房里烹饪.
What are you doing? I making the bed in my room.
你在做什么? 我在房间里收拾床铺.
Time to speak Listen and speak.
说的时间 听和说
What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at eight o'clock.
你几点吃早餐? 我8点吃早餐.
Who's in the bathroom? It's me,Sandy. I'm brushing my teeth.
谁在浴室里? 是我,桑迪. 我在刷牙.
What are you doing? I'm doing my homework
你在做什么? 我在做家庭作业.
What time do you have breakfast? Who's in the bathroom? What are you doing?
你几点吃早餐? 谁在浴室? 你在做什么?
Time to Write. A.Listen and write the missing letters.
写作时间 听并写出缺少的字母
kitchen 厨房 brushteeth 牙齿 school 学校
B.Listen and write a complete sentence on the line.
听并在线上写出完整 的句子.
It is four twenty. She is making the bed. Who is in the bathroom?
4:20. 她在收拾床铺. 谁在浴室?
Time to Wrap up Chant along.
集中注意 跟着一起唱
What time do you go to school? At nine o'clock, Oh,no!I'm late.
你几点去上学呀? 九点. 哦,不!我迟到了.
Who's in the bathroom? It's me,Sandy. I'm brushing my teeth.
谁在浴室? 是我,桑迪. 我在刷牙.
What are you doing? I'm getting dressed now.
你在做什么? 我在穿衣服.
Is Sandy waiting downstairs? No,she's not.
桑迪在楼下等吗? 不,她没有.
She's making the bed in her room.
What's the matter? Let's hurry up to school.
怎么了? 我们快点去上学吧.
Lesson 4 How Was Your Day? 第4课 今天过得怎么样?
Let's Join the Chant! Listen and chant along 让我们一起唱圣歌 听并一起跟着唱
soccer 足球 winwash up
Day,day! How was your day? 今天过得怎么样?
OK,OK!It was OK. 很好.
Soccer,soccer! We played soccer after school. 放学以后我们踢足球了
Win,win! Did you win the game? 你们赢得比赛了吗?
Did,did! Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了.
Great,great! That's great! 真棒!
Wash up,wash up! Wash up before dinner. 晚饭前先去洗一洗吧.
Day,day! How was your day? 今天过得怎么样?
OK,OK! It was OK. 很好.
Soccer,soccer! We played soccer after school. 放学以后我们踢足球了
Win,win! Did you win the game? 你们赢得比赛了吗?
Did,did! Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了.
Great,great! That's great! 真棒!
Wash up,wash up! Wash up before dinner. 晚饭前先去洗一洗吧.
library 图书馆 borrowedhomework 作业 dinner 晚饭
After,after!What did you do after school? 放学以后你做了什么?
Library!Library! I went to the library. 我去图书馆了.
Borrowed,borrowed! I borrowed some books. 我借了一些书.
Homework,homework! Did you do your homework? 你做完作业了吗?
No,I didn't. No,I didn't. 不,我没做完.
Dinner,dinner! Do your homework before dinner. 晚饭前做会作业吧.
All right,all right! All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.
After,after!What did you do after school? 放学以后你做了什么?
Library!Library! I went to the library. 我去图书馆了.
Borrowed,borrowed! I borrowed some books. 我借了一些书.
Homework,homework! Did you do your homework? 你做完作业了吗?
No,I didn't. No,I didn't. 不,我没做完.
Dinner,dinner! Do your homework before dinner. 晚饭前做会作业吧.
All right,all right! All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.
Let's Have Fun 1 Look and listen. 游戏1 看和听
Billy:Hi,Mom. I'm home. 你好,妈妈.我回来了
Mom: Hi,Billy. How was your day? 来了,比利. 今天怎么样?
Billy:It was OK.We played soccer after school.很好,放学后 我们踢了场足球.
Mom: Did you win the game? 你们赢了比赛吗?
Billy: Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了. Mom: That's great, Billy.太棒了,比利
Mom:Now,wash up and do your homework before dinner.
现在去洗一洗,晚饭前 先做会作业吧.
Billy:Aw!Can I watch TV now? 噢!我现在可以看 电视吗?
Mom: No.You can watch TV after dinner. 不行.晚饭后你可以 看电视.
Billy:Hi,Mom. I'm home. 你好,妈妈.我回来了
Mom: Hi,Billy. How was your day? 来了,比利. 今天怎么样?
Billy:It was OK.We played soccer after school.很好,放学后 我们踢了场足球.
