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  • Hawaii's Next Island
  • 下一个夏威夷超级火山
  • Look at a map of Hawaii and you'll see volcanic islands strung outlike pearls on a necklace.
  • 其中威力最大——也是最年轻的火山,当属夏威夷东南角的夏威夷火山。
  • The biggest–and the youngest–is Hawaii, in thesouth-east corner.
  • 随便翻看一张夏威夷的地图,你会发现夏威夷的火山岛分布得就像串在一条项链上的一颗颗珍珠一样。
  • As the islands stretch away to the north-west they become olderand more worn.
  • 随着岛屿不断地向西北方向延伸,各大火山变得越来越陈旧,破败。
  • While Hawaii is about a million years old, the extinctvolcano ofKauai on the north-west end is five times older.
  • 虽然说夏威夷已历经了一百万年的岁月,但是,在西北端考艾岛的死火山却已是其五倍了。
  • The Hawaiian islands were formed by what geologists call "hot spot"volcanos.
  • 夏威夷群岛是由地质学家们所称的“火山热点”组成。
  • These occur where hot magma from the Earth's liquid mantle issteadily forced through the Earth's crust.
  • “火山热点”处在由地幔(又称软流层,很可能是岩浆的发源地)产生的炽热的岩浆不断地被喷出地壳的地方。
  • Hot spots can last for millions of years, staying in the sameplace while the plates of the Earth's crust move gradually overhead.
  • “火山热点”能持续活动数百万年。就算是地壳板块活动而渐渐居于其上,“火山热点”也一直都不会改变地方。
  • The plates of the Earth's crust move at uneven speeds, so when theplate moves slowly, this allows a tremendous volcano to build up.
  • 地壳板块不是以均匀速度移动的,因而,当板块运动较慢时,一个巨大的火山就可“趁机”形成。
  • That's why weget a string of separate volcanos, rather than a continuous line.
  • 这就是为什么火山是一个单独的火山,而不是一片连续不断的火山了。
  • This is exactly what's happened with the Hawaiian islands.
  • 在夏威夷群岛上也就是如此。
  • The hotspot stayed in the same place, pushing up a string of volcanos as the Earth'scrust moved over it.
  • “火山热点”一直在某个地方,在地壳板块对其作用时形成了一座又一座的火山。
  • Because of this, the volcano on north-west Kauai is old andextinct, while the volcanos on Hawaii's south-east edge are the most active inthe world.
  • 因此,西北端考艾岛上的火山都是很老的死火山,然而,位于夏威夷东南边的火山却是世界上活动最频繁的活火山。
  • The Hawaiian hot spot is now located about seventeen miles off thesouth-east coast of Hawaii.
  • 而今,夏威夷的“火山热点”位于夏威夷东海岸约17英里的地方。
  • There's nonew island there, but thereis a huge, underwater volcano, rising almost three miles above the ocean floor.
  • 目前,那里还没有新的岛屿形成,但是那里有一座很大很大的海底火山,高出海底足有三英里高。
  • Thisnew volcano will break the ocean's surface in about fifty thousand years,giving us our next Hawaiian island.
  • 在未来的五万年里,这座新火山将会使海底地壳断裂,创造出下一个夏威夷火山。


Hawaii's Next Island


Look at a map of Hawaii and you'll seevolcanic islands strung outlike pearls on a necklace. The biggest–and theyoungest–is Hawaii, in thesouth-east corner.


As the islands stretch away to thenorth-west they become olderand more worn. While Hawaii is about a millionyears old, the extinctvolcano ofKauai on the north-west end is five timesolder.


The Hawaiian islands were formed by whatgeologists call “hot spot”volcanos. These occur where hot magma from theEarth's liquid mantle issteadily forced through the Earth's crust.


Hot spots can last for millions of years,staying in the sameplace while the plates of the Earth's crust move graduallyoverhead.


The plates of the Earth's crust move atuneven speeds, so when theplate moves slowly, this allows a tremendous volcanoto build up. That's why weget a string of separate volcanos, rather than acontinuous line.


This is exactly what's happened with theHawaiian islands. The hotspot stayed in the same place, pushing up a string ofvolcanos as the Earth'scrust moved over it.


Because of this, the volcano on north-westKauai is old andextinct, while the volcanos on Hawaii's south-east edge are themost active inthe world.


The Hawaiian hot spot is now located aboutseventeen miles off thesouth-east coast of Hawaii. There's nonew island there,but thereis a huge, underwater volcano, rising almost three miles above theocean floor.


Thisnew volcano will break the ocean'ssurface in about fifty thousand years,giving us our next Hawaiian island.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
necklace ['neklis]


n. 项链

liquid ['likwid]


adj. 液体的,液态的
n. 液体

string [striŋ]


n. 线,一串,字串
vt. 串起,成串,收紧

stretch [stretʃ]


n. 伸展,张开
adj. 可伸缩的

volcano [vɔl'keinəu]


n. 火山

separate ['sepəreit]


n. 分开,抽印本
adj. 分开的,各自的,





