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人教版小学英语五年级下--UNIT ONE THIS IS MY DAY

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Listen to your teacher and write down your answers.

Let's chantWhat do you do on the weekend? I usually go swimming.

Sometimes I climb mountains. Sometimes I go shopping.

What do you do on the weekend? I usually play the piano.

Sometimes I visit grandparents.Sometimes I watch videos.

A Let's learn,eat breakfast,do morning exercises,

have English class,play sports,eat dinner,

When do you do morning exercises?

I usually do morning exercises at 8:30.

When do you play sports?

I usually play sports at 3:30.

Let's try,Let's talk

A: When do you get up?

Z: At 6:00.What about you?

A: I usually get up at 6:00.

When do you have breakfast?

Z:At 6:20.A:When do you go to shool?

Z:At 7:00.And you?

A:At 7:00,too.

Read and witer

A: Excuse me.Can I ask you some question?

P:Sure.A: What do you do?

P:I am a policeman.

A:When do you go to work?

P:I go to work at 9:00 in the evening.

A:When do you eat dinner?

P:I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening

A:When do you go home

P:I go home at 5:00 in the morning.

I eat breakfast at 6:00.Then I go to bed.

A: When do you get up?

P: I usually get up at 12:00 at noon.

And I play sports at about 3:00 in the afternoon.

A: Thank you for telling me about your day.

P: You're welcome.B Let's learn

climb mountains,go shopping

play the piano,visit grandparents

go hiking,What do you do on the weekend?

I often go shopping.How aout you?

I often go hiking.

Let's chant

Every weekend I climb mountains.What do you do ?

Every weekend I read some books.What do you do?

Every weekend I go shopping.What do you do?

Every weekend I go hiking.What do you do?

Let's try,Let's talk

C: What do you do on the weekend?

J:I often play football.

Sometimes I go hiking.

What about you?

C:Usually I clean my room.

I often go hiking,too.

J:Let's go hiking together next Sunday

C: Great.

Read and write

ZOOM: What do you do on the weekend?

ZIP:Usually I watch TV and go shopping.

Sometimes I visit my grandparents.What about you?

ZOOM:I often play football.Sometimes I go hiking.

ZIP:That's fun .

ZOOM:But not this weekend. ZIP:Why?

ZOOM:The weather reaort says it's going to rain tomorrow.

I can't play football in the rain.

I can't go hiking,either.

ZIP:Then come to my home.Let's watch TV together. ZOOM:OK.

C Pronunciation,ai wait rain paint train

ay say play today May,gr great green grow grass

gl glad glue glass glove

Wait for the rain to paint a rainbow.

Wait for the rain to paint a rainbow.

Wait for the rain to paint a rainbow.

Say that we may play today.

Say that we may play today.

Say that we may play today.

A grandpa gladly grows great green grapes.

grandpa gladly grows great green grapes.

grandpa gladly grows great green grapes.

Let's check

1.Write down Sandy's day.

2.Ciecle her weekend activities.

Let's sing,Weekendend .

Let's go out on the weekend.Let's go play in the park.

Let's play foobtall or basketball.The have fun.It is full for all

Let's go out on the weekend.Let's go play in the park.

Let's go shopping or play in the sun.The weekend is fun.It's fun for all.

Story time

I'm Rusty.I am Mike's dog.I go with him everywhere.

He gets up.I get up.

He does morning exercises.I do morning exercises,too.

He goes to school.I go to school.

He sings.I bark.One day,I wake up.It's late.

I bark at Mike.But he doesn't wake up

How can I help him?Mike wakes up.

He searche for his bag.Oh,Mike,come on!Hurry up!

Mike hurries to school Of courseI am waiting for him.

He can always depend on me!Words in Unit 1

do morning exercises,eat brakfast,

have English class,

Play sports,eat dinner,


evening,get up,at,usually,

noon,tell,climb mountains,

go shopping,play the piano,

visit garandparents,go hiking,



重点单词   查看全部解释    
bark [bɑ:k]


v. (狗)吠,咆哮
n. 狗吠,咆哮

glue [glu:]


n. 胶,胶水,胶粘物
vt. 粘贴,紧附于

rainbow ['reinbəu]


n. 彩虹

sandy ['sændi]


adj. 沙,含沙的,沙色的,不稳固的 Sandy n.

pronunciation [prə.nʌnsi'eiʃən]


n. 发音





