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北师大版初中英语八年级上Unit 5 unit 19-1

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • UNIT 5
  • Lesson 19
  • Exercise 1.5
  • Better than Doctors?
  • An interesting experiment is taking place
  • at the Children's Hospital in London, Dogs,
  • cats,and even horses
  • help sick children to get better.
  • There are a number of reasons
  • why this treatment is important,
  • explains Dr.Marcus Finch
  • of the Children's Hospital.
  • "Children and teenagers have many changes
  • as they are growing up.
  • When they have problems,
  • it's not easy for them to open up and talk.
  • But when they are with a pet animal,
  • they calm down, relax, and smile.
  • Animals don't speak and so they don't criticize
  • They listen and they don't stop the children.
  • Children can talk to animals
  • because they can trust them.
  • Animals know how to keep a secret!
  • Also, the children feel needed
  • because they help to feed the animals
  • and look after them."
  • At the Children's Hospital you can find
  • children playing with cats, dogs goats,
  • and riding horses.
  • The doctors just watch and take notes and
  • wonder at the power of pets!


Lesson 19
Exercise 1.5
Better than Doctors?
An interesting experiment is taking place
at the Children's Hospital in London, Dogs,
cats,and even horses
help sick children to get better.
There are a number of reasons
why this treatment is important,
explains Dr.Marcus Finch
of the Children's Hospital.
"Children and teenagers have many changes
as they are growing up.
When they have problems,
it's not easy for them to open up and talk.
But when they are with a pet animal,
they calm down, relax, and smile.
Animals don't speak and so they don't criticize
They listen and they don't stop the children.
Children can talk to animals
because they can trust them.
Animals know how to keep a secret!
Also, the children feel needed
because they help to feed the animals
and look after them."
At the Children's Hospital you can find
children playing with cats, dogs goats,
and riding horses.
The doctors just watch and take notes and
wonder at the power of pets!




