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编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • They slipped out of the kitchen and down a narrow passageway to an uneven staircase, which wound its way,zigzagging up through the house.
  • 他们溜出厨房,穿过窄窄的过道,来到一段高低不平的楼梯前。
  • On the third landing, a door stood ajar.
  • 楼梯曲折盘旋,三层的楼梯口有一扇门半开着。
  • Harry just caught sight of a pair of bright brown eyes staring at him before it closed with a snap.
  • 哈利刚瞥见一双明亮的棕色眼睛在盯着他,门就咔哒一声关上了。
  • "Ginny," said Ron. "You don't know how weird it is for her to be this shy.
  • “是金妮,”罗恩说,“你不知道,她这样害羞真是不可思议,
  • She never shuts up normally —"
  • 她平常从来不关门的——”
  • They climbed two more flights until they reached a door with peeling paint and a small plaque on it, sayingronald's room.
  • 他们又爬了两层,来到一扇油漆剥落的房门前,门上有块小牌子写着“罗恩的房间”。
  • Harry stepped in, his head almost touching the sloping ceiling, and blinked.
  • 哈利走了进去,倾斜的天花板几乎碰到了他的头。他觉得有点晃眼,
  • It was like walking into a furnace:
  • 好像走进了一个大火炉,
  • Nearly everything in Ron's room seemed to be a violent shade of orange:
  • 罗恩房里所有的东西看上去都是一种耀眼的橙黄色,
  • the bedspread, the walls, even the ceiling.
  • 床罩、墙壁,甚至天花板。
  • Then Harry realized that Ron had covered nearly every inch of the shabby wallpaper with posters of the same sevenwitches and wizards, all wearing bright orange robes, carrying broomsticks, and waving energetically.
  • 然后哈利发现,原来罗恩把破旧墙纸上的几乎每寸地方都用海报贴住了,所有的海报上都是同样的七位女巫和男巫,穿着一色鲜艳的橙黄色长袍,扛着飞天扫帚,兴高采烈地挥手。
  • "Your Quidditch team?" said Harry.
  • “你的魁地奇球队?”哈利说。
  • "The Chudley Cannons," said Ron, pointing at the orange bedspread, which was emblazoned with two giant blackC's and a speeding cannonball. "Ninth in the league."
  • “查德里火炮队,”罗恩一指橙黄色的床罩,那上面鲜艳地印着两个巨大的字母C,还有一枚疾飞的炮弹,“俱乐部中排名第九。”
  • Ron's school spellbooks were stacked untidily in a corner, next to a pile of comics that all seemed tofeature The Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle.
  • 罗恩的魔法课本零乱地堆在屋角,旁边是一些连环画册,好像都是《疯麻瓜马丁·米格斯历险记》。
  • Ron's magic wand was lying on top of a fish tank full of frog spawn on the windowsill, next to his fat gray rat,Scabbers, who was snoozing in a patch of sun.
  • 罗恩的魔杖搁在窗台上的一口大鱼缸上,缸里养了很多蛙卵。他的灰毛胖老鼠斑斑躺在鱼缸旁的一片阳光里打着呼噜。
  • Harry stepped over a pack of Self-Shuffling playing cards on the floor and looked out of the tiny window.
  • 哈利跨过地板上一副自动洗牌的纸牌,朝小窗外面望去。
  • In the field far below he could see a gang of gnomes sneaking one by one back through the Weasleys' hedge.
  • 他看见在下面的地里,一群地精正在一个接一个地偷偷钻进韦斯莱家的树篱。
  • Then he turned to look at Ron, who was watching him almost nervously, as though waiting for his opinion.
  • 然后他转过身来,发现罗恩正有点紧张地看着他,好像等着他的评价。
  • "It's a bit small," said Ron quickly.
  • “小了点儿,”罗恩急急地说,
  • "Not like that room you had with the Muggles.
  • “比不上你在麻瓜家的那间。
  • And I'm right underneath the ghoul in the attic; he's always banging on the pipes and groaning. . . ."
  • 我上面就是阁楼,里面住着那个食尸鬼,他老是敲管子,哼哼叽叽……”
  • But Harry, grinning widely, said, "This is the best house I've ever been in."
  • 可哈利愉快地笑了,说:“这是我见过的最好的房间。”
  • Ron's ears went pink.
  • 罗恩的耳朵红了。


They slipped out of the kitchen and down a narrow passageway to an uneven staircase, which wound its way,zigzagging up through the house.

On the third landing, a door stood ajar.
Harry just caught sight of a pair of bright brown eyes staring at him before it closed with a snap.
Ginny,” said Ron. “You dont know how weird it is for her to be this shy.
She never shuts up normally —”
They climbed two more flights until they reached a door with peeling paint and a small plaque on it, sayingronalds room.
Harry stepped in, his head almost touching the sloping ceiling, and blinked.
It was like walking into a furnace:
Nearly everything in Rons room seemed to be a violent shade of orange:
the bedspread, the walls, even the ceiling.
Then Harry realized that Ron had covered nearly every inch of the shabby wallpaper with posters of the same sevenwitches and wizards, all wearing bright orange robes, carrying broomsticks, and waving energetically.
Your Quidditch team?” said Harry.
The Chudley Cannons,” said Ron, pointing at the orange bedspread, which was emblazoned with two giant blackCs and a speeding cannonball. “Ninth in the league.”
Rons school spellbooks were stacked untidily in a corner, next to a pile of comics that all seemed tofeature The Adventures of Martin Miggs, the Mad Muggle.
Rons magic wand was lying on top of a fish tank full of frog spawn on the windowsill, next to his fat gray rat,Scabbers, who was snoozing in a patch of sun.
Harry stepped over a pack of Self-Shuffling playing cards on the floor and looked out of the tiny window.
In the field far below he could see a gang of gnomes sneaking one by one back through the Weasleyshedge.
Then he turned to look at Ron, who was watching him almost nervously, as though waiting for his opinion.
Its a bit small,” said Ron quickly.
Not like that room you had with the Muggles.
And Im right underneath the ghoul in the attic; hes always banging on the pipes and groaning. . . .”
But Harry, grinning widely, said, “This is the best house Ive ever been in.”
Rons ears went pink.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
violent ['vaiələnt]


adj. 暴力的,猛烈的,极端的

ceiling ['si:liŋ]


n. 天花板,上限

furnace ['fə:nis]


n. 炉子,熔炉,闷热地带,严峻考验

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

patch [pætʃ]


n. 补丁,小片
vt. 修补,补缀

attic ['ætik]


n. 阁楼

tank [tæŋk]


n. 坦克,箱,罐,槽,贮水池
vt. 把 .

hedge [hedʒ]


n. 树篱,篱笆,障碍,防护物,套期保值,推诿

plaque [plɑ:k]


n. 匾,饰板,名牌,徽章,[医]齿菌斑

staircase ['stɛəkeis]


n. 楼梯


  • 第16期:陋居(6) 2012-06-05
  • 第17期:陋居(7) 2012-06-06
  • 第19期:在丽痕书店(1) 2012-06-08
  • 第20期:在丽痕书店(2) 2012-06-11
  • 第21期:在丽痕书店(3) 2012-06-12
  • 发布评论我来说2句



