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编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Supertasters Beware!
  • 品尝师们要注意啦!
  • You may have heard of supertasters. These are people who, it was discovered,
  • 你可能也听过有这样一个群体——品尝师。他们是被挖掘出的特殊人群,
  • are carrying around extra taste buds on their tongues, making the world of eating much more intense.
  • 他们的舌周围广泛分布着味蕾,让吃东西变得异常有“感觉”。
  • It's not at all an unusual thing:
  • 这并不稀奇:
  • the latest data suggest that one out of every four people is a supertaster.
  • 最新数据显示每四个人中就有一个人是品尝师。
  • For them, eating is a much richer, more flavorful experience than for the rest of us.
  • 相比于我们这些普通人,他们吃东西时会有更丰富、更美味的体验。
  • Still, before you get too jealous if you're not a supertaster,
  • 然而,你也不用因为自己无法成为超级品尝师而对他们羡慕不已。
  • it turns out there are drawbacks to having a technicolor tongue.
  • 事实证明,拥有那样“华丽丽”的舌头也会带来某些不好的影响。
  • A study that looks specifically at supertasters over the age of sixty-five found that
  • 专门对65岁以上的品尝师展开的一项调查研究发现,
  • they have more colon polyps than folks who aren't so taste bud gifted.
  • 他们比那些未被赋予“超常”味蕾的人们患结肠息肉的概率更高。
  • Colon polyps are the things you want to have removed before they become cancerous,
  • 结肠息肉容易发生癌变,因而它是“人人得而诛之”,
  • which is why all folks fifty and older should get a yearly colon exam.
  • 这也是为什么人们上了50岁每年都得进行一次肠息肉检查。
  • Why do supertasters have more colon polyps? It isn't known.
  • 为什么品尝师们容易患上结肠息肉?具体原因还待考证。
  • But supertasters also weigh more on average than non-supertasters,
  • 但有一点,品尝师们的体重一般都比普通人重,
  • and weight increases cancer risk.
  • 而体重会增加患癌症的风险。
  • The reason for this may be as simple as it sounds: eating is more fun when you taste in 3-D.
  • 而他们体重偏重的原因就跟大家听起来一样:多方位的品尝食品时,饮食让人倍感无穷乐趣。
  • Some researchers think, however, that the problem may not just be an increase in pleasure.
  • 然而,很多研究人员又认为原因很可能不仅仅是在饮食当中增加了乐趣。
  • Those extra taste buds may also drive people away from food that's good for them,
  • 这些多出来的味蕾会让品尝师们对一些有益身体健康的食物(如蔬菜)敬而远之。
  • such as vegetables, because the taste of, say, a brussels sprout is just too intense.
  • 这是因为这些食物(蔬菜)的滋味,比如说抱子甘蓝,就太重了。


Supertasters Beware!

You may have heard of supertasters. These are people who, it was discovered, are carrying around extra taste buds on their tongues, making the world of eating much more intense.
It's not at all an unusual thing: the latest data suggest that one out of every four people is a supertaster. For them, eating is a much richer, more flavorful experience than for the rest of us.
Still, before you get too jealous if you're not a supertaster, it turns out there are drawbacks to having a technicolor tongue. A study that looks specifically at supertasters over the age of sixty-five found that they have more colon polyps than folks who aren't so taste bud gifted.
Colon polyps are the things you want to have removed before they become cancerous, which is why all folks fifty and older should get a yearly colon exam.
Why do supertasters have more colon polyps? It isn't known. But supertasters also weigh more on average than non-supertasters, and weight increases cancer risk. The reason for this may be as simple as it sounds: eating is more fun when you taste in 3-D.
Some researchers think, however, that the problem may not just be an increase in pleasure. Those extra taste buds may also drive people away from food that's good for them, such as vegetables, because the taste of, say, a brussels sprout is just too intense.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
intense [in'tens]


adj. 强烈的,剧烈的,热烈的

bud [bʌd]


n. 芽,花蕾
vi. 发芽,萌芽

gifted ['giftid]


adj. 有天赋的,有才华的

colon [kəu'ləun]


n. 冒号,结肠,科朗(哥斯达黎加和萨尔瓦多的货币单位)

unusual [ʌn'ju:ʒuəl]


adj. 不平常的,异常的





