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来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Read the flowing newspaper article.
One Friday morning in San Francisco,Robert Parley,a baby,was sleeping in his bed.
The family pet,a dog,was asleep on the floor beside the baby's bed.
Mrs Parley was busy with her housework.
Suddenly an earthquake rocked the city.
She tried hard to reach the baby'r room,
but the house broke in two,dropping her to the first floor
and leaving the baby's bed on the edge of the two-story house.
She should to the dog,Cody,to get the baby.
The dog jumped into little Robert's bed
and carefully grabbed the baby in his mouth.
The dog then jumped out of the bed with the baby,
just as the bed crashed to the first floor.
Mrs Parley called the police on her mobile phone and half an hour later,
they climbed to the second floor to get the dog and the baby.
The police said baby Robert didn't cry at all.
Baby Robert and his mother were taken to the hospital,
with Cody the dog right beside them.
All are now doing well.
It is true to say a dog is man's best friend or at least Rober's best friend.
be busy with be asleep make up one's mind write
1.Peter said that he (had been busy with )his work on the project since last Friday.
2.The boy said that he(had made up his mind) to be a doctor for children.
3.The baby (had been asleep) for nearly two hours when you came in.
4.He (had writen )two books on animals before he because an animal doctor.
She said that she had been a tercher for ten years.
She said that she had seen the film

重点单词   查看全部解释    
flowing ['fləuiŋ]


adj. 流动的;平滑的;上涨的 v. 流动;起源;上涨

earthquake ['ə:θkweik]


n. 地震





