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小故事背诵达人第46期:A lesson learned

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 24 A lesson learned
  • 第24单元 学来的一课
  • Tina loved to run. She began running at a very young age and always competed in a school cross-country races.
  • 缇娜热爱跑步,她很小就开始跑步,并且总是会参加学校全国性的赛跑。
  • Winning was very important to Tina;
  • 优胜队缇娜来说很重要,
  • but even though she would train after school and on weekends, she always came in second or third place.
  • 可是尽管她放学后还有周末都在训练,她还是只能拿到第二或者第三名。
  • The girl who always came in first was Janice. tina just couldn't get past her.
  • 每次都是一个名叫珍妮丝的女孩拿第一,缇娜就是没办法超越她。
  • Tina thought that if she could just get in front of Janice, she would have a chance to win.
  • 缇娜认为要是她能超越珍妮丝,她就有可能会赢。
  • Finally, in one race, Tina got the break she wanted.
  • 终于有次比赛,缇娜逮到她期盼已久的机会。
  • It began like usual, Janice was in the lead. Suddenly, Janice caught her foot on something and she tripped.
  • 一开始和平常一样,珍妮丝摇摇领先。突然之间,她好像钩到什么东西而绊了一跤,
  • Tina ran as fast as she could to stay in the lead, but Janice caught up and passed her.
  • 缇娜尽她最大的努力快跑,保持领先,可是珍妮丝追了上来并超越她,
  • Tina stopped focusing on the race and 4 more girls passed her. She came in sixth place.
  • 缇娜无法专注比赛,而让其他四个女孩超越她,她得到第六名。
  • Tht day Tina realized that "You couldn't rely on other people's misfortunes to get ahead in life."
  • 那一天,她了解到“人不能靠别人的不幸,让自己的人生取得领先”,
  • Only your own hard work and talents will take you to first place.
  • 只有努力和天赋能让你成为第一名。


Unit 24 A lesson learned

第24单元 学来的一课
Tina loved to run. She began running at a very young age and always competed in a school cross-country races. Winning was very important to Tina; but even though she would train after school and on weekends, she always came in second or third place.
The girl who always came in first was Janice. tina just couldn't get past her. Tina thought that if she could just get in front of Janice, she would have a chance to win. Finally, in one race, Tina got the break she wanted.
It began like usual, Janice was in the lead. Suddenly, Janice caught her foot on something and she tripped. Tina ran as fast as she could to stay in the lead, but Janice caught up and passed her. Tina stopped focusing on the race and 4 more girls passed her. She came in sixth place.
Tht day Tina realized that "You couldn't rely on other people's misfortunes to get ahead in life." Only your own hard work and talents will take you to first place.

【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译





