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  • It is called "The Starving Time".
  • 当时正是"饥荒时期"。
  • Having fed on horses and other animals.we ate boots,shoes and any other leather we came across.
  • 在吃完了马和其它动物之后我们吃掉了靴子,鞋子和其它任何能找到的皮革。
  • Somebody,help!
  • 谁来救救我啊。
  • Three months before Rolfe arrives,a man is burned at the stake for killing his pregnant wife and planning to eat her.
  • 就在罗尔夫到达三个月前有人因杀害自己怀孕的妻子并企图吃尸体而被处以火刑。
  • The English arrive unprepared for this new world and unwilling to perform manual labor.
  • 这些英国人毫无准备地来到了这个新世界并且不愿从事体力劳动。
  • Instead of livestock,they've brought chemical tests for gold that they never find.
  • 他们带来的不是牲畜而是检测黄金的化学试剂,但他们从未找到任何黄金。
  • And this is not their land.
  • 并且这里也不是他们的地盘。
  • They build Jamestownin the middle of a Native American empire.
  • 詹姆斯敦建在一个北美原住民部落领地中间。
  • 60 starving settlers among 20,000 of the Powhatan Nation,armed with bows and arrows that are up to nine times faster to reload and fire than an English musket.
  • 60名食不果腹的移民被2万个波瓦坦族人包围,这些原住民的弓箭要比需要重新装子弹的英国滑膛枪快9倍。
  • They're soon enemies.
  • 双方很快就成了敌人。
  • Only one in ten of the original setters if left.
  • 最初的移民中只有一成活了下来。
  • John Rolfe didn't come up to plunder and leave like the others.
  • 约翰·罗尔夫没有像其他人一样劫掠之后扬长而去。
  • He's got his own plan.
  • 他有自己的计划。
  • There's money in tobacco, and English is addicted.He's arrived with a supply of South American tobacco seeds,but growing it is limited to the Spanish colonies.
  • 烟草的利润很高,并且在英国国内很有市场他带来了一批南美烟草的种子,但当时只有西班牙殖民地出产这种作物。
  • The Spanish control the worldwide trade.
  • 西班牙人因此控制了烟草国际贸易。
  • Selling tobacco seeds to foreigners is punishable by death.
  • 在当时,向外国人出售烟草种子会被处以死刑。
  • But John Rolf has got his hands on some.
  • 但约翰·罗尔夫还是想办法弄到了一些。
  • No one knows how.
  • 没人知道他是怎么做到的。
  • And in the warm,humid climate and fertile soil around the Chesapeake Bay,Rolfe's tobacco crop flourishes.
  • 在切萨皮克湾的暖湿气候和肥沃土地的滋养下罗尔夫的烟草长势喜人。
  • The first large harvest produced by these seeds is worth more than a million dollars in today's money.
  • 这些烟草种子带来的首次大丰收即使放在今天价值也超过一百万美元。
  • The great strength of America is our people.
  • 美国前进的伟大动力就是我们的人民。
  • If you wanna know what it is the defining strength of America,it is our people,our immigrant tradition,our bringing in culture from all over the world.
  • 如果你想知道如何定义美国前进的动力答案就是我们的人民,我们的移民传统我们兼容并蓄的文化。
  • I know what goes into making making success.
  • 我知道成功是怎么回事。
  • And when somebody's really successful, it rarely luck.
  • 真正的成功 很少是运气的因素。
  • It's talent, it's brain power, it is lots of other things.
  • 而是天分、智力还有许多其它的因素。
  • Rolfe marries the daughter of the king of the Powhatan Empire.
  • 罗尔夫娶了波瓦坦部落联盟首领的女儿。
  • Her name become legend-Pocahontas.
  • 她的名字已成为传奇—波卡洪塔斯。

