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Talk and write
A:What do you thin is the fastest way to travel?
B:I think the fastest way to travel is by plane.
C:What did he/she say?
A:He/She said the fastest way to travel was by plane.
What is the slowest way to travel?
What is the Most expensive way to travel?
What is the least expensive way to travel?
What is the safest way to travel?
What is the most dangerous way to travel?
What is the most comfortable way to travel?
What is the least comfortable way to travel?
fast faster fastest
early earlier earliest
big bigger biggest
nice nicer nicest
slowly more slowly most slowly
good better best
well better best
bad worse worst
badly wores worst
..not so/
A is begger than B.
A runs more slowly than B.
A looks less helpful than B.
A is as beautiful as B.
A works as carefully as B.
A isn't so friendly as B.
A isn't as friendly as B.
A runs fastest of them all.
A has become the richest man in the United States.
Sammy The white sheep
Bobby The black and white dog.
Sammy looks stronger than Bobby.
Bobby is running faster than Sammy.
Sammy is not so/as fast as Bobby.
Sammy's legs aren't as long as Bobby's.
Sammy is as nice as Bobby.
Sammy's running as hard as Bobby.
Micky runs (the) most slowly of them.
4 Write
Fill in the form first and then write a short passage about travelling.
What do you think of travelling?
Is it good or bad?
GOOd POINTS see different and interesting places
BAD POINTS spend too much money
5 A game
Let's play "I couldn't hear him."
A: I'm going to take care of the child.
B:What did he say?I couldn't tear him.
C:He said he was going to take care of the child.
Xiamen is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Miss Brown has two big blue eyes,a small nose and short hair.
The tallest building in the town is the Bank of China.
Mount Emei is one of the most beautiful mountains in China.
Most people get sick because of the cold weather

重点单词   查看全部解释    
plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯





