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北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 4 Food expansion4

编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 4 Food
  • Expansion 4
  • exercise 3
  • Rob and Sally
  • While I'm out,I want you both to help me to
  • get things ready for father's birthday party.
  • 1.make a cake
  • Buy the following things:milk (1 bottle ),
  • 12 eggs ,sugar.
  • Don't buy any flour.
  • There is lots of flour in the cupboard.
  • 2.prepare a fruit salad
  • You need to buy 3 apples, a melon, a pineapple,
  • and some bananas.
  • Don't buy oranges.
  • There are some oranges in the fruit bowl.
  • vegetables
  • We need some carrots, some potatoes ,
  • and 2 onions.
  • Don't buy the vegetables at the supermarket--
  • go to the market.
  • Rob, you're in charge.
  • Call me if there is any problem.
  • See you later.
  • Mom
  • 5
  • So, let's check the list.
  • We need some onions.
  • How many do we need ?
  • Er...two.Yes, two onions.And we need some milk.
  • How much?
  • We need one liter of milk.
  • Do we need to buy apples?
  • Yes,we do .
  • How many apples?
  • Mom wants three apples .
  • Anything else?
  • Let me see.Oh,yes.She wants some eggs.
  • How many ?
  • A dozen eggs.


Unit 4 Food
Expansion 4
exercise 3
Rob and Sally
While I'm out,I want you both to help me to
get things ready for father's birthday party.
1.make a cake
Buy the following things:milk (1 bottle ),
12 eggs ,sugar.
Don't buy any flour.
There is lots of flour in the cupboard.
2.prepare a fruit salad
You need to buy 3 apples, a melon, a pineapple,
and some bananas.
Don't buy oranges.
There are some oranges in the fruit bowl. vegetables
We need some carrots, some potatoes ,
and 2 onions.
Don't buy the vegetables at the supermarket--
go to the market.
Rob, you're in charge.
Call me if there is any problem.
See you later.
So, let's check the list.
We need some onions.
How many do we need ?
Er...two.Yes, two onions.And we need some milk.
How much?
We need one liter of milk.
Do we need to buy apples?
Yes,we do .
How many apples?
Mom wants three apples .
Anything else?
Let me see.Oh,yes.She wants some eggs.
How many ?
A dozen eggs.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
bowl [bəul]


n. 碗,碗状物,季后赛,圆形露天剧场

melon ['melən]


n. 甜瓜

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

rob [rɔb]


v. 抢劫,掠夺





