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北师大版初中英语八年级上Unit 6 unit 21-1

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • UNIT 6
  • Lesson 21
  • Exercise 1.2
  • Christmas
  • In the United States
  • the Christmas season lasts from
  • Thanksgiving through the beginning of January.
  • Christmas Day itself,
  • celebrating the day that Jesus Christ was born,
  • is on December 25.
  • Christmas decorations
  • In the weeks before Christmas,
  • people decorate their homes.
  • Green,red silver,and gold are traditional colors
  • Another common tradition is
  • to have a Christmas tree in the home.
  • These trees are decorated
  • with small colored lights and other decorations
  • Many people put a star or the figure
  • of an angel at the top of the tree.
  • Christmas cards
  • At this time of year,
  • people send Christmas cards to
  • friends and family.
  • These cards show typical Christmas pictures and
  • inside the card there is usually a message
  • such as "Wishing you a Merry Christmas
  • and a Happy New Year" or "Season's Greetings".
  • Christmas gifts
  • Another important Christmas tradition is
  • giving gifts to family members and friends.
  • Young children wake up on Christmas morning
  • hoping to find the toys that
  • Santa Claus left for them early
  • during the night.


Lesson 21
Exercise 1.2
In the United States
the Christmas season lasts from
Thanksgiving through the beginning of January.
Christmas Day itself,
celebrating the day that Jesus Christ was born,
is on December 25.
Christmas decorations
In the weeks before Christmas,
people decorate their homes.
Green,red silver,and gold are traditional colors
Another common tradition is
to have a Christmas tree in the home.
These trees are decorated
with small colored lights and other decorations
Many people put a star or the figure
of an angel at the top of the tree.
Christmas cards
At this time of year,
people send Christmas cards to
friends and family.
These cards show typical Christmas pictures and
inside the card there is usually a message
such as "Wishing you a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year" or "Season's Greetings".
Christmas gifts
Another important Christmas tradition is
giving gifts to family members and friends.
Young children wake up on Christmas morning
hoping to find the toys that
Santa Claus left for them early
during the night.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
typical ['tipikəl]


adj. 典型的,有代表性的,特有的,独特的

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

decorate ['dekəreit]


vt. 装饰,装修,授予某人奖章或其他奖状





