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13 Where is it?

A Listen . Where do the people want to go? Number the pictures from 1 to 4.

1. WOMAN: Excuse me, where's the supermarket?

MAN: Oh, um, it's on Center Street.

WOMAN: Is it on the corner of First and Center?

MAN: No. It's on Center Street, between the drugstore and the gas station.

2. WOMAN: Can you help me? I'm looking for the movie theater.

MAN: Oh, sure. It's not far from here, on Main Street.

WOMAN: Where on Main Street?

MAN: Let's see... It's across from the department store.

3. MAN: Excuse me . Where 's the bus stop?

WOMAN: Um, it's on the corner of Center Avenue and First Street.

MAN: Is it across from the drugstore?

WOMAN: No, no, it's next to the hotel.

MAN: Next to the hotel. Thanks a lot.

4. WOMAN: Excuse me. I think I'm lost. I need the post office.

MAN: The post office? It's on the corner of Center Avenue and First Street. It's across from the drugstore.

WOMAN: Thanks a lot!

B Listen again. Where are the places? Correct the mistakes.




