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  • Chapter 3 Finding the secret garden
  • 3 找到秘密花园
  • When Mary woke up two days later,the wind and rain had all disappeared,and the sky was a beautiful blue.
  • 两天后,当玛丽早上醒来时,风住了,雨也停了,天空是一片美丽的蓝色。
  • 'Spring'll be here soon,'said Martha happily.
  • “春天就要来了!”玛莎快活地说道,
  • 'You'll love the moor then,when it's full of flowers and birds.'
  • “那时到处是花儿和小鸟,你会喜欢荒原的。”
  • 'Could I get to the moor?'asked Mary.
  • “我能去荒原吗?”玛丽问。
  • 'You've never done much walking,have you?
  • “你没有走过那么远的路吧,对不对?
  • I don't think you could walk the five miles to our cottage!'
  • 我看你走不了5里路到我们住的小屋去!”
  • 'But I'd like to meet your family,'Mary said.
  • “可是我想见一见你的家人。”玛丽说。
  • Martha looked at the little girl for a moment.
  • 玛莎对着这个小女孩注视了片刻,
  • She remembered how disagreeable Mary had been when she first arrived.
  • 她想起玛丽刚来这儿时是多么的不讨人喜欢,
  • But now,Mary looked interested and friendly.
  • 可是现在,她看上去兴致勃勃的,也很友好。
  • 'I'll ask Mother,'said Martha.'She can always think of a good plan.
  • “我得问问妈妈,”玛莎说,“她总能想出好办法的。
  • She's sensible and hardworking and kind— I know you'll like her.'
  • 她聪明、能干,还很善良,我想你会喜欢她的。”
  • 'I like Dickon,although I've never seen him.'
  • “我喜欢狄肯,虽然我没见过他。”
  • 'I wonder what Dickon will think of you?'
  • “我不知道狄肯会不会喜欢你。”
  • 'He won't like me,'said Mary.'No one does.'
  • “他不会喜欢我的,”玛丽说,“没人喜欢我。”
  • 'But do you like yourself?That's what Mother would ask.'
  • “但是你喜欢自己吗?妈妈会这么问的。”
  • 'No,not really.I've never thought of that.'
  • “不,不知道,我从来没想过。”
  • 'Well,I must go now.It's my day off,so I'm going home to help Mother with the housework.Goodbye,miss.See you tomorrow.'
  • “哦,我得走了,今天是我休息的日子,我得回家帮妈妈做家务,再见,小姐,明天见。”
  • Mary felt lonelier than ever when Martha had gone,so she went outside.
  • 玛莎走后,玛丽觉得更孤单了,于是她走到外面。
  • The sunshine made the gardens look different.
  • 阳光使花园看上去与往日不同,
  • And the change in the weather had even made Ben Weatherstaff easier to talk to.
  • 而且天气的变化似乎让本·威瑟斯塔夫也变得喜欢说话了。
  • 'Can you smell spring in the air?'he asked her.
  • “你能闻到春天的气息吗?”他问玛丽,
  • 'Things are growing,deep down in the ground.
  • “在深深的泥土下面,万物在生长。
  • Soon you'll see little green shoots coming up—young plants,they are.You watch them.'
  • 很快你就会看见绿色的嫩芽长出来——那些幼苗,你会看见它们的。”
  • 'I will' replied Mary.'Oh,there's the robin!'
  • “我会的,”玛丽答道。“噢!知更鸟!”
  • The little bird hopped on to Ben's spade.
  • 小鸟在本的铲子上蹦跳着。
  • 'Are things growing in the garden where he lives?'
  • “它住的园子里生物也在生长么?”
  • 'What garden?'said Ben,in his badtempered voice.
  • “什么园子?”本问道,语气中有些暴躁。
  • 'You know,the secret garden.Are the flowers dead there?'
  • “你知道的,那个秘密花园。那儿的花儿死了吗?”
  • She really wanted to know the answer.
  • 她是真的想知道答案。
  • 'Ask the robin,'said Ben crossly.
  • “问知更鸟吧,”本不耐烦地说,
  • 'He's the only one who's been in there for the last ten years.'
  • “它是唯一在这10年里去过那儿的。”
  • Ten years was a long time,Mary thought.
  • 10年是段很长的时间,玛丽想。
  • She had been born ten years ago.
