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许国璋英语上册 第18课(b)

来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet

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Lesson 18b
What do you find on our library door?
We find two big signs.
What does one of signs say?
It says: No Smoking No Littering
What is the other sign about?
It is about the Library Hours.
What are the students doing at 8 o'clock on Monday morning.
They are waiting for the library to open.
The library is aways quiet ,isn't it?
Yes,it is.Even on very busy days.
We must obey library rules,mustn't we?
Yes,we must.
Can we smoke in the library?
No,we can't.
We can't borrow any books from the library one without a library card,can we?
No,we can't.
What shall we do if we don't know the call number of book?
We may ask the librarian for help.
-It's time to clean our room.We must do a good job.
-Yes, we must.Let me clean the windows.
I can do windows very quickly.
-All right.Then I'll sweep the floor.
Yang Ling can dust the desks and chairs
and Wu Ying will take care of the radiators.
-Those pictures are rather old.
Let's take them down and put up some new ones
-That's a good idea.
Notes to the dialogue
In this dialogue,two students are talking about cleaning their room.
They are discussing which cleaning job they will each do.
It's time to clean our room.
It's time to do sth.
It's time for sth.
It's time to have a break.
It's time for dinner
do a good job
Do a good job in the interview.
I can do windows very quickly.
She does the kitchen and bathroom everyday.
Who is going to do the dishes?
She wants to do her face before the party.
take care of
take care of the radiators
Take care of yourself.
You must take care of your eyes.
Let him take care of the garden.
I will take care of that letter.
Let's take them down and put up some new ones.
take down
take down the pictures
take the pictures down
take them down
put up
He is going to put up a new plan.
Put up your hands.
Let's put up a tent here.
Can you put me up for tonight?
GRAMMAR some any
body one thing
Some of us are good at singing.
That must be some one from the sales department.
I have something to show you.
Somebody is knocking at the door.
Something is wrong with the computer.
Why don't you ask something else?
I don't want to miss some of the lectures
I don't like any of these pictures.
Is there anybody to help me?
Please let me know if you need anything.
Anyone can do it.
Anything will do.
not any
There is nobody in the room.
No one knows the answer.
Nothing happens.
One never knows what may happen.
One must obey the law.
Do some exercises.somebody someone nobody anybody
_____will come to help up.
Has _____ an Eglish-Chinese dictionary?No,______ has one.
If _____ has any questions he can discuss them with the reporter.
Is there __ in the room?No,__ is there.Everybody is in the college labrary.
something nothing anything
Is there ___ important on that page?Yes,there is ___ very important.
Have you ___ more to say? No,I have ___ more to say.
I want to get ___ to read.Can you think of ___ ?

重点单词   查看全部解释    
interview ['intəvju:]


n. 接见,会见,面试,面谈
vt. 接见,采

tent [tent]


n. 帐篷
v. 住帐篷,宿营

kitchen ['kitʃin]


n. 厨房,(全套)炊具,灶间


关键字: 许国璋 英语 上册




