Review Module Unit 1
复习模块 第一单元
Exercise 1
Listen and repeat.
money a cow
钱 牛
beans eggs a chicken
豆 蛋 鸡肉
Unit 2
Exercise 1
Listen and point to the questions you hear,then repeat it.
What does the giant eat?
Is Jack's mother happy?
What does the man give him?
Where does Jack hide?
Is the beanstalk tall or short?
What does Jack do?
What does Jack take?
What is he going to sell?
What can the magic chicken do?
What is the boy's name?
Exercise 3 Now listen again and check your answers.
练习三 现在再听一次然后检查你的答案.
1.What is the boys name? His name is Jack.
1.这男孩叫什么名字? 他的名字叫杰克.
2.What is he going to sell? He is going to sell a cow.
2.他要卖什么? 他要卖牛.
3.What does the man give him? He gives him five beans.
3.这个男人给了他什么? 他给他五粒种子.
4.Is Jack's mother happy? No,she isn't.
4.杰克的妈妈开心吗? 不,她不开心.
5.Is the beanstalk tall or short? It's tall.
6.What does Jack do? He climbs the beanstalk.
6.杰克做什么? 他爬上豆茎.
7.What does the giant eat? He eats little boys.
7.大力士吃什么? 他吃小男孩.
8.Where does Jack hide? He hides under the table.
8.杰克躲在哪里? 他躲藏在桌子的下面.
9.What can the magic chicken do? It can lay gold eggs.
9.有魔术的鸡能做什么? 它能下金灿灿的鸡蛋.
10.What does Jack take? He takes the magic chicken.
10.杰克拿走了什么? 他拿走了有魔术的鸡.
Unit 3 Exercise 1
第三单元 练习一
Listen,point and say.
What are they buying? How much is this please? It's 40 yuan.
他们买什么? 这些多少钱? 40元钱.
Here is 40 yuan. Thank you.
给你40元钱. 谢谢.
How much is the T-shirt? It's 28 yuan.
这些T-恤多少钱? 28元钱.
Here's 30 yuan. Here is your change.
给你30元. 找你的零钱.
How much are these, please? They are 48 yuan.
这些多少钱? 48元钱.
Here's 50 yuan. Thank you,here is your change.
给你50元钱. 谢谢,找你零钱.
How much is the sweater? It's 55 yuan.
这毛线衬多少钱? 55元钱.
Here is 55 yuan. Thank you.
给你55元钱. 谢谢.
给你55元钱. 谢谢.