  • 她是10年前出生的。
  • She walked away,thinking.
  • 她走开了,想着心事。
  • She had begun to like the gardens,and the robin,and Martha and Dickon and their mother.
  • 她已经开始喜欢上园子、知更鸟、玛莎、狄肯、还有他们的母亲。
  • Before she came to Yorkshire,she had not liked anybody.
  • 在她来约克郡之前,她从来也没喜欢过谁。
  • She was walking beside the long wall of the secret garden, when a most wonderful thing happened.
  • 她正在秘密花园长长的围墙外走着,一件惊人的事情发生了。
  • She suddenly realized the robin was following her.
  • 她突然发现知更鸟在跟着她,
  • She felt very pleased and excited by this,and cried out,'You like me,don't you?And I like you too!'
  • 她感到非常高兴,非常激动,她叫道。“你喜欢我,对么?我也喜欢你!”
  • As he hopped along beside her,she hopped and sang too,to show him that she was his friend.
  • 知更鸟一蹦一跳地在她左右,她也一样跳着唱着,告诉知更鸟她是他的朋友。
  • Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground.
  • 这时知更鸟在一个地方停下来,那儿的地上有一个狗挖出来的洞。
  • As Mary looked at the hole,she noticed something almost buried there.
  • 玛丽往洞里看时,发现有个东西埋在里面,
  • She put her hand in and pulled it out.It was an old key.
  • 她伸手进去拣出来,是一把旧钥匙。
  • 'Perhaps it's been buried for ten years,'she whispered to herself.
  • “说不定它已经被埋了10年了,”她低声对自己说。
  • 'Perhaps it's the key to the secret garden!'
  • “说不定这就是秘密花园的钥匙!”
  • She looked at it for a long time.
  • 她拿着钥匙看了很久。
  • How lovely it would be to find the garden,and see what had happened to it in the last ten years!
  • 要是能找到秘密花园,就能看看10年间都发生了些什么变化!
  • She could play in it all by herself,and nobody would know she was there.She put the key safely in her pocket.
  • 她就能一个人在里面玩儿,谁也不知道她在哪儿啦。她把钥匙小心地放进口袋里。
  • The next morning Martha was back at Misselthwaite Manor,and told Mary all about her day with her family.
  • 第二天早晨,玛莎回到庄园,她给玛丽讲述了她一天的情况和她家人的事。
  • 'I really enjoyed myself.
  • “我真高兴,
  • I helped Mother with the whole week's washing and baking.
  • 我帮妈妈把一个星期要洗的东西都洗了,还烤了一个星期要吃的面包。
  • And I told the children about you.
  • 我对孩子们讲起你,
  • They wanted to know about your servants,and the ship that brought you to England,and everything!'
  • 他们都想知道你在印度的仆人们,带你来英国的大船,一切的事情!”
  • 'I can tell you some more for next time,'offered Mary.
  • “下次我会多讲些给你听,”玛丽说,
  • 'They'd like to hear about riding on elephants and camels, wouldn't they?'
  • “他们会喜欢听骑大象和骑骆驼的事,对么?”
  • 'Oh,that would be kind of you,miss!And look,Mother has sent you a present!'
  • “噢,小姐,你真是太好了!对了,看,妈妈送给你的礼物!”
  • 'A present!'repeated Mary.
  • “礼物!”玛丽重复道。
  • How could a family of fourteen hungry people give anyone a present!
  • 一个有着14个挨饿的人的家庭怎么能给人送礼物!
  • 'Mother bought it from a man who came to the door to sell things.
  • “妈妈从上门卖货的人那儿买的。
  • She told me,“Martha,you've brought me your pay,like a good girl,and we need it all,
  • 她告诉我说,'玛莎,你是个好孩子,把工钱都给了我,我们需要用钱,
  • but I'm going to buy something for that lonely child at the Manor,”and she bought one,and here it is!'
  • 不过我要给庄园里那个孤单的孩子买点东西。'于是她就买了一个,瞧,就在这儿!”
  • It was a skippingrope.Mary stared at it.
  • 那是一根跳绳。玛丽瞪大眼睛望着它。
  • 'What is it?'she asked.
  • “这是什么?”她问。
