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开心学英语第六册下unit 9 They're good for you.

编辑:Nicole   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • unit 9 They 're good for you.
  • Conversation Listen and look.
  • Gogo, what are you eating I'm eating ice cream, cheese and some jelly.
  • You know, Gogo, you should eat more healthy food.
  • All food is good for me!
  • Not really.
  • Too much ice cream is not good for you.
  • You do not eat enough'greens ' ' Greens'are vegetables.
  • See, a lot of vegetables are green.
  • They 're good for you.
  • Yuck.
  • I do not like those!
  • This is tasty, Gogo!
  • Come on, eat plenty of'greens'and you 'll be healthy!
  • OK.
  • From now on, I 'll only eat green food!
  • oh, Gogo.
  • Vocabulary Listen and say.
  • enough. enough. plenty. plenty.
  • good for you. good for you. healthy. healthy.
  • not enough. not enough. too much. too much.
  • bad for you. bad for you. unhealthy. unhealthy.
  • Target Listen and say.
  • What's wrong with you, Gogo I had too much cola.
  • That's bad for you!
  • What else is bad for me Too much junk food is unhealthy.
  • What's good for me Get plenty of exercise, eat plenty of vegetables and drink a lot of water.
  • Practice 1 Read, listen and check.
  • A. What's wrong with her.
  • She has too much cake.
  • B. What's wrong with him?.
  • He did not drink enough water.
  • C. Are there oranges for you?
  • Yes there are.
  • D. Are you healthy?
  • Yes I am.
  • I get plenty of exercises.
  • Song activity 1 Listen and sing.
  • They feel bad!
  • What's wrong with Kate?
  • What's wrong with Kate?
  • She is too fat.
  • Because she had too much chocolate.
  • What's wrong with blue eyes?
  • What's wrong with blue eyes?
  • She is too fat.
  • Because she does not get enough exercise.
  • 2 Listen, sing and write.
  • Sounds and words.
  • 1 Listen, point and say.
  • skirt. skirt. skate. skate.
  • skip. skip. stamps. stamps.
  • star. star. stones. stones.
  • 2 Listen and chant.
  • A cold day in the park.
  • In a cold day in the park. a lot of people come to rest and play.
  • Three girls are wearing winter's dress.
  • They are skating on the park all the way.
  • Three boys are wearing winter's coat.
  • They are skating on the lake at hard stone.


unit 9 They're good for you.
Listen and look.
Gogo,what are you eating I'm eating ice cream,cheese and some jelly.
You know,Gogo,you should eat more healthy food.
All food is good for me!
Not really.Too much ice cream isn't good for you.
You don't eat enough'greens'
'Greens'are vegetables.See,a lot of vegetables are green.
They're good for you.
Yuck.I don't like those!
This is tasty,Gogo!Come on,eat plenty of'greens'and you'll be healthy!
OK.From now on,I'll only eat green food!
Listen and say.
enough. enough. plenty. plenty.
good for you.good for you. healthy.healthy.
not enough. not enough. too much.too much.
bad for you .bad for you . unhealthy. unhealthy.
Listen and say.
What's wrong with you,Gogo I had too much cola.
That's bad for you!
What else is bad for me Too much junk food is unhealthy.
What's good for me
Get plenty of exercise, eat plenty of vegetables and drink a lot of water.
Practice 1
Read,listen and check.
A.What's wrong with her.She has too much cake.
B.What's wrong with him?.He didn't drink enough water.
C.Are there oranges for you? Yes there are.
D.Are you healthy?Yes I am.I get plenty of exercises.
Song activity
1 Listen and sing.
They feel bad!
What's wrong with Kate?
What's wrong with Kate?
She is too fat.
Because she had too much chocolate.
What's wrong with blue eyes?
What's wrong with blue eyes?
She is too fat.
Because she doesn't get enough exercise.
2 Listen,sing and write.
Sounds and words.
1 Listen,point and say.
skirt. skirt. skate.skate.
skip.skip. stamps.stamps.
star. star. stones.stones.
2 Listen and chant.
A cold day in the park.
In a cold day in the park.a lot of people come to rest and play.
Three girls are wearing winter's dress.
They are skating on the park all the way.
Three boys are wearing winter's coat.
They are skating on the lake at hard stone.

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skip [skip]


v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读

tasty ['teisti]


adj. 好吃的

check [tʃek]


n. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案

unhealthy [ʌn'helθi]


adj. 不健康的,不卫生的,病态的,危险的

junk [dʒʌŋk]


n. 垃圾,废旧杂物,中国平底帆船
vt. 丢

chant [tʃɑ:nt]


n. 圣歌,赞美诗,旋律,喊叫 vt. 吟唱,诵扬,叫喊





