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编辑:Rainbow   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Anchors away, me boys — but how far? On this moment of science.What happens if you throw your anchor overboard and
  • 但锚还不够长,没法触底固定,那么锚会把船拖下水吗?朋友们,又到了“科学一刻”的时间了。抛锚了,
  • there isn't enough chain to reach the bottom? Does the anchor haul you down with it?
  • 锚究竟该抛多远呢?如果你将锚抛出船外,
  • This sounds a little bit like something that would happen in a cartoon. But for sailors it's no laughing matter.
  • 这听起来像是动画片里才能看到场景,但对水手来说可不是开玩笑。
  • It's unlikely the whole ship would be pulled under,
  • 发生这种情况时,整艘船被拖下水可能性不大,
  • but there could very well be damage to the hull caused by not having enough chain—including a sudden hole where the anchor used to be.
  • 但船体很有可能受到大的破坏,比如船上原本固定锚的地方会被突然扯出一个洞。
  • That's why the nautical rule of thumb is to use three times as much chain as is needed to hit bottom.
  • 所以,对于航海有条黄金法则:使用比触底所需的长度长两倍的锚。
  • That extra chain piles up around the anchor and provides added stability.
  • 多余部分的锚链会在固定锚的周围盘起,从而加强船的稳定性。
  • Still, what if you don't know how deep the water is? Or what if you just make a mistake?
  • 但要是不知道水有多深,或者不小心失误了怎么办?
  • The navy has prepared for this by building what is called a "weak link" into their anchor chains.
  • 为了解决这个问题,海军设计了有“弱环”链接的锚链。
  • The weak link is the last link in the chain, and while it's strong enough to hold together in general,
  • 弱环是锚链的最后一环,通常它可以紧扣锚链,
  • it's weak enough to break if the whole weight of the anchor and chain is put on it. The weak link there is as a safety valve.
  • 在受到整条锚链的重力时才会断裂,就像一个安全阀门。
  • Because it's the very last link, under normal circumstances it never gets played out at all;
  • 正因为它是整条锚链的最后一环,一般根本受不到力,
  • you always want to have some chain left on the ship.
  • 因为总有一部分链条还留在船上。
  • But, if the anchor is still zooming down full speed at the point where the entire chain runs out, the abrupt jerk will cause that link to snap.
  • 但要是在整条锚链已完全抛出,锚还在急速下降,猛然的拉动还是会扯断弱环。
  • Without the safety valve of the weak link, sailors might routinely drop more than their anchors.
  • 如果没有弱环作为安全阀,恐怕被抛入水底的就是那些水手了。


Anchors Away, Me Boysbut How Far?

Anchors away, me boysbut how far? On this moment of science.What happens if you throw your anchor overboard and there isn't enough chain to reach the bottom? Does the anchor haul you down with it?
This sounds a little bit like something that would happen in a cartoon. But for sailors it's no laughing matter. It's unlikely the whole ship would be pulled under, but there could very well be damage to the hull caused by not having enough chainincluding a sudden hole where the anchor used to be.
Thats why the nautical rule of thumb is to use three times as much chain as is needed to hit bottom. That extra chain piles up around the anchor and provides added stability.
Still, what if you don't know how deep the water is? Or what if you just make a mistake? The navy has prepared for this by building what is called a "weak link" into their anchor chains.
The weak link is the last link in the chain, and while it's strong enough to hold together in general, it's weak enough to break if the whole weight of the anchor and chain is put on it. The weak link there is as a safety valve. Because it's the very last link, under normal circumstances it never gets played out at all; you always want to have some chain left on the ship.
But, if the anchor is still zooming down full speed at the point where the entire chain runs out, the abrupt jerk will cause that link to snap. Without the safety valve of the weak link, sailors might routinely drop more than their anchors.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
anchor ['æŋkə]


n. 锚,锚状物,依靠,新闻节目主播,压阵队员

valve [vælv]


n. 瓣膜,阀门,电子管,真空管

unlikely [ʌn'laikli]


adj. 不太可能的

stability [stə'biliti]


n. 稳定性,居于修道院

hull [hʌl]


n. (水果、种子等的)壳,船身,船体,[植]花萼 v.

thumb [θʌm]


n. 拇指
v. 翻阅,示意要求搭车

nautical ['nɔ:tikəl]


adj. 海上的,航海的,船员的

cartoon [kɑ:'tu:n]


n. 动画片,漫画
vt. 为 ... 画漫画





