Coco: I probably have to shorten my lunch break or cut some rest time to keep up with the deadlines.
Melanie: Don't do that baby! Your rest time and buffer time are inherent parts of your work day!
Coco: Buffer time is not a real thing. They don't need to be scheduled in your day. It literally takes a second to switch from one tab to another.
Melanie: That's what you think! But actually, there are many steps. You gotta review your finished task, close it, find the new task, open it, and think about what needs to be done and what is the order of doing it. While you are about to start, you may have a water break or a bathroom break. Then you see a new email and decide to get on to that... All of this may not take 10 minutes but it's definitely not a second.
Coco: Okay now you list all of them out I see what you mean.
1.Shorten v. 缩短
例:To save time, I will shorten my presentation.
2.Buffer time 缓冲时间
例:We added some buffer time in case the meeting runs longer.
3.Inherent adj. 固有的,天然的
例:Her inherent talent for music was evident from a young age.
4.Tab n. 电脑页面
例:I opened a new tab in my web browser to search for information.
5.Water break 喝水时间
例:After an hour of intense exercise, we took a water break.
6.Bathroom break 厕所时间
例:During the long road trip, we stopped for a bathroom break.