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北师大版初中英语七年级下Unit 10 lesson39-1

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • UNIT 10 Lesson 39
  • 1.2 Hi,guys.
  • How was the trip to the museum?
  • It was great!
  • Really?
  • Yeah.There was a time capsule.
  • It was really cool!
  • A time capsule?
  • Wow!Tell me about it.
  • Well,there was a time capsule
  • and it was full of old stuff.
  • Like how old?
  • Oh,really old-from the 1960s!
  • 1.3 Today was a fantastic day!
  • It was our school trip to the City Museum
  • to see an exhibition about the 1960s.
  • We were with Mrs Wilkins,our history teacher.
  • There were lots of students from other schools
  • Mrs Wilkins was very nervous
  • because there were people everywhere!
  • Apart from the time capsule,
  • there were many sections in the exhibition.
  • In the "History Makers" section,
  • there were photographs
  • and videos of famous people
  • and events from the 1960s.
  • There was a film about Neil Armstrong walking
  • on the moon.


UNIT 10 Lesson 39
1.2 Hi,guys.
How was the trip to the museum?
It was great!
Yeah.There was a time capsule.
It was really cool!
A time capsule?
Wow!Tell me about it.
Well,there was a time capsule
and it was full of old stuff.
Like how old?
Oh,really old-from the 1960s!
1.3 Today was a fantastic day!
It was our school trip to the City Museum
to see an exhibition about the 1960s.
We were with Mrs Wilkins,our history teacher.
There were lots of students from other schools
Mrs Wilkins was very nervous
because there were people everywhere!
Apart from the time capsule,
there were many sections in the exhibition.
In the "History Makers" section,
there were photographs
and videos of famous people
and events from the 1960s.
There was a film about Neil Armstrong walking
on the moon.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
exhibition [.eksi'biʃən]


n. 展示,展览

fantastic [fæn'tæstik]


adj. 极好的,难以置信的,奇异的,幻想的

capsule ['kæpsju:l]


n. 荚膜,胶囊,简缩,太空舱
vt. 装入胶





