Today in History: Friday, August 10, 2012
On Aug. 10, 1977, "Son of Sam" serial killer David Berkowitz was arrested in Yonkers, N.Y., accused of six slayings and seven woundings in a year-long spree of random shootings of mostly young couples parked in cars in New York City. (Berkowitz is serving six consecutive sentences of 25 years to life in prison.)
1977年8月10日,“萨姆之子”连环杀手大卫•伯考维茨在纽约扬克斯被捕,在一年的时间里他在纽约市任意疯狂射杀停在车内的夫妇,造成过6人死亡,7人受伤 。(伯考维茨被判处监禁连续服役25年 。)
1821 Missouri became the 24th state.
1821年,密苏里成为美国第24州 。
1846 Congress chartered the Smithsonian Institution, named after English scientist James Smithson, whose bequest of $500,000 made it possible.
1846年,国会特许以英国科学家詹姆斯•史密森名字命名史特森协会,其500,000美元的遗产让这成为了可能 。
1874 Herbert Clark Hoover, the 31st president of the United States, was born in West Branch, Iowa.
1874年,美国第31届美国总统赫伯特•克拉克•胡佛在爱荷华州西布兰奇出生 。
1885 America's first commercially operated electric streetcar began operation in Baltimore.
1885年,美国第一个商业化运作电力有轨电车在巴尔的摩开始运营 。
1921 Franklin D. Roosevelt was stricken with polio at his summer home on the Canadian island of Campobello.
1921年富兰克林•罗斯福在坎波贝洛加拿大岛的夏季住所患上小儿麻痹症 。
1944 American forces overcame Japanese resistance on Guam during World War II.
1944年,美国军队在二战期间战胜日本关岛抵抗力量 。
1949 The National Military Establishment was renamed the Department of Defense.
1949年,国家军事机构改名为国防部 。
1962 Marvel Comics superhero Spider-Man made his debut in issue 15 of "Amazing Fantasy."
1962年,马弗尔推出的漫画英雄蜘蛛侠第15版“神奇的幻想”首次亮相 。
1969 Leno and Rosemary LaBianca were murdered in their Los Angeles home by members of Charles Manson's cult, one day after actress Sharon Tate and four other people were slain.
1969年,雷诺和罗斯玛丽在洛杉矶家中被杀人集团曼森的成员杀害,前一天演员莎朗•泰特和其他四人也被杀害 。
1988 President Ronald Reagan signed a measure providing $20,000 payments to Japanese-Americans interred by the U.S. government during World War II.
1988年,罗纳德•里根总统向在二战期间被美国政府埋葬的日裔美国人提供20,000补偿 。
1993 Ruth Bader Ginsburg was sworn in as the second female Supreme Court justice.
1993年,Ruth Bader Ginsburg作为第二位女性宣誓就任最高法院大法官 。
2006 British authorities announced they had thwarted a terrorist plot to simultaneously blow up 10 aircraft heading to the United States.
2006年,英国当局宣布他们已经挫败了恐怖分子企图同时炸毁10架前往美国飞机的阴谋 。
2008 American swimmer Michael Phelps won the first of a record eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympics by smashing his own world record in the 400-meter individual medley.
2008年,美国游泳选手迈克尔•菲尔普斯在北京奥运会400米个人混合泳中打破了自己的世界纪录,史无前例获得8枚金牌 。