Throughout history people all over the world have gone to special places where mineral-rich hot springs flow from beneath the earth's surface. Countries with much volcanic activity such as Japan have many such hot springs and have established over time many customs related to taking baths in these special waters. But many other countries especially in Europe also have centuries-old traditions associated with visiting springs to cure certain types of illnesses.
One of such oldest places in the world is located in present-day Jordan and Israel. Actually, it is not a spring, but rather a sea, the Dead Sea. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote about the wonders of the Dead Sea 2500 years ago. It is also said that the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra used water from the Dead Sea to keep her skin beautiful.
The Dead Sea, which has a 33 percent concentration of salts and minerals, is located at the lowest point on Earth, 390 meters below sea level. Because of this unique location, certain atmospheric, thermal, chemical and optical characteristics are found which occur nowhere else in the world. Of course, no fish can live in the Dead Sea, but no one can drown there either. The high concentration of salt allows a person to float on the surface of the water and read a newspaper without getting it wet.
words to learn
3.get + it/something + wet/adj
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/menu/201208/194130.shtml