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留学生在中国 第11期 politeness礼节

编辑:Amosway   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • What Chinese customs of politeness are traditional?
  • 中国传统里有哪些表示礼貌习俗的?
  • I think you've heard this one before, you fight with a friend over the bill in a restaurant.
  • 我想你应该听说过这个,在饭店里你和你的朋友争着付帐。
  • Yeah, that's a part of Chinese culture. You can see that in other cultures too, but not so much in American culture.
  • 是的,这可能是中国人的传统习俗。别的国家也有这种习俗,但是在美国文化传统里就不打常见。
  • My friends and I sometimes split the cost equally instead of shouting, "let my pay! ...No, let me pay!"
  • 但我和我朋友有时候分摊费用,而不是大吼:“我来买单!我来买单!”
  • In the U.S., it is common for people to split the bill after a meal. They call this habit "going Dutch". For example, after a meal, I would turn to you and say, "Let's go Dutch." Do you know any other polite customs related to eating or drinking?
  • 在美国,人们一般都是分摊餐费。人们把这种习惯叫“go Dutch”。例如,在吃完饭后,我通常会说“Let's go Dutch.”。你还知道其他跟吃喝有关的礼貌习俗吗?
  • In my hometown in Inner Mongolia, people like to drink a lot at mealtimes, especially when guests are over. If you visit me at my place, I'll try my best to get you as drunk as possible.
  • 在我的家乡内蒙古,人们喜欢在吃饭的时候,尤其是有客人来的时候,喝很多酒。如果你去我家玩,我会努力把你灌醉。
  • Really? That's very funny.
  • 是吗?那可挺有意思的。
  • Yeah, that's our way of being polite. If you drink so much that you pass out at my place, you would make my parents very happy.
  • 是啊,这是我们表示礼貌的方式。如果你在我家醉倒了,我爸爸妈妈会很开心的。
  • Very interesting.
  • 真有趣。
  • I actually don't like it very much. It pleases the family but sometimes makes the guests feel uncomfortable.
  • 实际上,我不太喜欢这样。虽然主人高兴了,但有时会使客人觉得不大舒服。


DavidWhat Chinese customs of politeness are traditional?


YouI think you've heard this one before, you fight with a friend over the bill in a restaurant.

DavidYeah, that's a part of Chinese culture. You can see that in other cultures too, but not so much in American culture.

YouMy friends and I sometimes split the cost equally instead of shouting, "let my pay! ...No, let me pay!"

DavidIn the U.S., it is common for people to split the bill after a meal. They call this habit "going Dutch". For example, after a meal, I would turn to you and say: "Let's go Dutch." Do you know any other polite customs related to eating or drinking?
在美国,人们一般都是分摊餐费。人们把这种习惯叫“go Dutch”。例如,在吃完饭后,我通常会说“Let's go Dutch.”。你还知道其他跟吃喝有关的礼貌习俗吗?

YouIn my hometown in Inner Mongolia, people like to drink a lot at mealtimes, especially when guests are over. If you visit me at my place, I'll try my best to get you as drunk as possible.

DavidReally? That's very funny.

YouYeah, that's our way of being polite. If you drink so much that you pass out at my place, you would make my parents very happy.

DavidVery interesting.

YouI actually don't like it very much. It pleases the family but sometimes makes the guests feel uncomfortable.

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related [ri'leitid]


adj. 相关的,有亲属关系的

split [split]


n. 劈开,裂片,裂口
adj. 分散的

traditional [trə'diʃənəl]


adj. 传统的

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的





