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小故事背诵达人第11篇:Amazing pig

编辑:melody   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Unit 11 Amazing Pig
  • 单元 11 惊奇的猪
  • A reporter hears about an amazing pig and goes out to the farm in Arkansas to get the story.
  • 一名记者听闻有条惊人的猪,便前往阿肯色州农场一探究竟。
  • He finds the farmer near the barn and asks him if the rumors about his pig are ture.
  • 他在谷仓附近找到养猪的农夫,问他关于猪的谣言是否属实。
  • "Yep,"says the farmer."The pig started squealing real loud when the house was on fire.
  • “没错。”农夫说:“房子失火时,那条猪尖叫得好大声,
  • He woke us all up and so we all got to safety. otherwise we might have been killed. That's some pig."
  • 我们全部被它吵醒才幸免于难,不然大概全部葬身火窟了。真是条了不起的猪。”
  • "And didn't the pig save your boy from drowning?"asked the reporter.
  • “那条猪是不是也救了你差点淹死的小孩?”记者问道。
  • "Yep, he raced right into the pond and pulled my little boy out by his shirt collar. Saved his life." the farmer says, wiping a tear from his eye.
  • “没错。他冲进水池,叼着我小孩的衬衫衣领把他拉出来救了他一命。”农夫一边说,一边揩着眼角流下的泪水。
  • "Wow, I'd like to see this pig," the reporter says.
  • “哇,真想看看这条猪。”记者说。
  • "Well,come on over here."
  • “可以啊,请这边走。”
  • The farmer leads the reporter over to a nearby pen. There in the mud the reporter sees a pig with a wooden leg.
  • 农夫带着记者来到附近的一个畜栏,记者在一堆泥浆里看到一条装着木腿的猪。
  • "Why does he have a wooden leg?"
  • “为什么它装了木腿?”
  • The farmer replies,"Well, you don't eat a pig like that all at once."
  • 农夫回答:“这个嘛,这种猪你不会马上一次把它吃光的。”


Unit 11 Amazing pig

单元 11 惊人的猪

A reporter hear about an amazing pig and goes out to the farm in Arkansas to get the story. He finds the farmer near teh barn and asks him if the rumors about his pig are ture.

"Yep,"says the farmer."The pig started squealing real loud when the house was on fire. He woke us all up and so we all got to safety. otherwise we might have been killed. That's some pig."
"And didn't the pig save your boy from drowning?"asked the reporter.
"Yep, he raced right into the pond and pulled my little boy by his shirt collar. Saved his life." the farmer says, wipping a tear from his eye.
"Wow, I'd like to see this pig," the reporter says.
"Well,come on over here."
The farmer leads the reporter over to a nearby pen. There in the mud the reporter sees a pig with a wooden leg.
"Why does he have a wooden leg?"
The farmer replies,"Well, you don't eat a pig like that all at once."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
pond [pɔnd]


n. 池塘
v. 筑成池塘

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

collar ['kɔlə]


n. 衣领,项圈,[机]轴环
vt. 抓住,为