TEXT:It is called "The Starving Time".Having fed on horses and other animals.we ate boots,shoes and any other leather we came across.背景知识:约翰·罗尔夫和烟草的故事(上)
Three months before Rolfe arrives,a man is burned at the stake for killing his pregnant wife and planning to eat her.The English arrive unprepared for this new world and unwilling to perform manual labor.Instead of livestock,they've brought chemical tests for gold that they never find.And this is not their land.They build Jamestownin the middle of a Native American empire.60 starving settlers among 20,000 of the Powhatan Nation,armed with bows and arrows that are up to nine times faster to reload and fire than an English musket.They're soon enemies.Only one in ten of the original setters if left.1609年6月,在从英国前往殖民地弗吉尼亚的航程中,约翰·罗尔夫在一个天堂般的岛上做了一次计划外的、极其重要的中途停留。一场持续四天的风暴重创了许多船只,罗尔夫和他的妻子莎拉所乘的船搁浅在了百慕大群岛的一个岛屿上。第二年,当约100名遇险者建造“耐心号”和“解救号”两艘新船,以完成到詹姆斯敦的剩余航程时,莎拉生下了罗尔夫的女儿——百慕大。1610年5月,罗尔夫抵达詹姆斯敦,而他的妻女却在途中不幸去世。几年后,他为自己的种植园取名“百慕大一百”以纪念他的女儿。一些历史学家相信,在滞留百慕大期间,罗尔夫发现了烟草种子。不管是否真的在那儿获得了烟草种子,罗尔夫到达弗吉尼亚后,确实很快以极大的热情栽培起了各种烟草。仅仅几年间,他便培育出了新的多样化的烟草品种。这些烟草被用船运回英国后大受青睐,为在衰退边缘苦苦挣扎的弗吉尼亚经济打上了一针“强心剂”。罗尔夫通过成功栽培出“绿色黄金”,使这块殖民地快速成了繁荣的商业中心,为农业经济繁荣筑牢了基础,为追逐经济利益的欧洲人在弗吉尼亚扩大投资和殖民规模创造了需求。
John Rolfe didn't come up to plunder and leave like the others.
He's got his own plan.There's money in tobacco, and English is addicted.He's arrived with a supply of South American tobacco seeds,but growing it is limited to the Spanish colonies.“绿色黄金”
The Spanish control the worldwide trade.Selling tobacco seeds to foreigners is punishable by death.But John Rolf has got his hands on some.No one knows how.And in the warm,humid climate and fertile soil around the Chesapeake Bay,Rolfe's tobacco crop flourishes.The first large harvest produced by these seeds is worth more than a million dollars in today's money.The great strength of America is our people.If you wanna know what it is the defining strength of America,it is our people,our immigrant tradition,our bringing in culture from all over the world.I know what goes into making making success.And when somebody's really successful, it rarely luck.It's talent, it's brain power, it is lots of other things.Rolfe marries the daughter of the king of the Powhatan Empire.Her name become legend: Pocahontas.林赛·格雷,是弗吉尼亚亨利克斯历史公园的农业专家。已在亨利克斯历史公园及米德农场博物馆栽培烟草12年的他,能够体会到当年罗尔夫在培植烟草新品种时的种种艰辛。

TEXT:It is called "The Starving Time".Having fed on horses and other animals.we ate boots,shoes and any other leather we came across.
Three months before Rolfe arrives,a man is burned at the stake for killing his pregnant wife and planning to eat her.The English arrive unprepared for this new world and unwilling to perform manual labor.Instead of livestock,they've brought chemical tests for gold that they never find.And this is not their land.They build Jamestownin the middle of a Native American empire.60 starving settlers among 20,000 of the Powhatan Nation,armed with bows and arrows that are up to nine times faster to reload and fire than an English musket.They're soon enemies.Only one in ten of the original setters if left.
John Rolfe didn't come up to plunder and leave like the others.
He's got his own plan.There's money in tobacco, and English is addicted.He's arrived with a supply of South American tobacco seeds,but growing it is limited to the Spanish colonies.
The Spanish control the worldwide trade.Selling tobacco seeds to foreigners is punishable by death.But John Rolf has got his hands on some.No one knows how.And in the warm,humid climate and fertile soil around the Chesapeake Bay,Rolfe's tobacco crop flourishes.The first large harvest produced by these seeds is worth more than a million dollars in today's money.The great strength of America is our people.If you wanna know what it is the defining strength of America,it is our people,our immigrant tradition,our bringing in culture from all over the world.I know what goes into making making success.And when somebody's really successful, it rarely luck.It's talent, it's brain power, it is lots of other things.Rolfe marries the daughter of the king of the Powhatan Empire.Her name become legend: Pocahontas.





重点单词   查看全部解释    
plunder ['plʌndə]


v. 掠夺,抢劫,抢夺 n. 抢夺,掠夺品,战利品

livestock ['laivstɔk]


n. 家畜,牲畜

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

control [kən'trəul]


n. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置
vt. 控制

perform [pə'fɔ:m]


v. 执行,运转,举行,表演

supply [sə'plai]


n. 补给,供给,供应,贮备
vt. 补给,供

legend ['ledʒənd]


n. 传说,传奇

limited ['limitid]


adj. 有限的,被限制的

manual ['mænjuəl]


adj. 手工的,体力的
n. 手册,指南,键

leather ['leðə]


n. 皮革,皮制品
adj. 皮革制的





