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创新国际英语教程Book 1 Unit 7:School and studying

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  • !unit 7 School and studying
  • 2 Talking about university
  • So what do you do,Jane? Are you working or studying or what?
  • I'm doing business management at the London Business School,actually.
  • Oh right.That sounds good.What year are you in?
  • My third,unfortunately.I've got my finals in the spring.
  • I'm really worried about them.
  • Yes,I can imagine.So what're you going to do when you graduate?
  • Have you decided yet?
  • Yes,I'm going to take a year off and go travelling a bit
  • and then I'm going to try to get onto a Master's course somewhere.
  • Oh yes?What in?
  • International finance.
  • Wow.Have you applied anywhere yet?
  • Not yet,but there's a course in Leeds I'm very interested in.
  • Leeds? I've heard it's got a very good reputation.
  • What do you need to do to get in?
  • Well,obviously,I need to get a good grade and then I have to go for an interview.
  • Oh right.Well,good luck.
  • Thanks.I'll need it.Anyway,Lee,what about you?What do you do?
  • I'm doing a one-year art course at my local college
  • and I'd like to do art history at university next year.
  • Oh right.Have you applied anywhere yet?
  • Yes,I have,actually.I've applied to Goldsmith's College
  • and they've offered me a place if I pass the course I'm doing at the moment.
  • Oh wow! That's great.Congratulations!
  • I've heard it's got a really good reputation as well.
  • Thanks,yes,they do-especially for arts subjects.
  • I'm worried about how I'll be able to live in London,though.
  • I've heard it's very expensive.
  • Yes,it is,believe me!
  • I'm going to work through the summer and try to save some money,
  • but I guess I'll have to find a part-time job next year as well.
  • Yes,probably.
  • 3 Using grammar:going to
  • My son,Danny,is in his second year at university studying computing.
  • He's not enjoying it. He tells me it's boring and too hard.
  • He says he has to go to too many lectures,
  • and he doesn't really have enough time to do the essays and projects he has to write.
  • He wants to drop out and apply to do American studies at a different university,
  • but I say he shouldn't.
  • Last night we had a big argument about it while we were having dinner.
  • 'You don't understand.It was different when you went to university!'
  • he shouted and then he left the house.
  • Actually,I really do understand
  • and he is right to say things were different when I went to university.
  • Twenty-five years ago,being a student in Britain was really easy.
  • We didn't have to pay anything to study at university.
  • It was completely free.
  • In fact,when I went to university the government actually GAVE me money.
  • And I mean,gave.
  • I got a grant of over two thousand pounds
  • (which was a lot of money in those days)
  • and I was free to spend it,and I never had to pay any of it back at all.
  • Nowadays,lots of students(or their parents!)
  • have to pay two or three thousand pounds for their course.
  • They also have to pay for food,somewhere to live,books,bills and everything else.
  • The government gives you a loan,
  • which you then have to pay back after you graduate.
