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来源:可可英语 编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
The bonfire had not been lit for long and was just beginning to blaze up. It was only a few feet away from them, and the great crowd of Narnian creatures were on the other side of it, so that Tirian could not at first see them very well, though of course he saw dozens of eyes shining with the reflection of the fire, as you've seen a rabbit's or cat's eyes in the headlights of a car. And just as Tirian took his place, the gong stopped beating and from somewhere on his left three figures appeared. One was Rishda Tarkaan the Calormene Captain. The second was the Ape. He was holding on to the Tarkaan's hand with one paw and kept whimpering and muttering, "Not so fast, don't go so fast, I'm not at all well. Oh my poor head! These midnight meetings are getting too much for me. Apes aren't meant to be up at night: It's not as if I was a rat or a bat - oh my poor head." On the other side of the Ape, walking very soft and stately, with his tail straight up in the air, came Ginger the Cat. They were heading for the bonfire and were so close to Tirian that they would have seen him at once if they had looked in the right direction. Fortunately they did not. But Tirian heard Rishda say to Ginger in a low voice:篝火才点亮不久,正好开始熊熊燃烧起来。篝火离他们不过几英尺光景,而一大群纳尼亚野兽都在篝火的那一边,所以蒂莲开头看不大清楚,当然他看见十几双眼睛在篝火的反光里闪闪发亮,就像你在汽车前灯的灯光里看到的野兔或猫的眼睛一般。蒂莲刚站定位置,锣声便停了,三个黑影儿从他左边一个地方冒出来了。一个是"泰坎"利什达,卡乐门队长。第二个是无尾猿,它的一个前爪给抓在"泰坎"手里,它不断地呜咽、咕哝"不要这样快,别走得这样快,我身体压根儿不好。唉,我可怜的脑袋好疼啊!这些午夜大会我愈来愈吃不消了。无尾猿是不适宜夜间不睡觉的。无尾猿可不像老鼠或蝙蝠那样夜间活动——唉,我可怜的脑袋好疼啊。"在无尾猿的另一边,猫儿金格正在走来,它走得脚步很轻很庄重,尾巴笔直地翘在空中。它们向篝火走去,它们离蒂莲很近,如果方向对头,它们立刻就会看见蒂莲的。幸亏它们看的方向不对头。但蒂莲听见利什达低声对金格说道。
"Now, Cat, to thy post. See thou play thy part well.""猫儿,站到你的岗位上去。注意好生扮演你的角色。"
"Miaow, miaow. Count on me!" said Ginger. Then he stepped away beyond the bonfire and sat down in the front row of the assembled Beasts: in the audience, as you might say."妙,妙。瞧我的!"金格说道。然后它走到篝火外面,在集合拢来的野兽们的第一排里坐下,正如你要说的,坐在观众中间。
For really, as it happened, the whole thing was rather like a theatre. The crowd of Narnians were like the people in the seats; the little grassy place just in front of the stable, where the bonfire burned and the Ape and the Captain stood to talk to the crowd, was like the stage; the stable itself was like the scenery at the back of the stage; and Tirian and his friends were like people peering round from behind the scenery. It was a splendid position. If any of them stepped forward into the full firelight, all eyes would be fixed on him at once: on the other hand, so long as they stood still in the shadow of the end-wall of the stable, it was a hundred to one against their being noticed.因为事情的发展,整个局面确实就像在一个戏院里一般。纳尼亚的群兽,就像坐在座位上的观众,马厩前一小块草地就像舞台,篝火熊熊燃烧着,无尾猿和卡乐门队长站在那儿向群众讲话,马厩既本身就像舞台后面的布景,而蒂莲和他的朋友们,就像在布景背后隐约出现的人们。如果他们之中有哪一个往外走到火光里来,所有的眼睛立刻都会盯住他们直瞧,另一方面呢,只要他们一动也不动地站在马厩远处墙头的阴影里,百分之九十九是不会被人注意到的。
Rishda Tarkaan dragged the Ape up close to the fire. The pair of them turned to face the crowd, and this of course meant that their backs were towards Tirian and his friends."泰坎"利什达把无尾猿拖到逼近篝火的地方。他们俩都转过脸去,面向群众,当然,这就意味着他们是背对着蒂莲和他的朋友们了。
"Now, Monkey," said Rishda Tarkaan in a low voice. "Say the words that wiser heads have put into thy mouth. And hold up thy head." As he spoke he gave the Ape a little prod or kick from behind with the point of his toe."听着,猴子,"泰坎利什达低声说道,"把比你聪明的头脑灌输到你嘴巴里的话讲出来吧。把你的头昂起来。"他一边说话一边用他的脚趾尖在背后给无尾猿一戳或是一踢。
"Do leave me alone," muttered Shift. But he sat up straighter and began, in a louder voice - "Now listen, all of you. A terrible thing has happened. A wicked thing. The wickedest thing that ever was done in Narnia. And Aslan -""你放开我。"诡谲喃喃说道。但它把身体坐得更直,用更加响亮的声音,开言道, "你们大家都注意听着。一件可怕的事情发生了。一件邪恶的事情。在纳尼亚发生的最最邪恶的事情。阿斯兰——"
"Tashlan, fool," whispered Rishda Tarkaan."塔什兰,傻瓜。"泰坎利什达低声纠正。
"Tashlan I mean, of course," said the Ape, "is very angry about it." "我的意思当然是指塔什兰,"无尾猿说道,"塔什兰对此十分愤怒。"