  • 'Don't they have skippingropes in India?Well,this is how you use it.Just watch me.'
  • “在印度没有人跳绳吗?好吧,你得这么用,看着我。”
  • Martha took the rope and ran into the middle of the room. She counted up to a hundred as she skipped.
  • 玛莎拿着绳子跑到房间中央,跳了有100下。
  • 'That looks lovely,'said Mary .'Your mother is very kind.
  • “真好看。”玛丽说道。“你妈妈真好,
  • Do you think I could ever skip like that?'
  • 你觉得我能跳得那么好吗?”
  • 'Just try,'said Martha.'Mother says it'll make you strong and healthy.Skip outside in the fresh air.'
  • “试试看,”玛莎说。“妈妈说它会让你健康又强壮。要在外面新鲜空气中跳。”
  • Mary put her coat on and took the skipping-rope.
  • 玛丽穿上大衣,拿起跳绳,
  • As she was opening the door,she thought of something and turned round.
  • 要去开门的时候她好像想起了什么,又转回来。
  • 'Martha,it was your money really.Thank you.'
  • “玛莎,这其实是花你的钱,谢谢你。”
  • She never thanked people usually and she did not know how to do it.So she held out her hand,because she knew that adults did that.
  • 她平常从来不去感谢别人,也不知道该怎么做。于是她伸出手,因为她知道大人们都那么做。
  • Martha shook her hand and laughed.'You're a strange child,'she said.'Like an old woman!Now run away and play!'
  • 玛莎握住她的手笑起来,说,“你可真是个怪孩子,像个老太婆!现在就到外面玩去吧!”
  • The skippingrope was wonderful.
  • 跳绳真棒,
  • Mary counted and skipped,skipped and counted,until her face was hot and red.
  • 玛丽跳着数着,数着跳着,跳得脸蛋儿又红又热,
  • She was having more fun than she had ever had before.
  • 她从来没有这么快活过。
  • She skipped through the gardens until she found Ben Weatherstaff, who was digging and talking to his robin.
  • 她跳过花园,找到本·威瑟斯塔夫,老人正在挖土,一边跟知更鸟说着话。
  • She wanted them both to see her skip.
  • 她想让他们俩都看她跳绳。
  • 'Well!'said Ben.'You're looking fine and healthy today! Go on skipping.It's good for you.'
  • “哈!你今天看上去不错,很健康,接着跳吧,这对你有好处。”他说。
  • Mary skipped all the way to the secret garden wall.
  • 玛丽一路跳着来到秘密花园的墙外,
  • And there was the robin!He had followed her!Mary was very pleased.
  • 知更鸟也在那儿!它是跟着她来的,玛丽高兴极了。
  • 'You showed me where the key was yesterday,'she laughed.
  • “你昨天告诉了我钥匙在哪儿,”她笑着说道,
  • 'I've got it in my pocket.So you ought to show me the door today!'
  • “我把它放在兜里了,今天你该告诉我门在哪儿啦!”
  • The robin hopped on to an old climbing plant on the wall,and sang his most beautiful song.
  • 知更鸟跳到墙上的一根老藤上,唱起他最动听的歌。
  • Suddenly the wind made the plant move,and Mary saw something under the dark green leaves.
  • 突然,风吹动了藤蔓,玛丽看见了那暗绿色叶子下面的东西。
  • The thick,heavy plant was covering a door.
  • 那沉重粗壮的植物遮掩着一扇门。
  • Mary's heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the keyhole.
  • 玛丽的心跳加快了,当她推开藤蔓,发现钥匙孔时,手都在颤抖。
  • She took the key out of her pocket,and it fitted the hole.
  • 她从兜里掏出钥匙,插进孔中,
  • Using both hands, she managed to unlock the door.
  • 双手一起使劲打开了那道锁,
  • Then she turned round to see if anyone was watching.
  • 然后她转过身看看有没有人看见,
  • But there was no one,so she pushed the door,which opened,slowly,for the first time in ten years.
  • 但是一个人也没有,于是她推动了那扇门。门缓缓地开了,这是10年来第一次。
  • She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her.
