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编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Chapter 11
  • 第11章
  • One evening two months later I was sitting in my lab-oratory.Most of my work was done, and I could finish the woman monster that night.
  • 两个月后的一天晚上,我坐在了我的实验室里。我的大部分工作均已完成,那天晚上我就可以完成女怪物的制作工作了。
  • But I wondered if I should finish the work.
  • 但是我不知道是否应该完成这项工作。
  • Was I making a monster more evil than the first creature?Perhaps a thousand times more evil.How could I know?
  • 我是否在造一个比第一个家伙更加邪恶的怪物呢?也许要邪恶一千倍。我怎么知道呢?
  • Perhaps the woman monster would be another murderer.She had not promised to stay away from other people.
  • 也许这个女怪物会成为另一个杀人凶手。她可没有答应要呆在远离旁人的地方。
  • Perhaps the two monsters would hate each other…and would kill, and murder, and destroy… without end.
  • 或许那两个怪物会相互仇恨……并且会没完没了地凶杀、谋害和毁灭……。
  • As I thought these things, I looked up at the window. Suddenly, in the moonlight, I saw the monster's awful face looking at me.
  • 我想这些事时抬头望了望窗户。突然,在月光下我看见那个怪物的恐怖的脸正看着我。
  • And in his yellow eyes I could see only hate and evil.I knew he would not keep his promise.
  • 并且在他那黄色的眼中我只看到了仇恨和邪恶。我知道他是不会遵守诺言的。
  • I went over to the laboratory table where the new creature was lying.I pulled off the wires that joined her to my machine.
  • 我走到那个新的家伙躺着的实验室桌子的旁边。我扯开了连接她和我的机器的电线。
  • I took a sharp knife and cut through the body that I had joined together so carefully.Through the window the monster saw me destroy his woman.
  • 我拿起一把锋利的刀切碎了精心拼揍起来的那个身体。怪物从窗户里看见我毁了他的女人。
  • With a loud and miserable scream of sadness and lost hope, he ran into the laboratory.
  • 于是,随着一声悲伤和失望的、凄惨的吼声,他跑进了实验室。
  • "You have destroyed all my hopes of happiness, "he cried."You have left me with one feeling—hate…and with one wish—to destroy your happiness."
  • “你已经毁灭了我所有的有关幸福的期望,”他哭喊道,“你只给我留下了一种感情——仇恨之感……和一种愿望——毁掉你的幸福的愿望。”
  • "You will be sorry that you were ever born.Remember this:I shall be with you on your wedding night."
  • “你会为你来到这个世界上而后悔的。记住这一点:在你的新婚之夜我会跟你在一起的。”


Chapter 11

One evening two months later I was sitting in my lab-oratory.Most of my work was doneand I could finish the woman monster that night.But I wondered if I should finish the work.
Was I making a monster more evil than the first creaturePerhaps a thousand times more evil.How could I knowPerhaps the woman monster would be another murderer.She had not promised to stay away from other people.Perhaps the two monsters would hate each otherand would killand murder, and destroywithout end.
As I thought these thingsI looked up at the window. Suddenlyin the moonlightI saw the monster's awful face looking at me.And in his yellow eyes I could see only hate and evil.I knew he would not keep his promise.
I went over to the laboratory table where the new creature was lying.I pulled off the wires that joined her to my machine.I took a sharp knife and cut through the body that I had joined together so carefully.Through the window the monster saw me destroy his woman.With a loud and miserable scream of sadness and lost hopehe ran into the laboratory.
"You have destroyed all my hopes of happiness,"he cried."You have left me with one feelinghateand with one wishto destroy your happiness.You will be sorry that you were ever born.Remember thisI shall be with you on your wedding night."

重点单词   查看全部解释    
miserable ['mizərəbl]


adj. 悲惨的,痛苦的,贫乏的

scream [skri:m]


n. 尖叫声
v. 尖叫,大笑