The bonfire had not been lit for long and was just beginning to blaze up. It was only a few feet away from them, and the great crowd of Narnian creatures were on the other side of it, so that Tirian could not at first see them very well, though of course he saw dozens of eyes shining with the reflection of the fire, as you've seen a rabbit's or cat's eyes in the headlights of a car. And just as Tirian took his place, the gong stopped beating and from somewhere on his left three figures appeared. One was Rishda Tarkaan the Calormene Captain. The second was the Ape. He was holding on to the Tarkaan's hand with one paw and kept whimpering and muttering, "Not so fast, don't go so fast, I'm not at all well. Oh my poor head! These midnight meetings are getting too much for me. Apes aren't meant to be up at night: It's not as if I was a rat or a bat - oh my poor head." On the other side of the Ape, walking very soft and stately, with his tail straight up in the air, came Ginger the Cat. They were heading for the bonfire and were so close to Tirian that they would have seen him at once if they had looked in the right direction. Fortunately they did not. But Tirian heard Rishda say to Ginger in a low voice:

"Now, Cat, to thy post. See thou play thy part well."

"Miaow, miaow. Count on me!" said Ginger. Then he stepped away beyond the bonfire and sat down in the front row of the assembled Beasts: in the audience, as you might say.

For really, as it happened, the whole thing was rather like a theatre. The crowd of Narnians were like the people in the seats; the little grassy place just in front of the stable, where the bonfire burned and the Ape and the Captain stood to talk to the crowd, was like the stage; the stable itself was like the scenery at the back of the stage; and Tirian and his friends were like people peering round from behind the scenery. It was a splendid position. If any of them stepped forward into the full firelight, all eyes would be fixed on him at once: on the other hand, so long as they stood still in the shadow of the end-wall of the stable, it was a hundred to one against their being noticed.

Rishda Tarkaan dragged the Ape up close to the fire. The pair of them turned to face the crowd, and this of course meant that their backs were towards Tirian and his friends.

"Now, Monkey," said Rishda Tarkaan in a low voice. "Say the words that wiser heads have put into thy mouth. And hold up thy head." As he spoke he gave the Ape a little prod or kick from behind with the point of his toe.

"Do leave me alone," muttered Shift. But he sat up straighter and began, in a louder voice - "Now listen, all of you. A terrible thing has happened. A wicked thing. The wickedest thing that ever was done in Narnia. And Aslan -"

"Tashlan, fool," whispered Rishda Tarkaan.

"Tashlan I mean, of course," said the Ape, "is very angry about it."







"你放开我。"诡谲喃喃说道。但它把身体坐得更直,用更加响亮的声音,开言道, "你们大家都注意听着。一件可怕的事情发生了。一件邪恶的事情。在纳尼亚发生的最最邪恶的事情。阿斯兰——"



重点单词   查看全部解释    
scenery ['si:nəri]


n. 布景,风景,背景

wicked ['wikid]


adj. 坏的,邪恶的,缺德的
adv. 极端

shift [ʃift]


n. 交换,变化,移动,接班者
v. 更替,移

reflection [ri'flekʃən]


n. 反映,映像,折射,沉思,影响

row [rəu,rau]


n. 排,船游,吵闹
vt. 划船,成排

shadow ['ʃædəu]


n. 阴影,影子,荫,阴暗,暗处
vt. 投阴

blaze [bleiz]


n. 火焰,烈火
vi. 燃烧,发光

stable ['steibl]


adj. 稳定的,安定的,可靠的
n. 马厩,

heading ['hediŋ]


n. 标题,题目,航向

gong [gɔŋ]


n. 锣 n. 奖章