  • Most people have to get a part-time job while they're studying.
  • I used to work in the summer holidays,
  • but I didn't have to get a job during term-time,
  • so I could just concentrate on studying.
  • I say concentrate on studying,
  • but actually a lot of the time we just sat around and chatted to each other,
  • watched French films,read books,
  • went on demonstrations or went to parties.
  • I only had to go to ten hours of lectures each week,
  • so I had lots of time to write my essays and do everything else I wanted to do.
  • And of course,almost all students lived away from home.
  • We had a lot of freedom-
  • we didn't have to worry about coming home late or bringing friends home,
  • because our parents weren't there.It was fun and easy.
  • I just chose the course I wanted to do,which was politics and history.
  • I don't think you can do that now.
  • I know Danny really wants to do American studies,
  • and I'm sure it'd be interesting,
  • but who would give him a job when he finishes his degree?
  • I went travelling ofr six months after I graduated
  • because it was easy to find work.
  • I got a job in banking very quickly,
  • but he'll have to pay back the money he's borrowed.
  • So he needs to get a job which pays good money straight after graduating.
  • That's why I want him do do his computing degree.
  • It'll be better for him in the end.
  • 2 While you listen
  • OK.Let's go through the answers to Exercise 2,then.
  • What did you get for Number 1? Anyone?
  • Hi.Morning,Miss.Morning everyone.
  • Morning? It's nearly ten o'clock,Adam.
  • Yes,like I said...good moring.
  • And that's it? Aren't you going to apologise or explain why you're late...again?
  • Oh,that.Yes,OK.Sorry...I'm late because my alarm clock didn't go off,OK?
  • Right!It's not the first time that's happened,is it!
  • If I were you,I'd buy myself another one.
  • And make sure this one works...Anyway,open your book.
  • We're on Page 62.Please,Miss.
  • Yes,Adam.What is it this time?
  • Could you open the window? It's really hot in here.
  • It's making me feel sleepy.
  • OK,OK.Sherry,you're the nearest.Could you just open the window there,please?
  • Yes,OK.There.Is that all right?
  • Yes,great.Thanks.Right,OK.Page 62.
  • Exercise 2.What did you get for Number 1?
  • Sorry,Miss.I did do my homework,but I forgot to bring my books with me.
  • I was in such a hurry to get here after I woke up late.
  • Well,why don't you just share with the person next to you,Adam? OK?
  • Ahmed...could you just let Adam share your book,please?
  • Thanks.RIGHT...Number 1-at last! It's B.
  • Yes,good.OK,And Number 2?(sound of mobile phone)Whose mobile it that?
  • Hello? Oh,hi.How are you?Yes,I'm fine.I'm good.
  • Listen,wait a minute...
  • sorry,Miss,but is OK if I just answer this? It's important.
  • Adam,you know the rules.You're not allowed to use mobiles in the classroom.
  • I know.I'm sorry,I really am...but it's really really important.
  • Is it OK if I just answer it?
  • I'll only be one minute.It won't happen again,I promise
  • OK,OK,answer it if you have to,
  • but could you just go outside while you're talking.
  • And you've only got one minute!...
  • Ok,where were we? I've forgotten what we were doing.
  • Number 2.
  • Oh,thanks.Yes,Number 2.Anyone?
  • 4 Asking for permission