  • 她很快走进花园,随手关上了门。
  • At last she was inside the secret garden!
  • 她终于进了这座秘密花园!
  • It was the loveliest,most exciting place she had ever seen.
  • 这是她所见过的最美丽、最令人心动的地方。
  • There were old rose trees everywhere,and the walls were covered with climbing roses.
  • 眼前全是生长多年的玫瑰,墙也被蔓生的玫瑰盖住了。
  • She looked carefully at the grey branches.
  • 她细细地端详那灰色的枝条,
  • Were the roses still alive?Ben would know.
  • 那些玫瑰还活着吗?本一定知道。
  • She hoped they weren't all dead.But she was inside the wonderful garden,in a world of her own.
  • 她希望它们都没死。可她是在这座奇妙的花园的里面,在一个属于她的世界里。
  • It seemed very strange and silent,but she did not feel lonely at all.
  • 这里陌生寂静,可她一点也不觉得孤单。
  • Then she noticed some small green shoots coming up through the grass.
  • 这时,她一眼注意到一些从草地上冒出来的小小的绿芽,
  • So something was growing in the garden after all!
  • 花园总算有东西在生长!
  • When she found a lot more shoots in different places,she decided they needed more air and light,so she began to pull out the thick grass around them.
  • 当她在其他地方又看到更多的嫩芽时,她想它们一定需要更多的空气和阳光,于是开始拔掉它们周围浓密的杂草。
  • She worked away,clearing the ground,for two or three hours,and had to take her coat off because she got so hot.
  • 她埋头干着,清理着地面,一直忙活了两三个小时,而且已经脱掉了大衣,因为她实在是太热了。
  • The robin hopped around,pleased to see someone gardening.
  • 知更鸟在四周跳着,看到有人整理这个花园它很高兴。
  • She almost forgot about lunch,and when she arrived back in her room,she was very hungry and ate twice as much as usual.
  • 她几乎忘了去吃午饭,当她回到房间时觉得饿极了,吃掉了平常两顿饭的东西。
  • 'Martha,'she said as she was eating,'I've been thinking.
  • “玛莎,”她一边吃一边说道,“我一直在想,
  • This is a big,lonely house,and there isn't much for me to do.
  • 这么一座孤零零的大房子里,我实在没什么可干。
  • Do you think,if I buy a little spade,I can make my own garden?'
  • 你觉得,如果我买把小铲子,造一座自己的花园怎么样?”
  • 'That's just what Mother said,'replied Martha.
  • “妈妈就是这么说的,”玛莎回答。
  • 'You'd enjoy digging and watching plants growing.
  • “你会喜欢挖土,然后看着植物长起来的。
  • Dickon can get you a spade,and some seeds to plant,if you like.'
  • 要是你愿意,狄肯能给你弄一把铲子,还能给你些花籽。”
  • 'Oh,thank you,Martha! I've got some money that Mrs Medlock gave me.Will you write and ask Dickon to buy them for me?'
  • “哦,太感谢你啦,玛莎!梅洛太太给了我些钱,你能给狄肯写封信,让他给我买吗?”
  • 'I will.And he'll bring them to you himself.'
  • “我会写的,他会自己给你送来。”
  • 'Oh!Then I'll see him.'Mary looked very excited.Then she remembered something.
  • “哦!那我就能见到他了,”玛丽显得很兴奋。接着她又想起了什么,
  • 'I heard that cry in the house again,Martha.
  • “我又听见房子里的哭声了,玛莎,
  • It wasn't the wind this time.I've heard it three times now.Who is it?'
  • 这次不是风,我都听到过3次了,那是谁呀?”
  • Martha looked uncomfortable.'You mustn't go wandering around the house,you know.
  • 玛莎看上去有些为难,“你看,你不能在房子里乱走,
  • Mr Craven wouldn't like it.Now I must go and help the others downstairs.I'll see you at teatime.'
  • 克莱文先生不喜欢这样。我这会儿得下楼去给别人帮忙了,喝茶的时候见。”
  • As the door closed behind Martha,Mary thought to herself, 'This really is the strangest house that anyone ever lived in.'
  • 玛莎关上门出去了,玛丽独自想着,“这可是人们住过的最奇怪的房子。”