Mom: Did you win the game? 你们赢了比赛吗?
Billy: Yes,we did. 对,我们赢了. Mom: That's great, Billy.太棒了,比利
Mom:Now,wash up and do your homework before dinner.
现在去洗一洗,晚饭前 先做会作业吧.
Billy:Aw!Can I watch TV now? 噢!我现在可以看 电视吗?
Mom: No.You can watch TV after dinner. 不行.晚饭后你可以 看电视.
Listen and write. How was your day? It was OK.
听和写 今天怎么样? 很好.
Did you win the game? Yes,we did. Wash up and do your homework before dinner
你们赢了比赛吗? 是的,我们赢了. 先去洗一洗,晚饭前做 作业吧
Let's Practice 1 A. Listen and learn some more. Then chant along.
练习1 听并多学点 听并跟着一起唱
Did you wash your hands? Yes,I did. I washed my hands before dinner.
你洗了手吗? 是的,我洗了. 晚饭前我洗了手.
Did you brush your teeth? Yes,I did. I brushed my teeth after dinner.
你刷牙了吗? 是的,我刷了. 晚饭后我刷了牙.
Did you do your homework? Yes,I did. I did my homework before dinner.
你做作业了吗? 是的,我做了. 晚饭前我做了作业.
Did you win the tennis game? Yes,I did. I won the tennis game.
你赢了网球比赛? 是的,我赢了. 我赢了网球比赛.
Did you wash your hands? Yes,I did. I washed my hands before dinner.
你洗了手吗? 是的,我洗了. 晚饭前我洗了手.
Did you brush your teeth? Yes,I did. I brushed my teeth after dinner.
你刷牙了吗? 是的,我刷了. 晚饭后我刷了牙.
Did you do your homework? Yes,I did. I did my homework before dinner.
你做作业了吗? 是的,我做了. 晚饭前我做了作业.
Did you win the tennis game? Yes,I did. I won the tennis game.
你赢了网球比赛? 是的,我赢了. 我赢了网球比赛.
B.Listen and number the pictures in order. 听并按顺序在图上标 序号.
I play tennis after school. Did you win the game? Yes.I did.
放学后我去打网球了. 你赢了比赛? 是的,我赢了.
Wash up before dinner. Ok,Mum.
晚饭前先洗洗吧. 好的,妈妈.
Did you do your homework?No,I didn't. Do your homework before dinner.
你作业做了吗? 不,我没有. 晚饭前先做会作业.
I did my homework. Can I watch TV now? Yes,you can.
作业做完了,现在可以 看电视了吗? 可以.
I play tennis after school. Did you win the game? Yes.I did.
放学后我去打网球了. 你赢了比赛? 是的,我赢了.
Wash up before dinner. Ok,Mum.
晚饭前先洗洗吧. 好的,妈妈.
Did you do your homework?No,I didn't. Do your homework before dinner.
你作业做了吗? 不,我没有. 晚饭前先做会作业.
I did my homework. Can I watch TV now? Yes,you can.
作业做完了,现在可以 看电视了吗? 可以.
Let's have fun 2 Look and listen.
游戏2 看和听
Mom: Did you see Sandy after school? 放学后你看见过桑迪 吗?
Billy: No,I didn't. 不,我没看见过. Sandy: Hi, Mom. 你好,妈妈.
Mom:Hi,Sandy. You're late. 来了,桑迪. 你来晚了
Billy came home already. 比利早就回家了.
Mom:Sandy,what did you do after school? 桑迪,放学后你做了 什么?
Sandy: I went to the library and borrowed some books. 我去图书馆借了一些书
Mom: OK, Sandy. 知道了,桑迪.
Go wash your hands before dinner. 晚饭前去洗洗手.
Sandy: All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.
Mom: Did you see Sandy after school? 放学后你看见过桑迪 吗?
Billy: No,I didn't. 不,我没看见过. Sandy: Hi, Mom. 你好,妈妈.
Mom:Hi,Sandy. You're late. 来了,桑迪. 你来晚了
Billy came home already. 比利早就回家了.
Mom:Sandy,What did you do after school? 桑迪,放学后你做了 什么?
Sandy: I went to the library and borrowed some books. 我去图书馆借了一些书
Mom: OK, Sandy. 知道了,桑迪.
Go wash your hands before dinner. 晚饭前去洗洗手.
Sandy: All right,Mom. 知道了,妈妈.
Listen and write Did you see Sandy after school? No,I didn't.
听和写 放学后你看见桑迪了 吗? 不,我没有.
What did you do after school?
I went to the library and borrowed some books.
我去了图书馆借了 一些书.
Let's Practice 2 A. Listen and learn some more. Then chant along.
练习2 听并学多点. 听并跟着一起唱
What did you do after school? I saw a movie after school.
放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去看电影了.
What did you do after school? I went to the museum after school.
