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编辑:Wendy   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


We went to Scotland the next day,first by plane,then by train.Greta Ross travelled with us.

I looked out of the train window and saw fields and villages and mountains.‘Mum is right,’I thought.‘Scotland is a very beautiful place.’
‘You're going to be my husband's secretary,’Greta Ross told my mother He's a businessman,but he never leaves the island.He does all his work by telephone and letter and computer.He invests money in companies, all over the world.’
‘Do many people live on the island?’I asked.
‘Not many,'said Greta Ross.‘You'll meet them soon.’
‘Greta Ross is young,’I thought.‘Is her husband young,too? How can a young man buy an island?Is he very rich?’
After the train, we went on Mr Ross's boat, which took us out to the island. The boatman was a young man. He had dark hair and was brown from the sun.
‘This is Tony, said Greta Ross.‘He works for Mr Ross.’
‘Hi,'said Tony.
Soon we were near the island.I could see the beaches and the cliffs. The boat slowed down.
‘There are dangerous rocks around the island,’explained Tony.‘A lot of them are under the water and you can't see them.I have to be careful.But the rocks keep other boats away,and that pleases Mr Ross.’
‘Why?’I asked.
Tony looked at Greta Ross but she wasn't listening.‘Mr Ross doesn't like visitors to the island,'tony said in a quiet voice.
Then Greta Ross looked at us and Tony said no more.
‘Why doesn't Mr Ross like visitors?’I thought.‘Has he something to hide?’
When we arrived on the island, my mother and I followed Greta up to the house.It was very big and there were trees all around it.
A woman was waiting inside the house.
‘This is Mrs Duncan,Tony's mother,'said Greta.‘She's the housekeeper and her husband is the gardener.Mrs Duncan will take you up to your rooms. I'm going to tell Mr Ross you've arrived.’
The housekeeper was a little woman with short hair. She went up the stairs,and my mother and I went after her.
My room was next to my mother's.I looked out of the win dow and saw the garden at the back of the house.A man was working in the garden,near some trees.‘Is that Mr Duncan?’I thought.I looked between the trees and saw the sea.‘It's a beautiful house and a beautiful island.’
That evening,we had dinner with Mr and Mrs Duncan and Tony.We ate in the big kitchen.
‘What happened to Mr Ross's last secretary?’asked my mother.
‘She's in hospital,'replied Mrs Duncan.‘She's going to be away all summer.’
‘Isn't Mrs Ross lonely here?’I said.
‘No,'said Mrs Duncan.‘She likes painting a lot.She has a room upstairs and goes there to paint.She's very good.Sometimes she goes to different places on the island to paint pictures.’

重点单词   查看全部解释    
kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间

plane [plein]


adj. 平的,与飞机有关的
n. 飞机,水平





