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小故事背诵达人第32期:Rainy Day Rose

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 10 Rainy Day Rose
  • 第10单元 雨中的玫瑰
  • It was drizzling outside. I was standing at the bus stop,
  • 外面下着毛毛雨,我站在公交站牌前,
  • when I noticed a woman standing in the rain instead of under the cover.
  • 看着一位女士毫无遮掩地站在雨中。
  • She was clearly upset about something and trying to make a call on her cell phone.
  • 显然为了什么事情不开心。她打手机,
  • She shouted some angry words into the phone then slammed it shut.
  • 对着电话生气地大声说话,然后用力关上手机,
  • The rain couldn't hide her tears.
  • 雨水掩饰不住她的泪水。
  • I had a bouquet of flowers for the host of the dinner party I was going to.
  • 我当时捧了一束花,打算送给我待会要出席的晚宴主人,
  • I plucked out a beautiful red rose and gave it to the woman as she was getting into a taxi.
  • 当那位女士要搭计程车时,我拔了一朵美丽的红玫瑰送给她,
  • Before she closed the door, she said in a weak voice,"Thank you."
  • 她在关车门前,用微弱的声音向我道谢。
  • A few years later, I saw the same woman at a party.
  • 几年后,我在一个宴会上遇到这位女士,
  • I recognized her and introduced myself.
  • 我认出他,并向她自我介绍,
  • I reminded her of the rainy day I gave her a flower.
  • 我向她提到,在一个雨天,我送过她一朵花。
  • She hugged me and said that the rose made her day.
  • 她拥抱我,说那朵玫瑰让她很快乐。
  • She told me that on the day I gave her the flower she had discovered someone had betrayed her,
  • 她告诉我,我送她花的那天,她发现有人背叛她。
  • but the flower reminded her that there are still good people in the world.
  • 可是那朵花提醒她,世界上还是有很多好人。


Unit 10 Rainy Day Rose

第10单元 雨中的玫瑰

It was drizzling outside. I was standing at the bus stop when I noticed a woman standing in the rain instead of under the cover.


She was clearly upset about something and trying to make a call on her cell phone. She shouted some angry words into the phone then slammed it shut. The rain couldn't hide her tears.


I had a bouquet of flowers for the host of the dinner party I was going to. I plucked out a beautiful red rose and gave it to the woman as she was getting into a taxi. Before she closed the door, she said in a weak voice,"Thank you."


A few years later, I saw the same woman at a party. I recognized her and introduced myself. I reminded her of the rainy day I gave her a flower.


She hugged me and said that the rose made her day. She told me that on the day I gave her the flower she had discovered someone had betrayed her, but the flower reminded her that there are still good people in the world.


【美】 Meredith Walker 著 陈怡芬 译


重点单词   查看全部解释    
bouquet [bu'kei]


n. 花束
n. 酒香

cell [sel]


n. 细胞,电池,小组,小房间,单人牢房,(蜂房的)巢室

upset [ʌp'set]


adj. 心烦的,苦恼的,不安的
v. 推翻,





