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小故事背诵达人第37期:The Angel

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 15 The Angel
  • 第15单元 天使
  • Suddenly, the bus began to cross the street into oncoming traffic.
  • 公交车突然过马路,转到反向车道,
  • Most of the people on the bus didn't even see what happened because it happened so fast.
  • 一切发生得如此之快,大部分的人都还搞不清楚发生了什么事。
  • I saw though, and it will never leave my mind.
  • 不过我却目睹了一切,且这一幕将令我永难忘怀。
  • The bus driver had to make a decision quickly and he drove the bus,
  • 公交车司机为了闪躲带着两个小孩的年轻母亲,
  • into a truck in order to miss hitting a young mother with her two children.
  • 赶紧转向而撞到卡车。
  • When the bus hit the truck, people was thrown from their seats and I could hear glass being broken.
  • 当公交撞到卡车时,车上的人从座位弹起,玻璃车窗破碎,
  • People were crying and I remember being scared.
  • 所有人都在尖叫,我还记得我当时吓坏了。
  • Finally the bus stopped. The bus had turned onto its side,
  • 终于公交车停了下来,车身倾向一侧,
  • and some of the seats had been pushed together.
  • 有些座位被推挤到一边。
  • Most of the people just looked around with a confused look on their face.
  • 大部分人一脸疑惑的左顾右盼,
  • All except one man. Somehow, he was moving around and helping people.
  • 只有一个人例外,他到处帮助其他人。
  • It was amazing that he seemed to know exactly what to do even though the rest of us were out of it.
  • 令人惊讶的是,他似乎非常清楚要做些什么事,我们其他人则不知所措。
  • He managed to help every person on the bus out of a window and to safety.
  • 他帮助公交车上的人从窗户安全逃出,
  • That man was truly our angel.
  • 就像是一个天使。


Unit 15 The Angel

第15单元 天使

Suddenly, the bus began to cross the street into oncoming traffic. Most of the people on the bus didn't even see what happened because it happened so fast. I saw though, and it will never leave my mind.


The bus driver had to make a decision quickly and he drove the bus into a truck in order to miss hitting a young mother with her two children. When the bus hit the truck, people was thrown from their seats and I could hear glass being broken. People were crying and I remember being scared.


Finally the bus stopped. The bus had turned onto its side, and some of the seats had been pushed together.Most of the people just looked around with a confused look on their face. All except one man. Somehow, he was moving around and helping people.


It was amazing that he seemed to know exactly what to do even though the rest of us were out of it. He managed to help every person on the bus out of a window and to safety. That man was truly our angel.


重点单词   查看全部解释    
decision [di'siʒən]


n. 决定,决策

confused [kən'fju:zd]


adj. 困惑的;混乱的;糊涂的 v. 困惑(confu

except [ik'sept]


vt. 除,除外
prep. & conj.