3 Finding the secret garden

3 找到秘密花园

When Mary woke up two days laterthe wind and rain had all disappearedand the sky was a beautiful blue


'Spring'll be here soon'said Martha happily


'You'll love the moor thenwhen it's full of flowers and birds'


'Could I get to the moor'asked Mary


'You've never done much walkinghave you


I don't think you could walk the five miles to our cottage'


'But I'd like to meet your family'Mary said


Martha looked at the little girl for a moment


She remembered how disagreeable Mary had been when she first arrived


But nowMary looked interested and friendly


'I'll ask Mother'said Martha'She can always think of a good plan


She's sensible and hardworking and kindI know you'll like her'


'I like Dickonalthough I've never seen him'


'I wonder what Dickon will think of you'


'He won't like me'said Mary'No one does'


'But do you like yourselfThat's what Mother would ask'


'Nonot reallyI've never thought of that'


'WellI must go nowIt's my day offso I'm going home to help Mother with the houseworkGoodbyemissSee you tomorrow'


Mary felt lonelier than ever when Martha had goneso she went outside


The sunshine made the gardens look different


And the change in the weather had even made Ben Weatherstaff easier to talk to


'Can you smell spring in the air'he asked her


'Things are growingdeep down in the ground


Soon you'll see little green shoots coming upyoung plantsthey areYou watch them'


'I will' replied Mary'Ohthere's the robin'


The little bird hopped on to Ben's spade


'Are things growing in the garden where he lives'


'What garden'said Benin his badtempered voice


'You knowthe secret gardenAre the flowers dead there'


She really wanted to know the answer


'Ask the robin'said Ben crossly


'He's the only one who's been in there for the last ten years'


Ten years was a long timeMary thought


She had been born ten years ago


She walked awaythinking


She had begun to like the gardensand the robinand Martha and Dickon and their mother


Before she came to Yorkshireshe had not liked anybody


She was walking beside the long wall of the secret gardenwhen a most wonderful thing happened


She suddenly realized the robin was following her


She felt very pleased and excited by thisand cried out'You like medon't youAnd I like you too'


As he hopped along beside hershe hopped and sang tooto show him that she was his friend


Just then he stopped at a place where a dog had dug a hole in the ground


As Mary looked at the holeshe noticed something almost buried there


She put her hand in and pulled it outIt was an old key


'Perhaps it's been buried for ten years'she whispered to herself


'Perhaps it's the key to the secret garden'


She looked at it for a long time


How lovely it would be to find the gardenand see what had happened to it in the last ten years


She could play in it all by herselfand nobody would know she was thereShe put the key safely in her pocket


The next morning Martha was back at Misselthwaite Manorand told Mary all about her day with her family


'I really enjoyed myself


I helped Mother with the whole week's washing and baking


And I told the children about you


They wanted to know about your servantsand the ship that brought you to Englandand everything'


'I can tell you some more for next time'offered Mary


'They'd like to hear about riding on elephants and camelswouldn't they'


'Ohthat would be kind of youmissAnd lookMother has sent you a present'


'A present'repeated Mary


How could a family of fourteen hungry people give anyone a present


'Mother bought it from a man who came to the door to sell things


She told me,“Marthayou've brought me your paylike a good girland we need it all


but I'm going to buy something for that lonely child at the Manor,”and she bought oneand here it is'


It was a skippingropeMary stared at it


'What is it'she asked


'Don't they have skippingropes in IndiaWellthis is how you use itJust watch me'


