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许国璋英语上册 第25课(b)

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Lesson 25b
How many continents are there in the world?What are their names?
There are seven.They are:Asia,Africa,North America,
South America,Europe,Oceania and Antarctica.
There are seven.They are:Asia,Africa,North America,
South America,Europe,Oceania and Antarctica.
Which continent is the largest and which is the smallest?
Asia is the largest and Oceania is the smallest.
How is Europe compared with Asia in the text?
Europe is only one fourth the size of Asia.
It's so much smaller than Asia,
that some geographers regard Europe as a peninsula of Asia.
Europe is only one fourth the size of Asia.
It's so much smaller than Asia,
that some geographers regard Europe as a peninsula of Asia.
What forms the dividing line
between Europe and Asia according to many geographers?
What forms the dividing line
between Europe and Asia according to many geographers?
The Ural Mountains forms the dividing line between Europe and Asia.
What do all geographers agree?
They all agree that Asia was once linked to North America.
What do geographers say about the ancestors of American Indians?
They say that the ancestors of American Indians were Asians.
30000 years ago,they went across the land bridge and settle down in new homes.
They say that the ancestors of American Indians were Asians.
30000 years ago,they went across the land bridge and settle down in new homes.
What canal separates Africa from Asia? When was it cut?
The Suez Canal separates Africa from Asia.It was cut in 1869.
What is the name for the highest mountains in the world
and how high is the peak?
What is the name for the highest mountains in the world
and how high is the peak?
The Himalaya Mountains.The peak is over 8,848 meters above sea level.
What makes the climbing of the peak so difficult?
The air is very thin and the weather is uncertain.
Can you explain why people take great pride in getting to that peak?
Yes,I think I can.As the climbing is so difficult,it calls for great courage.
What are the three great religions of the world?
And what places did they originate from respectively?
What are the three great religions of the world?
And what places did they originate from respectively?
They are:Buddhism,Christianity and Islam.
Buddhism originated from India,
Christianity from Palestine and Islam from Arabia.
They are:Buddhism,Christianity and Islam.
Buddhism originated from India,
Christianity from Palestine and Islam from Arabia.
How often do the Asian Games meet?
The Asian Games meet every four years.
What is the task for most of the Asian countries today?
Their task is to catch up in science and technology.
important more important most important
clever cleverer,more clever cleverest,most clever
narrow /narrower/narrowest
hard harder hardest
fast faster fastest
carefully more carefully most carefully
often more often most often
good/better/best well/better/best
many/more/most much/more/most
He is three years older than I am.
This book is more interesting than that one.
She plays the piano better than I thought.
It rains more often in summer than in autumn.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
canal [kə'næl]


n. 运河,沟渠,气管,食管
vt. 建运河,

pride [praid]


n. 自豪,骄傲,引以自豪的东西,自尊心

peninsula [pi'ninsjulə]


n. 半岛

uncertain [ʌn'sə:tn]


adj. 不确定的

settle ['setl]


v. 安顿,解决,定居
n. 有背的长凳

originate [ə'ridʒineit]


vt. 发起
vi. 开始


关键字: 许国璋 英语 上册




