总是勉强在最后一分钟赶到公司?赴约时就算提前打出几小时的富余,最后还是会迟到?有人说这是拖延症的表现,可专家说,这种情况叫chronic lateness(惯常迟到)。
Do any of the following sound familiar?
** You're always rushing at the last minute, even though you've promised yourself countless times that you wouldn't let this happen again.
** You've tried setting your watch several minutes ahead, but you're still late.
** You may be punctual for work (barely) but you're usually at least 20 minutes late for meetings, appointments, class, church, theater or other non-work situations.
** You make excuses, such as: "There was traffic," or "Something came up," or "I was going to call you but I didn't want to be even more late."
** People become impatient or angry at your tardiness.
** You believe that you are more motivated when in a time crunch, or that you move faster under pressure.
If you can identify with 2 or more of the above, you have a problem with punctuality, normally known as chronic lateness. Chronic lateness is related to procrastination. Latecomers and procrastinators have trouble NOT with time, but with self-discipline. They may also have underlying anxiety about the task they're faced with.
如果以上描述中,你有两项以上为肯定回答,那么你在遵守时间方面可能有问题,这种问题就是“惯常迟到(chronic lateness)”。“惯常迟到”跟拖延症相关。经常迟到的人和患有拖延症的人不是在应对时间方面有问题,而是不够自律。另外,也有可能是他们对面前的任务有焦虑情绪。