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北师大版初中英语七年级上Unit 2 Families Expansion 2

来源:可可英语 编辑:yanfeng123   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Unit2 Families
Expansion 2
Exercise 1
Dear Vicky
Thanks for your letter
and for the photos of your family.
Now it's my turn!
This is a photo of my family.
My dad is called Peter.He's a dentist.
He likes playing golf
and he loves watching sports on TV!
In fact, we all like watching TV.
My mom's name is Diana.She's a teacher.
She likes reading
and she also likes watching romatic movies.
I have two brothers--James and Brian.
James is nine years old .
He likes watching cartoons
and playing video games.
Little Brian is still a baby.
He's only two years old.
He doesn't like watching TV.
He likes playing with his teddy bear.
And me ?Well,I like watching tennis on TV
but I prefer to play.Do you like playing tennis
I do .Maybe we can play some time?
What do you like to do ?
Write and tell me .
Yours truly
Do you like football ,Alan?
Yes ,I do.I love football!
Who is your favourite player?
My favourite player is David Beckham .
He's English.
And who is your favourite singer?
My favourite singer is Jennifer Lopez
Where is she from?
She's American.She's also an actress.
and who is your favourite actor?
I really like Jackie Chan.He's funny!

关键字: 北师大 初中 英语