放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去了博物馆.
What did you do before dinner? I did my homework before dinner.
晚饭前你做了什么? 晚饭前我做了家庭作业
What did you do after dinner? I brushed my teeth after dinner.
晚饭后你做了什么? 晚饭后我刷了牙.
What did you do after school? I saw a movie after school.
放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去看电影了.
What did you do after school? I went to the museum after school.
放学后你做了什么? 放学后我去了博物馆.
What did you do before dinner? I did my homework before dinner.
晚饭前你做了什么? 晚饭前我做了家庭作业
What did you do after dinner? I brushed my teeth after dinner.
晚饭后你做了什么? 晚饭后我刷了牙.
Do It Yourself! Time to Listen Listen and circle the correct picture.
自己做! 听力时间 听并圈出正确的图片
Did you do your homework,Sandy? No,I didn't.
桑迪,你做家庭作业了 吗? 不,我没有.
What did you do after school,Sandy? I saw a movie after school.
放学后你做了什么, 桑迪? 放学后我去看电影了.
Question: What did Sandy do after school?
问题: 桑迪放学后做了什么?
Did you do your homework,Sandy? No,I didn't.
桑迪,你做家庭作业了 吗? 不,我没有.
What did you do after school,Sandy? I saw a movie after school.
放学后你做了什么, 桑迪? 放学后我去看电影了.
Question: What did Sandy do after school?
问题: 桑迪放学后做了什么?
What did you do after school,Jane? I want to the library.
简,你放学后做了什么? 我去了图书馆.
Question: What did Jane do after school?
问题: 简放学后做了什么?
What did you do after school,Jane? I want to the library.
简,你放学后做了什么? 我去了图书馆.
Question: What did Jane do after school?
问题: 简放学后做了什么?
What did you do before dinner,Billy? I washed up before dinner.
比利,晚饭前你做了 什么? 晚饭前我先洗了洗.
Did you brush your teeth before dinner? No,I brush my teeth after dinner.
晚饭前你刷牙了吗? 不,我在晚饭后刷牙.
Question: What did Billy do before dinner?
What did you do before dinner,Billy? I washed up before dinner.
比利,晚饭前你做了 什么? 晚饭前我先洗了洗.
Did you brush your teeth before dinner? No,I brush my teeth after dinner.
晚饭前你刷牙了吗? 不,我在晚饭后刷牙.
Question: What did Billy do before dinner?
问题: 比利,晚饭前做了什么?
Time to speak Listen and speak.
说的时间 听和说
How was your day? It was OK.
今天过得怎么样? 很好.
Did you win the tennis game? Yes,I do. I won the game.
你赢了网球比赛吗? 是的,我赢了. 我赢了这场比赛.
What did you do after dinner? I watched TV after dinner.
晚饭后你做了什么? 晚饭后我看了电视.
How was your day? Did you win the tennis game?
今天过得怎么样? 你赢了网球比赛吗?
What did you do after dinner?
Time to write A.Listen and unscramble the letters
听力时间 听并纠正单词.
dinner 晚饭 library 图书馆 borrowwatch
B.Listen and write the words.
I played tennis after school. I won the game.
放学后我去打网球了. 我赢了比赛.
I came home at 4 o'clock. I washed up before dinner.
我四点钟到家. 晚饭前我先洗了洗.
I did my homework before dinner. I watched TV after dinner.
晚饭前我做了家庭作业 晚饭后我看了电视.
Time to Wrap up Chant along.
集中注意 跟着一起唱.
How was your day? It was OK.We played soccer after school.
你今天过得怎么样? 很好.放学后我们去踢 足球了.
Did you win the game? Yes,we did. That's great!
你赢了比赛吗? 是的,我们赢了. 太棒了!
Wash up before dinner. What did you do after school?
晚饭前先洗一洗. 晚饭后你做了什么?
I went to the library and borrowed some books.
我去了图书馆并借了 一些书.
Did you do your homework? No,I didn't.
你做了家庭作业吗? 不,我没有.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
chant [tʃɑ:nt]


n. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊

circle ['sə:kl]


n. 圈子,圆周,循环
v. 环绕,盘旋,包围

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

sandy ['sændi]


adj. 沙,含沙的,沙色的,不稳固的 Sandy n.

brush [brʌʃ]


n. 刷子,画笔
n. 灌木丛


关键字: EEC English 五年级




