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117. Some people choose friends who are different from themselves. Others choose friends who are similar to themselves. Compare the advantages of having friends who are different from you with the advantages of having friends who are similar to you. Which kind of friend do you prefer for yourself? Why?
参考分析: 与志同道合(cherish the same ideals and follow the same path; share the same views; have a common goal; have similar ideals and beliefs;)的朋友交往的好处;但是人与人之间毕竟才在这不同。 与性格不同,兴趣不同的人交往的好处。 选择立场,可以自由一些。比如,可以选择这样的立场:我认为,选择朋友不一定要选择相同的或者是不同的。因为人们之间总是有一些相同点的同时有一些不同点。关键在于,一个人是不是诚实、睿智、幽默? 参见:[15] |
117、选择与自己向类似的朋友 |
Topic 117 Different friends or similar friends?
Some people like friends who are different from them, while others like friends who are similar. If I have to make a choice, I prefer similar friends.
Admittedly, the idea of having different friends is not without advantages. On one hand, contacting with different friends gives one a broader outlook to life. Different friends can enrich our experiences by their conducts and thoughts that are different from ours. In addition, they can help a person enjoy a variety of interests.
Nonetheless, I believe that similar friends have more advantages. We can feel confident and strong when we have a group of friends who share the same opinions. A person with a purpose in life - such as an artist or a politician - may feel a special need to surround himself with people who can assist and encourage him in his work.
In addition, similar friends mean the same way of thinking and doing things; therefore they are generally more compatible and easy to get along with. I can think of no better illustration of the idea than the example of my roommate and I who both like studying quietly and dislike loud music, so we can enjoy a quiet environment together and concentrate on our assignments. We both go to bed early so none of us would be bothered while sleeping. Furthermore, it is convenient for similar friends to communicate and enjoy their leisure time together. My roommate and I frequently have fun together because we have the same hobby - playing chess.
For the reasons given above, I would have to declare myself as one of those prefer similar friends to different friends.
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