电影学口语 Lesson 37:[Antz]Talk sb to death
电影学口语 Lesson 37:[Antz]Talk sb to death 【精彩片断】剪辑自《Antz》The ant: -oh, Don’t worry, I’m okay.The princess: -you? You’re okay? Hey, who cares about you?-I almost died hereThe ant: -wil2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 36:[Antz]Meet the right person
电影学口语 Lesson 36:[Antz]Meet the right person【精彩片断】剪辑自《Antz》A man: Two aphid beers.The ant1: Why’d I have to be born a worker? You soldiers get all the glory, plus you get to go out in2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 35:[Antz]Be not good at showing
电影学口语 Lesson 35:[Antz]Be not good at showing it【精彩片断】剪辑自《Antz》The princess: we don’t seem to have anything in common. The guy’s a stiff.The queen: Yes, darling. I know the general m2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 34:[埃及王子]You have my leave to go
电影学口语 Lesson 34:[埃及王子]You have my leave to go精彩片段节选自《埃及王子》(The prince of Egypt)Moses: Father, the fault is mine. I goaded Rameses on, and so I am responsible.Father: Hmm, Respon2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 33:[怪物史瑞克]Oh,pick me!
电影学口语 Lesson 33:[怪物史瑞克]Oh,pick me!【精彩片断】剪辑自《Shrek》怪物史瑞克Shrek: Who knows where this Farquad guy is?Donkey: Oh, I do .I know where he is.Shrek: Does anyone else know where to2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 32:[怪物史瑞克]I'll stick with you
电影学口语 Lesson 32:[怪物史瑞克]I'll stick with you【精彩片断】剪辑自《Shrek》怪物史瑞克Donkey: Can I say something to you? Listen, you was really, really something back there. Incredible!Shrek: Ar2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 31:[玩具总动员]A Real Buzz Lightyear?
电影学口语 Lesson 31:[玩具总动员]A Real Buzz Lightyear?【精彩片断】剪辑自《Toy Story》1 玩具总动员Woody: Listen, Light Snack, you stay away from Andy. He’s mine, and no one is taking himaway from me2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 30:[玩具总动员]A child's plaything
电影学口语 Lesson 30:[玩具总动员]A child’s plaything【精彩片断】剪辑自《Toy Story》玩具总动员Sheriff: Shut up.Just shut up, you idiot!Buzz Lightyear: Sheriff, this is no time to panic.Sheriff:This i2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 29:[白雪公主]I will be the cheerleader
电影学口语 Lesson 29:[白雪公主]I will be the cheerleader【精彩片断】剪辑自《Snow White》白雪公主K.P : Ron, turn down the drama and eat.Ron: Not hungry.Ron: What am I gonna do, K.P?K.P : Well, let us2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 28:[白雪公主]Have a bite
电影学口语 Lesson 28:[白雪公主]Have a bite【精彩片断】剪辑自《Snow White》白雪公主Witch: All alone, my pet?Snow White: Why, why, yes, I am. But---Witch: The ,the little men are not here?Snow White: N2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 27:[白雪公主]Take her far into the f
电影学口语 Lesson 27:[白雪公主]Take her far into the forest【精彩片断】剪辑自《Snow White》白雪公主Queen: Take her far into the forest. Find some secluded(隐蔽的) place where she can pick wildflowers2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 26:[白雪公主]Who is the fairest one
电影学口语 Lesson 26:[白雪公主]Who is the fairest one of all?【精彩片断】剪辑自《Snow White》白雪公主Queen: Slave in the Magic Mirror, come from the farthest space. Through wind and darkness, I summo2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 25:[风中奇缘II]Bring her to the hunt
电影学口语 Lesson 25:[风中奇缘II]Bring her to the hunt ball【精彩片断】剪辑自《Pocahontas II》风中奇缘IIRolfe: Sire(陛下), I gave these people your word you would meet. Are we not honor-bound—Ratcli2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 24:[风中奇缘]What if?
电影学口语 Lesson 24:[风中奇缘]What if?【精彩片断】剪辑自《Pocahontas》风中奇缘Pocahontas: Grandmother willow, I need to speak with you.Grandmother willow: Is that my Pocahontas? My,what is it,child?2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
电影学口语 Lesson 23:[风中奇缘]You will understand
电影学口语 Lesson 23:[风中奇缘]You will understand【精彩片断】剪辑自《Pocahontas》风中奇缘Willow: Now, child, you were saying.Pocahontas: Well, I am running through the woods. And then, right there i2006-04-21 编辑:alex 标签:
第976期:生活实用对话 到底要不要结婚?!
A: Man, I'm freaking out. You go -
第977期:生活实用对话 装修房子Decor
Can you hold the end of this tape me - 3