Martha took the rope and ran into the middle of the roomShe counted up to a hundred as she skipped


'That looks lovely'said Mary'Your mother is very kind


Do you think I could ever skip like that'


'Just try'said Martha'Mother says it'll make you strong and healthySkip outside in the fresh air'


Mary put her coat on and took the skipping-rope


As she was opening the doorshe thought of something and turned round


'Marthait was your money reallyThank you'


She never thanked people usually and she did not know how to do itSo she held out her handbecause she knew that adults did that


Martha shook her hand and laughed'You're a strange child'she said'Like an old womanNow run away and play'


The skippingrope was wonderful


Mary counted and skippedskipped and counteduntil her face was hot and red


She was having more fun than she had ever had before


She skipped through the gardens until she found Ben Weatherstaffwho was digging and talking to his robin


She wanted them both to see her skip


'Well'said Ben'You're looking fine and healthy todayGo on skippingIt's good for you'


Mary skipped all the way to the secret garden wall


And there was the robinHe had followed herMary was very pleased


'You showed me where the key was yesterday'she laughed


'I've got it in my pocketSo you ought to show me the door today'


The robin hopped on to an old climbing plant on the walland sang his most beautiful song


Suddenly the wind made the plant moveand Mary saw something under the dark green leaves


The thickheavy plant was covering a door


Mary's heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the keyhole


She took the key out of her pocketand it fitted the hole


Using both handsshe managed to unlock the door


Then she turned round to see if anyone was watching


But there was no oneso she pushed the doorwhich openedslowlyfor the first time in ten years


She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her


At last she was inside the secret garden


It was the loveliestmost exciting place she had ever seen


There were old rose trees everywhereand the walls were covered with climbing roses


She looked carefully at the grey branches


Were the roses still aliveBen would know


She hoped they weren't all deadBut she was inside the wonderful gardenin a world of her own


It seemed very strange and silentbut she did not feel lonely at all


Then she noticed some small green shoots coming up through the grass


So something was growing in the garden after all


When she found a lot more shoots in different placesshe decided they needed more air and lightso she began to pull out the thick grass around them


She worked awayclearing the groundfor two or three hoursand had to take her coat off because she got so hot


The robin hopped aroundpleased to see someone gardening


She almost forgot about lunchand when she arrived back in her roomshe was very hungry and ate twice as much as usual


'Martha'she said as she was eating'I've been thinking


This is a biglonely houseand there isn't much for me to do


Do you thinkif I buy a little spadeI can make my own garden'


'That's just what Mother said'replied Martha


'You'd enjoy digging and watching plants growing


Dickon can get you a spadeand some seeds to plantif you like'


'Ohthank youMarthaI've got some money that Mrs Medlock gave meWill you write and ask Dickon to buy them for me'


'I willAnd he'll bring them to you himself'


'OhThen I'll see him'Mary looked very excitedThen she remembered something


'I heard that cry in the house againMartha


It wasn't the wind this timeI've heard it three times nowWho is it'


Martha looked uncomfortable'You mustn't go wandering around the houseyou know


Mr Craven wouldn't like itNow I must go and help the others downstairsI'll see you at teatime'


As the door closed behind MarthaMary thought to herself'This really is the strangest house that anyone ever lived in'


重点单词   查看全部解释    
counted [kaunt]


vt. 计算;认为 vi. 计数;有价值 n. 计数;计

keyhole ['ki:həul]


n. 钥匙孔 adj. 内幕的

disagreeable [.disə'griəbl]


adj. 不愉快的,厌恶的,不为人喜的

covering ['kʌvəriŋ]


n. 覆盖物,遮避物 adj. 掩护的,掩盖的

sensible ['sensəbl]


adj. 可察觉的,意识到的,实用的
n. 可

craven ['kreivən]


adj. 懦弱的,畏缩的 n. 懦夫

skip [skip]


v. 跳过,略过,遗漏
n. 跳跃,跳读

uncomfortable [ʌn'kʌmftəbl]


adj. 不舒服的,不自在的





