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河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 59 Let's Look at Garbage!

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  • Lesson 59: Let's Look at Garbage!
  • Sort It!
  • Jenny has emptied two bags of garbage onto the floor.
  • That's a lot of garbage! says Danny.
  • Can I help you sort it?
  • Yes, please, says Jenny.
  • I'm putting the glass here, the metal here, the plastic here, and the paper here.
  • What are these other things? asks Danny.
  • That's everything that is not glass, metal, plastic or paper, says Jenny.
  • Thanks for your help Danny!
  • You're welcome!
  • A Mountain of Garbage How much garbage does a person in North America throw away each year?
  • Every year, each person in North Americamakes about 1,000 kilograms of garbage.
  • That's the same weight as a small car!
  • What's in it?
  • 160 kilograms of paper,125 kilograms of grass and leaves 50 kilograms of food,45 kilograms of glass 25 kilograms of metal,25 kilograms of plastic 20 kilograms of cardboard,10 kilograms of wood 10 kilograms of diapers,
  • 5 kilograms of clothes other things, Babies wear diapers.
  • Many families in North America use diapers made of paper and plastic.
  • What makes the most garbage?
  • Packaging.
  • What's packaging?
  • When you buy something it might come in a box or a plastic bag.
  • The box or bag might have words and pictures on it.
  • That's packaging.
  • About one third of North American garbage comes from packaging!
  • People do not even use packaging!
  • People just throw it away!
  • Why is packaging a problem?
  • About ten percent of packaging is plastic.
  • Most garbage turns into soil.
  • But not plastic!
  • Plastic is plastic for years and years after you throw it away.
  • What doesturn intomean?
  • A boyturns intoa man. Springturns intosummer.
  • Now do you know?
  • FASCINATING FACT In just one day, Americans throw out 136 million kilograms of packaging.
  • This would fill about ten thousand trucks!


Lesson 59:
Let's Look at Garbage!Sort It!
Jenny has emptied two bags of garbage onto the floor.
That's a lot of garbage!says Danny.
Can I help you sort it?
Yes,please,says Jenny.
I'm putting the glass here,the metal here,the plastic here,and

the paper here.
What are these other things?asks Danny.
That's everything that isn't glass,metal,plastic or paper,says

Thanks for your help Danny!
You're welcome!A Mountain of Garbage
How much garbage does a person in North America throw away each

Every year,each person in North Americamakes about 1,000

kilograms of garbage.
That's the same weight as a small car!What's in it?
160 kilograms of paper
125 kilograms of grass and leaves
50 kilograms of food
45 kilograms of glass
25 kilograms of metal
25 kilograms of plastic
20 kilograms of cardboard
10 kilograms of wood
10 kilograms of diapers
5 kilograms of clothes
other things
Babies wear diapers.
Many families in North America use diapers made of paper and

What makes the most garbage?Packaging.What's packaging?
When you buy something it might come in a box or a plastic bag.
The box or bag might have words and pictures on it.
That's packaging.About one-third of North American garbage

comes from packaging!
People don't even use packaging!People just throw it away!
Why is packaging a problem?About ten percent of packaging is

Most garbage turns into soil.
But not plastic!Plastic is plastic for years and years after

you throw it away.
What doesturn intomean?A boyturns intoa man.
Springturns intosummer.Now do you know?
In just one day,Americans throw out 136 million kilograms of

This would fill about ten thousand trucks!

重点单词   查看全部解释    
fascinating ['fæsineitiŋ]


adj. 迷人的

plastic ['plæstik, plɑ:stik]


adj. 塑料的,可塑的,造型的,整形的,易受影响的





