Exercise 2.1
This beach looks so different now!
I remember we used to come here every year
when I was a kid.
It used to be a lot cleaner than it is now!
There didn't use to be any people and now
there are thoushands of people everywhere.
There didin't use to be any big hotels.
There used to be just two hotels
and they were smaller than
the ones they have now.
They were cheaper too and very basic.
Things didn't use to cost so much back then.
I remember we used to walk for miles
along the beach and
we didn't use to see a single person.
It used to quieter and more peaceful.
Sometimes we slept on the beach.
Now, that is prohibited!
How things change!
Exercise 2.3
Work it out
The beach used to be clean.
The beach used to be quiet.
It didn't use to be so crowded.
Things didn't use to be so expensive.
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- Exercise 2.1
- This beach looks so different now!
- I remember we used to come here every year
- when I was a kid.
- It used to be a lot cleaner than it is now!
- There didn't use to be any people and now
- there are thoushands of people everywhere.
- There didin't use to be any big hotels.
- There used to be just two hotels
- and they were smaller than
- the ones they have now.
- They were cheaper too and very basic.
- Things didn't use to cost so much back then.
- I remember we used to walk for miles
- along the beach and
- we didn't use to see a single person.
- It used to quieter and more peaceful.
- Sometimes we slept on the beach.
- Now, that is prohibited!
- How things change!
- Exercise 2.3
- Work it out
- The beach used to be clean.
- The beach used to be quiet.
- It didn't use to be so crowded.
- Things didn't use to be so expensive.


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