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北师大版初中英语九年级 Unit 1 lesson 1

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Unit 1 Learning to Learn
Lesson 1
Exercise 1.2
Hi,I'm a Junior high school student.
I had a wonderful summer vacation,
but I found I forgot a lot of my English
after the vacation.
And I always have a hard time
remembering English words.
This makes me upset,
My question is: is there anything I can do
to improve my memory and be a better learner?
Exercise 1.3
Yes ,there are a number of ways
to help improve your memory,
so you shouldn't feel upset.
My first advice is that
if you want to remember something well,
you have to review it regularly.
You might want to go over the material
two days after you learn it ,
then a week later,then two weeks later,
and then a month later,
After a month you will find that
you can easily remember the material.
My second advice is to use a colored pen
to highlight the important parts on your book,
This will help you in two ways,
First,it will help you concentrate on
the most important parts
when you learn the knowledge,
It is always easier to remember
only the key points
Second,this will make reviewing easier,
When you open your book ,
the colored parts will show you
the most important things immediately.
In this way,
you don't have to go over all the material again
Another piece of advice is to go over
all the information in your mind
right before you go to sleep.
Your brain is working while you are sleeping.
If you think about the information
before you go to sleep,
you might be able to remember it better.
Another good time for memorizing information
is in the morning
because you have just rested
and your brain is fresh and clear,
So you might also try to memorize the important
information in the morning.
Before you use these ideas,
you should know that to memorize something well
you must understand it,
Make sure you know about the material
and don't just recite it.
Exercise 2.2
According to scientists,
there are different ways
to remember different things,
If you want to remember a list of words,
you might organize the words
in a sentence or a story,
For example.If you want to remember vocabulary
"regularly.confident,advice,upset ,
review and memory",
you can put them in a sentence like"
If you feel upset about your memory,
my advice is be confident
and review the things regularly."
Organizing things is a lot of fun.
If you want to memorize a paragraph,
you might probably need to concentrate
on the key points,
You should understand the paragraph First
and then look at the organization
of the paragraph.
In general,
a paragraph will have a topic sentence,
From this sentence
you will know the main idea.
And then you need to find out the details and
how they support the main idea.
Different people have different ways
in memorizing.
No people can say which way is better.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

confident ['kɔnfidənt]


adj. 自信的,有信心的,有把握的

overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

concentrate ['kɔnsntreit]


v. 集中,专心,浓缩
n. 浓缩物

organize ['ɔ:gənaiz]


v. 组织

highlight ['hailait]


n. 加亮区,精彩部分,最重要的细节或事件,闪光点

recite [ri'sait]


vt. 背诵,逐一例举,叙述或回答问题





