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许国璋英语上册 第8课

来源:可可英语 编辑:kahn   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


Is your home in Shanghai?Yes,it is.
Is your father a worker?No,he isn't.He is a teacher,he teach physics
Is your mother a doctor?
No,she isn't.She works in a nursery.
She teaches children sing and speak clearly.
Have you any brothers and sisters?
Yes,I have a brother and sister.
Are they at school?
Yes,they are.
Are you a student?
Yes,I am,I'm in my first year at college.
near hear tear appear
bare care there square
poor tour sure usually
please bleed place blaze
pride bride prick brick
clash glad class glass
crane grain crab gram
This is our classroom.
There is a blackboard in our classroom.
There are two doors and four windows in it.
There are many desks and chairs.
There are some pictures on the wall
There is a wall calendar near the windows.
And there is a TV set near the blackboard.
Part Two Is there a map on the wall?
Yes,there is.
Is there a clock on the wall?
No,there isn't.
Are there many desks and chairs in the room?
Yes,there are.
Are there any tables in the room?
No,there aren't.
There is a blackboard in our classroom.
There are two doors and four windows in it.
There isn't any book on the desk.
There aren't any pictures on the wall.
Is there a book on the desk?
Are there any pictures on the wall?
on the wall in the room
Our Class
Part three Our Class
There are six classes in Grade One
We are in Class Five
Our class is not very big.
There are fifteen students in it.
Among them there are seven boys and eight girls.
Liu Yang is our monitor and he is from Shanghai.
We work very hard.
We help each other.
There are fifteen students in it.
Among them there are seven boys and eight girls.
He is from Shanghai. to be from...
I am from Britain.
He is from China.
We help each other.
learn from each other
my your
his her its
our you’re their

重点单词   查看全部解释    
calendar ['kæləndə]


n. 日历,月历,日程表
vt. 把 ...

tear [tiə]


n. 眼泪,(撕破的)洞或裂缝,撕扯

crab [kræb]


n. 蟹
v. 捕蟹,使横行





