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  • 6 An adventure with a teatable
  • 6 茶桌历险
  • One day Sapt brought me some news he had found out where the King was.Duke Michael was holding him prisoner somewhere in the Castle of Zenda.
  • 有一天萨普特带来了一个消息——他发现了国王在哪儿。迈克尔公爵把他关在曾达城堡里的什么地方。
  • Sapt also brought me a letter.It was in a woman's handwriting.
  • 萨普特还给我带来了一封信,是一个女人的笔迹。
  • 'To know what you most wish to know, 'the letter began, 'meet me tonight in the garden of the big house in New Avenue.Come at midnight, and come alone.'
  • “要想知道你最想知道的事,”这封信的开头这样写着,“请今晚去新马路大房子的花园见我。半夜12点,一个人来。”
  • There was another note on the back of the letter.'Ask yourself which woman does not want Black Michael to marry the M.'
  • 信封的背面还有一句话:“问问你自己哪个女人不想让黑迈克尔和公主结婚。A.deM.”
  • 'Antoinette de Mauban!'I cried.'She wants to marry the Duke.'
  • “安东纳特·德·莫班!”我叫了起来,“她想嫁给公爵。”
  • 'That's true, 'Sapt said.'But you won't go, of course.They'll kill you!Duke Michael made her write this letter!'
  • “确实如此。”萨普特说,“但是你可不能去。当然不行,他们会杀了你的!是迈克尔公爵让她写这封信的!”
  • 'I must, 'I replied.'Every day we play this game there's more danger.I could make a mistake at any time, and, if I do, we'll all die.Don't you see?I have to go tonight.We can't go on much longer.'
  • “我得去。”我说。“我们玩这场游戏,每过一天,危险就增加一分。我随时可能出错,而一出错我们就都完了。还不明白吗?我今晚必须去。我们没法老这样继续下去。”
  • 'Then I'm coming too, 'said Sapt.
  • “那我也去。”萨普特说。
  • So, at half-past eleven that night, Sapt and I rode out to the house in New Avenue.We left Fritz to watch my room in the palace.The night was dark, so I took a lamp.I also had my revolver and a knife.
  • 于是,那天晚上11点半,萨普特和我骑马去新马路的那所大房子。我们把弗里茨留下来照应我在王宫中的屋子。夜很黑,我带了一盏灯。我还带了我的左轮手枪和一把刀。
  • We soon reached the house, and came to a gate in the wall.I got off my horse.
  • 很快我们来到那所大房子跟前。围墙中间有一座大门,我下了马。
  • 'I'll wait here, 'said Sapt.'If I hear anything, I'll-'
  • “我在这儿等着。”萨普特说,“假如我听见什么动静,我就……”
  • 'Stay where you are!'I answered quickly.'It's the King's only chance.They mustn't kill you too!'
  • “你就在这儿呆着!”我很快地回答,“这是国王唯一的机会。他们不会连你也一块杀的。”
  • 'You're right, 'said Sapt.'Good luck!'
  • “你说得对。”萨普特说,“祝你好运!”
  • Silently, I opened the gate and went into the garden.In front of me I could see the dark shape of a summer-house and I moved towards it.
  • 我静悄悄地开了门,走进花园。我眼前能看见的是一所避暑别墅的昏暗轮廓。我朝它走去。
  • Without a sound, I went up the steps, pushed open the door and went in.A woman hurried over to me and took me by the hand.I turned my lamp on her.She was beautiful.
  • 我悄悄地走上台阶,推门进去。一个女人急步走过来拉住我的手。我用灯照着她,她很美。
  • 'Close the door!'she said.'We must be quick, Mr Rassendyll!Michael made me write the letter-three men are coming to kill you-three of the Six!
  • “关上门!”她说。“我们得快一点,拉森狄尔先生。是迈克尔让我写这封信的,有三个人会来杀你——那六个人中的三个。
  • They'll tell everyone that Sapt and Fritz von Tarlenheim murdered you.Then Michael will make himself King and marry the Princess.
  • 他们会告诉每个人萨普特和弗里茨·冯·塔伦汉姆杀了你。然后迈克尔会登上王位,并且和公主结婚。”
  • 'Antoinette's beautiful eyes were sad as she added softly, 'I can't let him marry her.I love him!'
  • 安冬纳特美丽的眼睛露出悲哀,低声说,“我不能让他娶她,我爱他。”
  • 'But the king, 'I said.'I know he's in the Castle of Zenda -but where?'
  • “我知道国王在曾达的城堡里,”我说,“但他在哪里?”


6 An adventure with a teatable

6 茶桌历险
One day Sapt brought me some news he had found out where the King was.Duke Michael was holding him prisoner somewhere in the Castle of Zenda.
Sapt also brought me a letter.It was in a woman's handwriting.
'To know what you most wish to know,'the letter began,'meet me tonight in the garden of the big house in New Avenue.Come at midnight,and come alone.'
There was another note on the back of the letter.'Ask yourself which woman does not want Black Michael to marry the M.'
'Antoinette de Mauban!'I cried.'She wants to marry the Duke.'
'That's true,'Sapt said.'But you won't go,of course.They'll kill you!Duke Michael made her write this letter!'
'I must,'I replied.'Every day we play this game there's more danger.I could make a mistake at any time,and,if I do,we'll all die.Don't you see?I have to go tonight.We can't go on much longer.'
'Then I'm coming too,'said Sapt.
So,at half-past eleven that night,Sapt and I rode out to the house in New Avenue.We left Fritz to watch my room in the palace.The night was dark,so I took a lamp.I also had my revolver and a knife.
We soon reached the house,and came to a gate in the wall.I got off my horse.
'I'll wait here,'said Sapt.'If I hear anything,I'll-'
'Stay where you are!'I answered quickly.'It's the King's only chance.They mustn't kill you too!'
'You're right,'said Sapt.'Good luck!'
Silently,I opened the gate and went into the garden.In front of me I could see the dark shape of a summer-house and I moved towards it.
Without a sound,I went up the steps,pushed open the door and went in.A woman hurried over to me and took me by the hand.I turned my lamp on her.She was beautiful.
'Close the door!'she said.'We must be quick,Mr Rassendyll!Michael made me write the letter-three men are coming to kill you-three of the Six!
They'll tell everyone that Sapt and Fritz von Tarlenheim murdered you.Then Michael will make himself King and marry the Princess.
'Antoinette's beautiful eyes were sad as she added softly,'I can't let him marry her.I love him!'
'But the king,'I said.'I know he's in the Castle of Zenda -but where?'

重点单词   查看全部解释    
castle ['kɑ:sl]


n. 城堡
v. 置于城堡中,(棋)移动王车易

prisoner ['prizənə]


n. 囚犯

adventure [əd'ventʃə]


n. 冒险,奇遇
vt. 冒险,尝试





