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河北加拿大版初中英语--Lesson 16 What Do You Know?

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Lesson 16:
What Do You Know?
Have You Seen These Words?
Leaves grow above ground.Roots grow below ground.
As I walk down the street,I look at all the people.
The weather is cold.I cover my plants.I put a cover over them.
You stand on the ground.
You are a teenager.Teenagers grow.You grew last year.You have

You are so big now!
My plant has leaves.
Its leaves are green.
My plant can't water itself!
I water it.
look after
Look after your plant and it will grow.
You are in your classroom.
What is over your head?The ceiling!
plant I plant a tree in the ground!
Yesterday I planted some flower seeds.
I have planted the tree,and now I will water it.
Water your plant every day.
Yesterday you watered your plant.
Good for you!You have watered your plant.
Now,put it in the sunshine.
I would give you some noodles,but I don't have any!
I write a story.
Yesterday,I wrote in my diary.
I have written the story.Now you can read it!
Time For A Quiz
Are you ready for a quiz?
Listen carefully.
1.How do you look after a plant?
Please stand for the right answers.
Please sit down for the wrong answers.
You put the plant in the sunshine.You never water the plant.
You plant it in soil.You cover it in cold weather.
2.Li Ming is planting a seed.
Let's say this together,
Would you like some water,Li Ming?
What can Li Ming say?When you hear the first right answer.
Please stand.When you hear the second right answer.
Please put up your hand.No,thanks.Seeds don't need water.
Yes,thank you.I need some water.Yes,thanks.I already watered my

Yes,please.Water is good for seeds.
3.Listen.What am I talking about?
When you know the answer,please say it loudly.It is green.
It makes food for a plant.
It starts with the letterL.
It grows above ground.It needs sunshine.
4.Where do you put a cover?
Listen to my sentences.Please smile when you hear the right

You put a cover under something.
You put a cover beside something.
You put a cover over something.
5.In the spring,your plant grows every day.
What did your plant do yesterday?
Listen carefully.
When you hear the right answer sayRight!.She grew.It growed.
It grew.6.Was that too difficult?I hope not.
Here's another one.
Read the sentences below with me.
My plant has two leaves.
It's leaves are green.
My plant has two leafs.It's leafs are green.
What sentence is correct?
The first sentence or the second sentence?
Please say your answer loudly.
7.I'm eating my lunch and reading a book.
How else can I say this?
Please put up your hand when you hear the right answer.
After I eat my lunch I read my book.
Before I eat my lunch,I read my book.
As I eat my lunch,I read my book.
8.Listen.Are my sentences correct?
When you hear a correct sentence sayRight!
A plant makes food for itself.
She makes himself a sandwiches.
It looks at herself in the mirror.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

diary ['daiəri]


n. 日记,日记簿





