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星火英语四级美文听力第33篇:My Perfect Wife

编辑:Daisy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Passage 33 My Perfect Wife I am a twenty two-year old male, single, and live at home with my parents.
  • At my age, I am always looking for a great girl to be with for the rest of my life.
  • The perfect wife will be different to every man because no two men are looking for the same qualities in a wife.
  • People say that the appearance of a mate should not make any difference, but it is nice to have someone decent looking.
  • The physical aspects of the girl will play an important role in whom I pick for my wife.
  • I think overall, I want a slim figured woman with a pretty face.
  • I am a very energetic person, the type of person that can not just stay home and do nothing.
  • I would want a wife who would want to play a game of tennis or would go running with me.
  • I would want her to be involved with life instead of watching television or reading a book all night.
  • She needs to be energetic, enjoy camping, boating, or just taking a couple of weeks off and traveling.
  • The woman of my dreams must be full of energy and able to cope with everyday happenings.
  • I would also like to have a wife who is well educated.
  • She does not necessarily have to have a four year college degree but should be a girl who knows what is going on in the world.
  • She must be ambitious in her career rather than relying on her husband's income.
  • She needs to be helpful, knowledgeable about financial and practical household matters.
  • My wife must be intelligent enough to make decisions on her own without relying on me.
  • She must be a woman with a brain as well as good looks.
  • There is no doubt that the "perfect wife" is hard to find.
  • I think no two people should be married until they are totally convinced that they are made for each other.


Passage 33 My Perfect Wife
I am a twenty-two-year-old male, single, and live at home with my parents.At my age, I am always looking for a great girl to be with for the rest of my life. The perfect wife will be different to every man because no two men are looking for the same qualities in a wife. People say that the appearance of a mate should not make any difference, but it is nice to have someone decent-looking.The physical aspects of the girl will play an important role in whom I pick for my wife. I think overall, I want a slim-figured woman with a pretty face. I am a very energetic person, the type of person that cannot just stay home and do nothing. I would want a wife who would want to play a game of tennis or would go running with me.
I would want her to be involved with life instead of watching television or reading a book all night. She needs to be energetic, enjoy camping, boating, or just taking a couple of weeks off and traveling. The woman of my dreams must be full of energy and able to cope with everyday happenings. I would also like to have a wife who is well-educated. She does not necessarily have to have a four-year college degree but should be a girl who knows what is going on in the world. She must be ambitious in her career rather than relying on her husband’s income. She needs to be helpful, knowledgeable about financial and practical household matters. My wife must be intelligent enough to make decisions on her own without relying on me. She must be a woman with a brain as well as good looks. There is no doubt that the “perfect wife” is hard to find.I think no two people should be married until they are totally convinced that they are made for each other.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
overall [əuvə'rɔ:l]


adj. 全部的,全体的,一切在内的

intelligent [in'telidʒənt]


adj. 聪明的,智能的

appearance [ə'piərəns]


n. 外表,外貌,出现,出场,露面

mate [meit]


n. 伙伴,配偶,同事
vt. 使 ... 配

convinced [kən'vinst]


adj. 信服的

knowledgeable ['nɔlidʒəbl]


adj. 博学的,有见识的

ambitious [æm'biʃəs]


adj. 有雄心的,有抱负的,野心勃勃的

energetic [.enə'dʒetik]


adj. 精力旺盛的,有力的,能量的





