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小故事背诵达人第64期:Re-Finding Faith

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  • Unit 17 Re-Finding Faith
  • 第17单元 重新找回信仰
  • I grew up in a very religious family.
  • 我成长在一个宗教信仰虔诚的家庭,
  • By the time I was in my teens, I had had enough of God and spent the early years of my adult life ignoring him.
  • 当我十几岁时,我受够了上帝,而在成年之后又一段时间忽视了他的存在。
  • By the age of thirty-four, I had three children, was going through a divorce, and my business was going under.
  • 到我三十四岁时,我有三个小孩,历经离婚和事业的低潮,
  • I had no money, no credit, and our small apartment was far too cramped for a family of four.
  • 我没有钱、没有信用,而房子小到不够四个人住。
  • For the first time in years, I prayed to God.
  • 我向上帝祈祷,那是我多年来第一次这么做。
  • The following day I began my search for a new home.
  • 隔天我开始找新家,
  • I called a number listed in the classifieds and went to see the house.
  • 我打了分类广告上的一个电话号码,前往看屋,
  • Instantly, I knew it was meant for us.
  • 我立刻觉得那简直是为我们而设计的房子,
  • Four bedrooms and right on the lake, perfect!
  • 四间卧室,靠近湖边,太完美了!
  • The man made an offer to let me lease to own.
  • 屋主提议让我租下,
  • I was thrilled but still knew I didn't have the money.
  • 我很兴奋,但是也知道我没有钱。
  • I went home and prayed again.
  • 回到家后,我再次祈祷,
  • The following week, a lady from my woman's group offered to invest twenty thousand dollors into my business!
  • 隔个礼拜,一位妇女团体的女士说要投资我的公司两万美元!
  • I knew it was God helping me. I went to the bank and I was granted a mortage for the house.
  • 我知道是上帝帮助了我,我到银行,申请抵押贷款租那栋房子。


Unit 17 Re-Finding Faith

第17单元 重新找回信仰
I grew up in a very religious family. By the time I was in my teens, I had had enough of God and spent the early years of my adult life ignoring him.
By the age of thirty-four, I had three children, was going through a divorce, and my business was going under. I had no money, no credit, and our small apartment was far too cramped for a family of four. For the first time in years, I prayed to God.
The following day I began my search for a new home. I called a number listed in the classifieds and went to see the house. Instantly, I knew it was meant for us. Four bedrooms and right on the lake, perfect! The man made an offer to let me lease to own. I was thrilled but still knew I didn't have the money.
I went home and prayed again. The following week, a lady from my woman's group offered to invest twenty thousand dollors into my business! I knew it was God helping me. I went to the bank and I was granted a mortage for the house.

【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


重点单词   查看全部解释    
credit ['kredit]


n. 信用,荣誉,贷款,学分,赞扬,赊欠,贷方

cramped ['kræmpt]


adj. 狭促的,难懂的,难辨的