unit 7 School and studying
2 Talking about university
So what do you do,Jane? Are you working or studying or what?
I'm doing business management at the London Business School,actually.
Oh right.That sounds good.What year are you in?
My third,unfortunately.I've got my finals in the spring.
I'm really worried about them.
Yes,I can imagine.So what're you going to do when you graduate?
Have you decided yet?
Yes,I'm going to take a year off and go travelling a bit
and then I'm going to try to get onto a Master's course somewhere.
Oh yes?What in?
International finance.
Wow.Have you applied anywhere yet?
Not yet,but there's a course in Leeds I'm very interested in.
Leeds? I've heard it's got a very good reputation.
What do you need to do to get in?
Well,obviously,I need to get a good grade and then I have to go for an interview.
Oh right.Well,good luck.
Thanks.I'll need it.Anyway,Lee,what about you?What do you do?
I'm doing a one-year art course at my local college
and I'd like to do art history at university next year.
Oh right.Have you applied anywhere yet?
Yes,I have,actually.I've applied to Goldsmith's College
and they've offered me a place if I pass the course I'm doing at the moment.
Oh wow! That's great.Congratulations!
I've heard it's got a really good reputation as well.
Thanks,yes,they do-especially for arts subjects.
I'm worried about how I'll be able to live in London,though.
I've heard it's very expensive.
Yes,it is,believe me!
I'm going to work through the summer and try to save some money,
but I guess I'll have to find a part-time job next year as well.
3 Using grammar:going to
My son,Danny,is in his second year at university studying computing.
He's not enjoying it. He tells me it's boring and too hard.
He says he has to go to too many lectures,
and he doesn't really have enough time to do the essays and projects he has to write.
He wants to drop out and apply to do American studies at a different university,
but I say he shouldn't.
Last night we had a big argument about it while we were having dinner.
'You don't understand.It was different when you went to university!'
he shouted and then he left the house.
Actually,I really do understand
and he is right to say things were different when I went to university.
Twenty-five years ago,being a student in Britain was really easy.
We didn't have to pay anything to study at university.
It was completely free.
In fact,when I went to university the government actually GAVE me money.
And I mean,gave.
I got a grant of over two thousand pounds
(which was a lot of money in those days)
and I was free to spend it,and I never had to pay any of it back at all.
Nowadays,lots of students(or their parents!)
have to pay two or three thousand pounds for their course.
They also have to pay for food,somewhere to live,books,bills and everything else.
The government gives you a loan,
which you then have to pay back after you graduate.
Most people have to get a part-time job while they're studying.
I used to work in the summer holidays,
but I didn't have to get a job during term-time,
so I could just concentrate on studying.
I say concentrate on studying,
but actually a lot of the time we just sat around and chatted to each other,
watched French films,read books,
went on demonstrations or went to parties.
I only had to go to ten hours of lectures each week,
so I had lots of time to write my essays and do everything else I wanted to do.
And of course,almost all students lived away from home.
We had a lot of freedom-
we didn't have to worry about coming home late or bringing friends home,
because our parents weren't there.It was fun and easy.
I just chose the course I wanted to do,which was politics and history.
I don't think you can do that now.
I know Danny really wants to do American studies,
and I'm sure it'd be interesting,
but who would give him a job when he finishes his degree?
I went travelling ofr six months after I graduated
because it was easy to find work.
I got a job in banking very quickly,
but he'll have to pay back the money he's borrowed.
So he needs to get a job which pays good money straight after graduating.
That's why I want him do do his computing degree.
It'll be better for him in the end.
2 While you listen
OK.Let's go through the answers to Exercise 2,then.
What did you get for Number 1? Anyone?
Hi.Morning,Miss.Morning everyone.
Morning? It's nearly ten o'clock,Adam.
Yes,like I said...good moring.
And that's it? Aren't you going to apologise or explain why you're late...again?
Oh,that.Yes,OK.Sorry...I'm late because my alarm clock didn't go off,OK?
Right!It's not the first time that's happened,is it!
If I were you,I'd buy myself another one.
And make sure this one works...Anyway,open your book.
We're on Page 62.Please,Miss.
Yes,Adam.What is it this time?
Could you open the window? It's really hot in here.
It's making me feel sleepy.
OK,OK.Sherry,you're the nearest.Could you just open the window there,please?
Yes,OK.There.Is that all right?
Yes,great.Thanks.Right,OK.Page 62.
Exercise 2.What did you get for Number 1?
Sorry,Miss.I did do my homework,but I forgot to bring my books with me.
I was in such a hurry to get here after I woke up late.
Well,why don't you just share with the person next to you,Adam? OK?
Ahmed...could you just let Adam share your book,please?
Thanks.RIGHT...Number 1-at last! It's B.
Yes,good.OK,And Number 2?(sound of mobile phone)Whose mobile it that?
Hello? Oh,hi.How are you?Yes,I'm fine.I'm good.
Listen,wait a minute...
sorry,Miss,but is OK if I just answer this? It's important.
Adam,you know the rules.You're not allowed to use mobiles in the classroom.
I know.I'm sorry,I really am...but it's really really important.
Is it OK if I just answer it?
I'll only be one minute.It won't happen again,I promise
OK,OK,answer it if you have to,
but could you just go outside while you're talking.
And you've only got one minute!...
Ok,where were we? I've forgotten what we were doing.
Number 2.
Oh,thanks.Yes,Number 2.Anyone?
4 Asking for permission

重点单词   查看全部解释    
reputation [.repju'teiʃən]


n. 声誉,好名声

loan [ləun]


n. 贷款,借出,债权人
v. 借,供应货款,

interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

understand [.ʌndə'stænd]


vt. 理解,懂,听说,获悉,将 ... 理解为,认为<

concentrate ['kɔnsntreit]


v. 集中,专心,浓缩
n. 浓缩物

boring ['bɔ:riŋ]


adj. 令人厌烦的

grant [grɑ:nt]


n. 授予物,补助金; 同意,给予
n. 财产

permission [pə'miʃən]


n. 同意,许可,允许





