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小学六年级英语(人教新课标版)下册 Recycle 2 A Farewell Party -1

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Unit 1 You should obey the rules.
lesson 1 just read and speak.
Gao Wei is a good student.
He knows everyone in school should obey the rules.
He comes to school early. He listens to his teacher carefully.
He never makes noise in calss. He's a group leader.
His group is making a list of rules for the class.Class Rules.
Listen to the teacher carefully? Hand in your homework on time.
Don't be late for class. Don't make noise in class.
lesson 2 just practise.
listen to the teather carefully. Dont't be late for class/school.
May I ask you question? Ask questions actively.
Don't make noise. Be quiet. Don't eat in class.
4 let's read and chat oo.
lesson 3 just read and speak.
Peter is a good student at school.
But sometimes he is not a good boy at home.
He often makes a mess in his room.
He doesn't like to help to set the dinner table.
He watches TV the whole evening.
He reads in bed and he goes to bed very late.
Peter's mother writes some home rules for him:
1.You should help to set the dinner table.
2.You should go to bed early.
3.You should keep your room clean.
1.You shouldn't read in bed.
2.You shouldn't watch TV till late.
3.You shouldn't make a mess in your room.
lesson 4 just practise you should go to bed early.
you shouldn't make a mess in your room.
keep your desk clean You should keep your desk clean.
make a mess You shouldn't make a mess.
help to set the dinner table
You should help to set the dinner table.
go home too late,
you shouldn't go home too late.
4 let's read and chant ur.
lesson 5 just read and speak.
look out!You mustn't cross the road now.
You must wait for the green light.
You mustn't spit on the ground. You must keep off the grass.
You mustn't pick the flowers.
You mustn't litter We must take good car -e of young children.
lesson 6 just practise,
look out!You must wait.
respect old people and help them.
You must respect old people and help them.
take good care of young children
You must take good care of young children.
keep off the grass,
You must keep off the grass.
you mustn't cross the road now!
lay on the street you mustn't play on the street.
spit on the ground,
you mustn't spit on the ground.
litter you mustn't litter.
4 let's read and chant ch,Revision Fun story.
Mimi, Micky and their classmates are going on a social studies field trip.
They come to a hospital. The rabbit puts sign in front of the hospital.
She wants to people, Be quiet.
They come to a busy street.
The dog holds up his sign to tell people, No crossing!
Mimi holds up a sign to tell people, Look out!
They come to a beauti -ful park.
The panada holds up his sign to tell people, Keep off the grass.
Micky points to his sign to people, No littering.
Micky feels hungry. He eats a banana.
Then he throws the banana skin on the ground.
What is wrong with Micky? What are class -mates doing now?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
revision [ri'viʒin]


n. 校订,修正,修订本,复习

chant [tʃɑ:nt]


n. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊

social ['səuʃəl]


adj. 社会的,社交的
n. 社交聚会

primary ['praiməri]


adj. 主要的,初期的,根本的,初等教育的


关键字: 小学 年级




