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来源:可可英语 编辑:hoy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Mott: Hello, Ann!
May I ask you some questions?
Ann: Certainly.
Mott: When were you born?
Ann: I was born on May 18,1987.Mott: Where were you born?
Ann: I was born in England in a small town near London.
Mott: How long did you live there?
Ann: We lived there for about nine years.
Then we moved to France.
Mott: Why did you move there?
Ann: Because my father found work there.
Mott: When did you come to China? two years ago, Ann: We came here about two years ago.
now past future, four days ago, Jim came back from Paris four days ago. three months ago,
Jim went to Paris for his holiday three months ago. five years ago, Jim was in London with his parents five years ago.
Mott: Why did you come here?
Ann: Because my parents wanted to work in China.
Mott: Do you enjoy living here?
Ann: Yes, we do.
Very much.
Mott: How is your Chinese?
Can you understand your lessons in Chinese?
Ann: My Chinese is so so.
At first I found it hard, but now I can understand most of the lessons.
Mott: That's great!
Good luck with your Chinese!




