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北师大版初中英语七年级下Unit 11 lesson 41-2

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • 1.5 finished lived packed
  • started stayed studied
  • talked traveled
  • visited worked
  • 2.1 Our trip was fantastic!
  • We started in June is San Francisco,of course.
  • We traveled by train and by bus.
  • First,we traveled south to Los Angeles.
  • We visited all the famous Hollywood studios.
  • We stayed there for a few days
  • and then continued westwards
  • because we wanted to see the Grand Canyon.
  • It was amazing!
  • After that we traveled south through Texas.
  • There were many things to see there
  • but my favorite of all was the rodeo in Houston.
  • I enjoyed that a lot.
  • We wanted to spend some time at the beach
  • so our next stop was Florida.
  • We stayed at Miami Beach for about a week.
  • The weather was really hot.
  • Then we traveled north all the way
  • to New York City where we finished our trip.
  • New York was fantastic!
  • We visited many famous places.


1.5 finished lived packed
started stayed studied
talked traveled
visited worked
2.1 Our trip was fantastic!
We started in June is San Francisco,of course.
We traveled by train and by bus.
First,we traveled south to Los Angeles.
We visited all the famous Hollywood studios.
We stayed there for a few days
and then continued westwards
because we wanted to see the Grand Canyon.
It was amazing!
After that we traveled south through Texas.
There were many things to see there
but my favorite of all was the rodeo in Houston.
I enjoyed that a lot.
We wanted to spend some time at the beach
so our next stop was Florida.
We stayed at Miami Beach for about a week.
The weather was really hot.
Then we traveled north all the way
to New York City where we finished our trip.
New York was fantastic!
We visited many famous places.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
canyon ['kænjən]


n. 峡谷

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的





