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河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 55 Report on the Repo

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  • Lesson 55: Report on the Report I hope Brian can visit Hebei Province some day.
  • Then he can really learn a lot about where I live!
  • To: Subject: How did it go?
  • From: Li Ming @ net. cn Date: 30/05 5:05 PM Hi, Brian, Today in school, I kept thinking about your report.
  • I hope it went well.
  • My mother asked me why you called.
  • I told her about your geography class She said, That's nice.
  • Most people in North America do not know about shijiazhuang.
  • They only know the biggest cities, like Beijing and Shanghai.
  • Did your classmates think it was interesting?
  • I hope so!
  • Your Chinese pen pal, Li Ming To: Li Ming @ net. cn Subject: It went well From: Date: 29/05 6:13 PM Dear Li Ming,
  • I'm very happy that I rang you up.
  • Thanks a lot of for your help.
  • My report was the only one with an interview!
  • Our teacher said talking to people from other parts of the world is a good way to learn geography.
  • The best way is to go to abroad!
  • Danny gave a very good report on Europe.
  • He knew a lot of facts!
  • He told us that England is an island and that Europe's longest river is in Europe's biggest country: Russia.
  • At the end, he said dosvidanija that's good bye in Russian!
  • Thanks again for your help.
  • Brian.
  • I like e mails, but it was fun talking to Li Ming on the phone this week!


Lesson 55: Report on the Report
I hope Brian can visit Hebei Province some day.
Then he can really learn a lot about where I live!
Subject:How did it go?
Date:30/05 5:05 PM
Hi,Brian,Today in school,I kept thinking about your report.
I hope it went well.My mother asked me why you called.
I told her about your geography class She said,That's nice.
Most people in North America don't know about shijiazhuang.
They only know the biggest cities,like Beijing and Shanghai.
Did your classmates think it was interesting?I hope so!
Your Chinese pen pal
Li Ming
Subject:It went well
Date:29/05 6:13 PM
Dear Li Ming,
I'm very happy that I rang you up.
Thanks a lot of for your help.
My report was the only one with an interview!
Our teacher said talking to people from other parts of the

is a good way to learn geography.The best way is to go to

Danny gave a very good report on Europe.He knew a lot of facts!
He told us that England is an island
and that Europe's longest river is in Europe's biggest

At the end,he said dosvidanija-that's good-bye in Russian!
Thanks again for your help.Brian.
I like e-mails,but it was fun talking to Li Ming on the phone

this week!




